Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 678: Brutal

The space black hole in front of the evil monk is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that after swallowing those skeleton soldiers, he has received some kind of supply. The black hole that can only consume dozens of skeleton soldiers at a time has almost doubled. Now every time. Can swallow hundreds of skeleton soldiers.

The cold, dead breath in that black hole also became more intense.

The sword aura that the silver-haired man radiated from the silver hair became more fierce and sharp, and even made the skeletons feel fear and anxiety.

The evil bone old man also became more and more courageous in the battle, and the black thunder on the ancient flag had turned into a huge thunder claw, each time it hits dozens of skeleton soldiers directly.

Ling Xuan was very special. At this time, the witch seemed to have completely settled down, sitting cross-legged on the ground motionless, and even the aura exuding from her body became weak.

However, the sword intent of the invisible sword lingering around her was even sharper and sharper.

After a series of fighting, Chu Chen changed the way of fighting, even flapping its wings lazily flapping. It often waited until more and more skeleton soldiers gathered around, and then violently closed its wings, the flash of silver light seemed to shine instantly. A scorching sun erupted in the void.

Often the skeleton soldiers within a few hundred meters of radius would be completely destroyed under such a blow, and become ashes, and the speed of killing skeleton soldiers far exceeded everyone.

All the monks who saw this scene involuntarily skipped a look of admiration.

To be honest, it is so enviable to have such a powerful and perverted strange bird pet, this is simply an invincible thug!

Compared with the ease of these powerhouses, Lan Xuan and Xiong Tiangang could obviously feel a little strenuous, and the blue ice sword and meteor hammer were not as smooth as before.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, there were more and more skeleton soldiers gathered around the body of the mysterious blood-clothed youth, and even the densely stacked skeleton soldiers were stacked several layers. A huge wind pressure completely confined these skeleton soldiers in place.

Everyone couldn't tell whether the blood-clothed youth was struggling, but it was obvious that he was simply imprisoning these skeleton soldiers without killing them. The method was very dangerous.

Once the number of skeleton soldiers is so large that they break free from the surrounding wind pressure, then the skeleton army that collapsed completely will drown them in an instant.

Is he playing with fire, or is he incapable of destroying the skeleton soldiers?

There was a little more doubt in everyone's mind!

In this way, another half hour passed, and accompanied by a huge low roar, the skeleton soldiers who came forward and followed the endless slaughter like the ocean tide suddenly shook their figures.

In the next moment, in the surprised eyes of everyone, these skeleton soldiers faded a little from under their feet, and finally turned into a faint blue light spot and disappeared.

This is a strange picture, the endless silhouettes of skeleton soldiers faint and disappear, letting everyone breathe a long sigh of relief.

These skeleton soldiers have limited combat power and no offensive power, but their victory lies in the fact that there are too many, endless as if the tide is endless.

At this time, all the skeleton soldiers disappeared, and everyone felt the pressure on their bodies lightened.

At this time, most of the people looked as usual, only Lan Xuan and Xiong Tiangang looked out of breath, as if they had consumed a lot of spiritual power.

The cultivation base of these two people is the weakest among the people, and it is obviously more difficult to kill for more than an hour.

At the moment, most of the people are seizing the time to molest, hoping to replenish the lost spiritual power in the shortest time.

The blue-eyed boy looked around with a bitter expression and sighed a long sigh: "The first floor is so hard, this is over. There are 18 floors in the Hell Book Tower... , It seems that this time is destined to die in this tower!"

The blue-eyed boy had always been cowardly, and at this moment a desperate mood filled his heart.

Seeing Xiong Tiangang patted him on the shoulder, he burst into laughter with a heroic look: "What's the matter! Since there is no way to get back, we will fight to the end! The man is in the world, but he is worthy of it." heart!"

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Xiong Tiangang one after another, and there was a flash of light in their eyes.

After resting in the same place for about two hours, the huge copper plate that had disappeared and covered an area of ​​more than a thousand feet suddenly appeared under his feet again.

At the same time, a thick darkness spread from all directions, and the entire space became dark again, sinking downward.

This time it didn't take long to fall. After only half an hour, blood-red rays of light burst out, covering the entire space.

In the dazzling blood, everyone's pupils shrank severely.

In front of them, a strong bull-headed giant with a height of more than ten feet, knotted muscles, and unmatched standing proudly.

These bull-headed giants are holding a large black hammer in their left hand, and a bronze tower shield that is as thick as a door panel in their right hand, emitting a wild and domineering aura from all over their bodies.

With a cry of exclamation, Lan Xuan, the weakest cultivation base and the least courageous among the crowd, was the closest to the bull head giants.

It seemed that someone had sensed the intrusion. A blazing blood flashed across the eyes of the nearest bull head giant. With a slight wave of the huge hammer in his hand, he immediately smashed towards Lan Xuan with great momentum. under!

In the critical moment, Lan Xuan also showed his own characteristics beyond the level.

With a wave of both palms, a huge light blue ice shield suddenly formed on top of his head. The hammer hit the ice shield and suddenly burst into a loud noise~www.ltnovel.com~ The light blue freezing gas spread up, instantly freezing the entire body of the giant bull's head.

In the next moment, a faint blue ice sword was condensed on Lan Xuan's right hand, like a poisonous snake, shooting towards the throat of the giant bull's head.

A dazzling blue electric light flashed across the void, and when the blue ice sword was retracted again, a jet of black blood spewed out instantly, and the huge figure of the bull head giant crashed down.

The Xiong Tiangang beside him was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and he almost clapped his hands.

To be honest, Lan Xuan's cultivation is relatively weak, but his own combat consciousness is very strong.

Although the one block and one stab at the crisis just now seemed simple, the timing was extremely precise, which was amazing!

It was just that Xiong Tiangang who was about to high-five the applause, but saw that Lan Xuan, who had killed the Bull Head Monster, didn't have the slightest joy on his face. Instead, his face turned white with a fierce blood flowing out of his nostrils.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Tiangang's heart was violent!

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