Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 793: Super sweep

In fact, in the previous trial process, there were people who wanted to gather a large group of people to break into the valley to collect elixir, but most of them were due to uneven distribution of benefits, the inability of everyone to coordinate, and the inability to effectively twist the power of everyone into one. Cause and fail.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually did this reading now...he has such a great personality charm? ?

boom! !

The spiritual power of the valley is vertical and horizontal, and hundreds of spiritual powers converged into a mighty river of spiritual power, directly blasting thirteen huge angry apes far away, and many students shouted excitedly, and instantly swarmed to one. On the huge ancient tree, began to frantically collect the rare fifth-order elixir purple jade ganoderma.

In just a few breaths, more than 30 rare purple jade ganoderma has been collected.

The bald instructor who saw this scene turned dark, and the painful poor student passed out!

Purple jade ganoderma is the second-order elixir of the fifth-order elixir. Its greatest function is to greatly nourish the spirit and consciousness of the monk. It is the rarest elixir that can repair the origin of the monk’s soul. It is almost precious. It can be compared to a general elixir.

These thirty-odd purple jade Ganoderma lucidum is one of the treasures of this stormy valley. Even though some elders and instructors of the medicine palace dare not collect them at will, they must be careful to leave the roots for preservation, but now they are all searched by this group of students. ! !

"Tutor, they collected all the purple jade ganoderma lucidum group! There are only three purple jade ganoderma lucidum elixir groups in the entire valley, they actually collected one!"

"It's not good, the teacher, they rushed towards the direction of the Bitterheart Bitter Lotus. There are more than 70 plants on the Bitterheart Bitter Lotus. If they are rushed over, I am afraid that none of them can be kept!"

"Oh my God! Blood Jade Poria, Mandarin Duck Fantasy Phoenix Flower, Purple Jade Ganoderma... Instructor, the total number of Tier 5 elixir collected by this group of people has almost exceeded the total number of elixir collected by everyone in the previous trials!!"


A cry of exclamation sounded throughout the surveillance hall, and the entire hall was in chaos.

At first, they didn't pay much attention to the group of people in Stormwind Valley. Once they looked closely at their movements, they found that the group of people collecting Tier 5 elixir was so easy and free, this scene made all the monitoring disciples panicked.

"Teacher, what should I do, they really rushed towards the direction of the Bitter Lotus, do you want to stop it?"

"Teacher, that piece of Bitter Lotus is the biggest medicine field of Bitter Lotus!"

With a cry of exclamation, the bald tutor looked solemn, and his one-eyed narrowed a narrow slit slightly, staring at the monitor screen.

Just when the bald tutor couldn't help but want to give the order to stop, he saw that the gray-clothed young man who was rushing towards the gathering place of the Fallen Bitter Lotus suddenly waved his hand and stopped suddenly.

"Everyone, we are already three thousand feet deep into the Valley of Stormwind."

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Chen looked at the harvested and cheerful students in front of him, and waved his hand with a smile, "I promised to take you more than a thousand meters, this goal has been far exceeded. Now you every Everyone has collected at least five Tier 5 elixir! I am afraid this trip to collect elixir will stop."

"What, does this stop?"

"Why stop, let's go deeper!"

"We will follow you anyway, as long as you go deep into the valley, we will follow you directly!"

"Yes, there are so many elixir here, it's a pity to go back now!"


A student with a still-unfinished name boiled over for a while, and I have to say that everyone has tasted great benefits during the time following Chu Chen, and everyone knows that following Chu Chen will definitely not suffer.

Seeing the scene of crowds of people, Chu Chen winked slightly at Shen Qian. And Shen Qian, this girl is really a good-looking girl, and she quickly understood what he meant.

I saw Shen Qian waved at the crowd and smiled sweetly.

"My classmates, within three thousand meters of Stormwind Valley, that's the area where the elite angry apes gather. If you want to enter it, your original rewards must be insufficient. If you want to go deeper, you have to pay again... …The cost is at least five Tier 5 elixir per person."

"Fifth-tier elixir? OK!!"

Although Shen Qian’s price was a bit scary, but after fully realizing the benefits of following Chu Chen, these students were also very courageous. At the moment, many people agreed to pay the elixir.

Following Chu Chen's "mopping up" such a meal, most of these students collected five Tier 5 elixir, but they were able to pay the cost on the spot.

Only a few students who were very lucky, slow in their hands and feet, and too late to compete, could not come up with enough elixir, and had to leave the stage sadly.

After everyone turned in the elixir, only a dozen people left the team, and there were more than 80 people left. Seeing more than 80 students looking at him with excitement and expectation, Chu Chen groaned for a moment, and then began to direct everyone to form small formations.

Every twelve people are arranged in a group of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and the entire seven groups of Heavenly Arrays will then form a huge Seven-Star Array. This is how all the students are arranged.

According to Chu Chen's estimate, if a single elite angry ape attacked, then the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Heavenly Formation formed by twelve students would be enough to deal with it.

And once it encounters an attack by the three elite angry apes, then all the students need to unite to form the Seven Stars Sky Formation and strangle together.

In this way, the seven groups of Tiantian formations can be separated from each other and combined with endless changes~www.ltnovel.com~, coupled with Chu Chen taking care of them, is enough to deal with the attacks of the elite angry apes.

"What, put me into the first group of the sky array?"

After Chu Chen arranged all the student formations, Shen Qian stared at Chu Chen with wide eyes, his pretty face was full of surprise, "I want to go to the first group of the sky formation? go with?"

"Hehe...If you don't go, will you be able to cope with the attacks of a large group of elite angry apes?" Chu Chen smiled slightly, "Don't worry, after you enter the first group, you will be meaningless to become a Dutian. The heart of the array is very safe."

"But..." the girl slightly cocked her lips, and asked a little bit unconvinced, "You are obviously the only one who receives the money. Why do you let me work hard when forming a team?"

"The elixir you receive will definitely be given to you! Don't you also need elixir for your pill quest."

Chu Chen smiled and rubbed the girl's hair, "Okay, the elite angry ape is much better than the ordinary angry ape. It is also very difficult to take care of this group of students. If you don't enter the capital, I will be distracted. Taking care of you will be very hard."

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