Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 889: Mystery of Forbidden Land

"Where is the relic forbidden area?" Tang Rou raised her eyebrows slightly.

"There are many kinds of legends about the forbidden area. It is the most mysterious place in the entire ancient medicine palace and even the entire medicine palace." Shen Hou bowed his head and rubbed the sun.

"There are many legends about it. Some people say that the forbidden area is the origin of the ancient medicine palace, and it contains the earth-shattering secret treasures left by the first ancestors of the medicine palace. Some people say that the forbidden area is a blockade, suppressing the ancient monsters. Some people say that the forbidden area is the place where the bones of the masters of the ancient medicine palace are buried, so it contains the immortal spirits of the former sages of the medicine palace. Some people even say that the forbidden area is related to the death of the ancient medicine palace and contains some great secrets. ."

"It's just that no matter what the forbidden area is, this is an area that is absolutely forbidden for any disciples of the Medicine Palace. The Medicine Palace has clear regulations. Any disciple who enters the forbidden area for any reason... kills without pardon!


Tang Rou's pupils widened sharply, but in a moment they turned into a resolute look.

She only exhaled a long breath, as if she was about to exhale all the anxiety and all the worries in her chest: "Anyway, since Chu Chen has already gone in, let's go in too."

"Let's go." Shen Hou read the head, "but we have to be very careful, this forbidden land is a relic of ancient times, and God knows what is still hidden inside."

One foot stepped into the black door, and an endless black appeared in the horizon.

This is a black forest, with towering giant trees standing proudly, exuding the ancient taste of the vicissitudes of life.

These giant trees are pitch black. The trunks are black, the branches are black, and the leaves are black. The whole body shimmers with a cold metallic luster like it is carved from black steel.

The appearance of these huge ancient trees is very peculiar: a straight trunk stands proudly in the sky, and the trunk is not bent at all, just like a spear. The surrounding leaves are also needle-shaped, with branches and leaves that resemble pine trees, but they are more upright and handsome than pine trees.

As soon as they entered this strange black forest, the hearts of Shen Hou and Tang Rou both felt a jump: They felt an extremely sharp aura in the void, like countless sharp spears pointing straight at them. same. The sharp sensation on their faces even made their skin feel a slight tingling.

This kind of sharp aura is innumerable and endless. If you look closely, you can find that those ancient trees that look like spears actually possess incomparable evil spirits, and a tree seems like a vast battlefield.

In the faint, you can see countless soldiers of the Iron Horse and Jin Ge fighting frantically, with evil spirits rushing into the sky, and spears, the strong evil spirit and murderous intent can almost pierce the sky!

This... what kind of forest is this? It seems to contain countless battlefields. Is this a burial ground for the strong?

The expressions of Shen Hou and Tang Rou turned pale in an instant. The murderous aura was really amazing. Compared with the vast and endless battlefield, the two of them were as small as ants... It was a battle full of life and death. The world is an endless killing field for Shura! !

"Don't look at the giant black trees. This ancient tree should be a special product of ancient times. It can temper people's resistance to murder and evil spirits. This kind of thing is not currently available to us, and it is far beyond our bottom line of resistance. "Shen Hou's face paled slightly, "If you look at those ancient trees for a long time, you may lose your spiritual sense and completely lose your mind!"

"En, I know." Tang Rou read the head and shifted her gaze to other places. As a result, the endless evil spirit became much weaker.

It's just that after Tang Rou flew on the black ground for a while, her complexion suddenly became ugly.

"What's the matter?" Shen Hou turned his head and glanced at Tang Rou.

"Oh, I...I can't feel the soul mark imprinted by Chu Chen!" Tang Rou closed her eyes slightly and felt it for a moment. A pretty face lost all the blood for a while, "Since I came in. After that, I couldn’t sense it anymore, my spiritual sense had been urged to its limit, and I couldn’t feel the flame breath after reading it..."

The two seem to be lost in this black ancient giant forest!

At this time, Tang Rou's expression swept across a look of despair. If they couldn't sense the road signs left by Chu Chen in this forbidden area, the two would be equivalent to headless flies running around. Any effect!

Shen Hou also fell silent. He lowered his head slightly, and thoughts were running wildly in his mind, and he could clearly see the beads of perspiration on his forehead.

"What shall we do next?" Tang Rou bit her lip slightly, her face pale as if she was coated with a layer of cream.

"Let’s retreat along the same path first..." After pondering for a long time, Shen Hou sighed helplessly, "This forbidden area is too evil. Without the signpost left by Chu Chen, it would be easy to fall into it with our strength. Certain desperate situations..."

"But... but we can't leave Chu Chen here alone."

Tang Rou's face turned pale again, "Looking at the situation here, there should be no medicine palace instructor who has chased him. It is very likely that Chu Chen is facing Gu Haoran himself. If this is the case, then he is in danger. ."

"We can't leave him here alone." Shen Hou read the head, and a sense of depression appeared on his face, "but we have already lost his presence at this time. Without a sign, we would never know where he was. ~www.ltnovel.com~ If you go in blindly again, you will just lose your life in vain, and you will lose more than you gain."

Tang Rou's complexion fell silent for a moment, and after a little thought for a moment, Tang Rou finally gritted her teeth, and her figure flew towards the depths of the forbidden ground again.

"Stupid girl..." Shen Hou shook his head helplessly, and finally raised his spiritual power to chase Tang Rou again.

The silhouettes of the two flying by were quickly swallowed by this huge black ancient forest, like two small flat boats, sailing into the boundless vast sea!

As the two of them gradually entered the depths of the forbidden area, the overwhelming evil aura surrounding the void became more and more intense.

In addition, the towering old trees around them that looked like spears were getting taller and taller, and in the end they even seemed to be like ancient divine spears that rose to the sky, exuding endless aura.

Some giant trees are even as big as a mountain!

Each spear-like old tree is like a vast battlefield. Walking through this forest, Tang, Ruan and Shen Hou feel as if they have passed through the endless battlefield space.

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