Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 943: What a big splash

Liu Xuan saw the center of the animal pen at a glance. The black donkey was lying on the ground with drooping ears. After dragging the rope a few times, it seemed that he couldn't get up.

Obviously Liu Xuan would not know that Wangcai was digesting the last force of the ocean, so he had no plans to move on his own.

Liu Xuan found it strange that the donkey had no idea what was wrong, and his appetite was amazing.

It can eat all the food, fruits, elixir, and dried meat allotted in the animal pen. Even the special food will be eaten.

But after eating so many things, the donkey not only didn't get any better, on the contrary, it looked thinner. Now the black donkey has become skinny and skinny, and there is no meat on it.

"Wang Lun, on Friday, you two carry it out. Remember to wrap your palms with cloth strips. I'm afraid this donkey has some plagues and strange diseases, so don't be infected." Liu Xuan waved. Waving his hand, he exhorted a few words specifically.

When the two little servants heard the words, they quickly took a strip of burlap and wrapped them around their hands and wrapped them in thick gray robes. They came to the black donkey one after another and planned to carry it away.

Only in the next moment, the expressions of these two people changed slightly: they couldn't lift it at all!

The black donkey now looks like a bone shelf covered with a layer of skin, which looks like a few hundred jins of Le Duo.

But when the two of them really lifted it, they found that the donkey was really heavy and scary, and with their power, they couldn't even move it!

"What's the matter, you two have not eaten enough, or are all your strength used on the woman, and you can't lift a donkey?" Liu Xuan waved helplessly, "Yu Wei, Zhao Hua, you two Go up too."

Another two young men took the cloth strips of the robe from the side and put them on. They hurried forward to lift the black donkey. The four of them worked together until they were flushed and sweaty, but found that they still couldn't lift it up. .

Are you kidding me?

Obviously it was just a skinny donkey, but it seemed to be heavier than a hill, and it was incredible.

Liu Xuan felt that he was going crazy. You must know that their little servants in these steel buildings are not comparable to the handymen in the world.

Here you can often meet the super powers of the Lingquan realm and even the Lingxi realm.

Once these uncles are served, they may be able to reward some elixir, spirit wine, etc. when they are happy.

Taking these elixir for many years, even if these little servants don't have any systematic cultivation techniques, each one is extremely powerful, and a few people lift heavy objects without any effort.

Not to mention such a thin donkey, under the combined efforts of these four small servants, even a furnace tripod made of a whole piece of perishable steel can be easily lifted.

But at this time, the four of them were at a loss, with big eyes and small eyes, all the power of milking was used, and it was useless.

What strange disease does this donkey have? Is this again?

The youngest servant cried.

The donkey was clearly not struggling or uncooperative, but he couldn't lift it at all.

Soon, the four of them were sweating profusely, and they just moved the donkey's body slightly.

In the end, Liu Xuan really had no choice but to let everyone around him go, and under the concerted efforts of eight small servants, he was struggling to walk, panting and finally lifted the black and thin donkey.

And that donkey also seemed to know that his time limit was approaching, he was very gentle, and his body didn't struggle to read at all, which saved everyone a lot of effort.

"Come on, it's coming soon."

"Hold on, we can also pull the heavy anchor, there is nothing scary about a donkey."

"It's almost here!"

When the eight people struggled to carry the black donkey from the animal pen to the deck, many people turned their heads and looked at them, and they didn't have much interest in seeing these people dealing with a dead donkey.

But seeing the eight people working together and constantly shouting, trying to throw the black donkey out of the fence.

All of them were blushing, their eyes were about to burst out, but they failed several times.

The number of onlookers continued to increase, and the eight small servants were even more embarrassed. They roared together, and finally threw the donkey over the guardrail into the sea with difficulty.

The eight people also collapsed directly on the deck, and the monks on the side sighed that these little servants were really useless, and they couldn't lift a thin donkey, so embarrassing.


With a loud splash, the black donkey fell into the sea.

The waves rolled, the white foam was turbulent, and the dying donkey seemed to react suddenly in the chaotic current, opened his eyes violently, and began to thump violently in the waves.

Just letting its four hooves move, it can't stop the tendency of the body to fall. "Oh...Don't blame us for being cruel, blame you for following the wrong master."

Seeing the appearance of a black donkey, Liu Xuanyou sighed quietly, standing on the side of the ship, "He is so trash, so how can he take care of you. You drowned like this, which is considered a relief from early reading. "


The donkey flopped vigorously a few times, and finally slowly sank into the bottom of the sea, and the sea was calm.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xuan couldn't help but shook his head: "I followed the wrong owner. It's pitiful, sad, pity, sigh!"

He felt compassion for the poor black donkey and kept shaking his head and sighing, but he didn't see that the prosperous wealth that sank to the bottom of the sea was sinking rapidly, suddenly rising from the surface of his body. The ink black light.

The black light is rich, pure and deep.

In this pure black brilliance, the black donkey's body surface began to show amazing changes.

The hair on his body began to fade, revealing the black scales on his body.

The scales are now spreading toward its limbs and head at a speed visible to the naked eye~www.ltnovel.com~ The head covered by the scales has gradually elongated, and the lips have split to reveal sword-like husks. The teeth and forehead bulged high and quickly turned into a mighty black dragon head!

The dragon's head looks mighty, with dense fangs, and its eyes are extremely ferocious.

It's just that the two raised bulges on that head haven't completely transformed into horns.

Dragon without horns is called Jiaolong, without claws is called Panlong, and with wings is called Yinglong.

At this time, what Wangcai turned into was a black dragon!

As Wangcai turned into a dragon, a vast ocean of spiritual power converged from all directions, as if the Yangtze River flooded into its body madly.

A mountain-like dragon's might spread in all directions.

At this moment, I felt this strong dragon power, fish, sea beasts, sea pythons and other creatures in the surrounding waters quickly avoided, and the whole seabed was clear. For mobile phone users, please browse m to read for a better reading experience.

The book is about sharing-【.】-

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