Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 989: Giant Mountain Demon Shadow

"I found a good tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. I have already built it. It is much more comfortable than this tree. It is better to move a golden body like Elder Lingxin to my big tree."

When Fang Rentang invited him, his face was righteous, and he looked like a gentleman with a spiritual mind.

Elder Lingxin stood tall and coldly faced Fang Rentang, who was looking upright, and spit out a word from his mouth, "Get out!"

Fang Rentang's expression froze amidst the icy scolding, and he had to leave angrily.

Elder Lingxin retracted his cold eyes, looked at Chu Chenshi at the other end of the tree, softened and a little bit, and nodded with concern, "You go to bed early."

After instructing, Chu Chen chose a few dense branches and leaned on gently.

These days, the elder Lingxin has to climb the mountain with Chu Chen on his back, and on the other hand, he has to find water and food for him, which is really tiring.

Even with the strength of the super strong in Lingxi Realm, I felt exhausted, so I fell asleep not long after relying on it.

The breeze bursts, the stars are faint, and the pale silver stars shroud like a veil, and a touch of gentleness is engulfed in the dark night.

In this veil-like night, the beautiful and quiet face of the elder Lingxin showed a different kind of beauty.

During the day, she was always indifferent and indifferent, giving people a cold feeling that was difficult to approach. After falling asleep, the coldness and indifference became more beautiful.

But seeing her snowy skin is like jade, shiny and smooth, and a few strands of jet-black hair wafting softly, making her face beautiful and thrilling.

She was asleep, a bit more lazy with fatal temptation.

The stereotyped spiritual elders definitely have the glamorous appearance of a super stunner...

Looking at the cold face in his sleep, Chu Chen's thoughts rolled over, and he couldn't help but think of when he was in Biquan Xianzong, he worshipped her to learn the art of refining medicine, and later he carried her as a black eagle clone. Entering Izumo country to take risks.

He used to live and die with her, fight in blood, and once looked up at the starry sky together, sitting silently against each other.

At this moment, the scenes of experience pouring from the deepest part of his mind like snow flakes made him think a lot.

In fact, for Chu Chen, Elder Lingxin is definitely a special existence that no one can replace.

Although she is often harsh and harsh, and is extremely strict with every step of the way of refining medicine, she is a simple person in her daily life.

She doesn't like to socialize, and she never deliberately communicates with other elders, but she still has an immense reputation.

The only real disciple under her name is Sister Qingyue, but the relationship between the two is more like sisters than masters and disciples.

She doesn't say anything to any young talent, but she can take care of a handicapped teenager who meets by the water to...

This glamorous beauty already has a place in Chu Chen's heart, irreplaceable.

Her future, herself...

Just having such a thought in his mind, Chu Chen told himself to calm down. They are now trapped in the weird giant mountains, their future is unpredictable, life and death are uncertain, so don't think about these things for now!

The most urgent task is to find a way out first.

After taking a long breath, Chu Chen began to clear the distracting thoughts in his mind and calm his mind.

The little hamster said that this huge mountain has the special rules of the prehistoric times, and it should be possible to hide waste caves and rivers.

Although the little hamster couldn't sense it, he still should try it by himself based on his extremely powerful soul power. After all, since you have arrived on this desert island, you must go to that hidden wasteland to take a look.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes, and the surging spiritual power suddenly radiated in all directions like a tsunami, trying to penetrate the domain of this huge mountain.

As soon as the spirit sense opened, his body trembled slightly unconsciously, and he felt a huge shock in his heart!

When he was at the bottom of the mountain, he could still feel the magnificent mountain and surrounding vegetation and so on.

But now, after the position has risen slightly, there is an endless gray ocean around Ling sense induction, as if it was chaotic when the world first opened, and nothing exists.

This...what is going on? ?

Chu Chen's heart was shocked and inexplicable. You should know that the spiritual sense of the monk is a higher level of sensitivity than the naked eye can see. It can clearly and clearly sense the surrounding plants and trees, even the things hidden behind giant trees or mountains. , Can also feel the same.

But now in his spiritual sense, there is nothingness around him, as if he has really come to the prehistoric era, a chaotic and endless world, vast and boundless.

This is... the bizarre predecessor rule, can it directly affect the sense of spirit?

It's no wonder that with the little hamster's insight, you can't even sense the reality and reality on this huge mountain. With such a strong interference from the rules of heaven and earth, if your spiritual sense does not reach a certain level, you will easily get lost in it.

The chaos was vast and the emptiness was endless. When Chu Chen tried his best to expand his spiritual consciousness, he expanded it bit by bit without hardship.

Khan kept flowing down his forehead, no matter what, he also wanted to find the wild veins in this huge mountain.

As if a century had passed, he suddenly felt infinitely far away, a little bit of faint light flickered slightly, like the fire of stars.

This star fire is unspeakable mystery and special.

This scene roused Chu Chen's spirits. He quickly gathered his spreading spiritual sensation, took all the spiritual sensations back into the sea of ​​consciousness, and then slowly condensed all the spiritual sensations into an arrow shape.


"Ling Shi" quickly broke through the sea of ​​chaos and shot out in the direction where the glimmer of stars was.

How powerful is Chu Chen’s soul power now~www.ltnovel.com~ If all condensed into one body, the speed is astonishing, and in his feelings, he crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles and came to the light of stars almost instantly. Flashing place.

Just before he spread the "Spirit Arrow" to feel the surroundings, a harsh roar suddenly sounded from the surroundings, shaking the whole world!


Amid the stern and ferocious roar, a huge monster emerged from the chaotic sea of ​​the giant mountain.

The demon is dozens of feet tall, with blue-faced fangs, a **** mouth, and four arms. The whole body is covered with a layer of black scales.

Behind the demon, four huge fleshy wings spread all over the sky, and the four sturdy and astonished arms slammed into pieces, smashing Chu Chen's condensed spirit arrows.

"Hmph, a chaotic heart demon condensed with chaotic air, dare to make a mistake!"

Chu Chen was angry, the vast and endless soul power in the air and sea no longer reserved, all of them rushed toward the place where the light of the stars flickered.

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