Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1004: Is the end here?

This, this... What kind of weird donkey is this?

After a while, he went mad and cruel, and then he stubbornly pleased his master, without any morals at all.

Because of the intervention of Elder Lingxin, the time for everyone to rush on the road in the next few days was quite "standard."

Usually every day before dawn, the iconic black donkey's nose will resound through every inch of space, awakening everyone from their sleep.

Then a group of monks began a hard day of fighting, gritted their teeth and followed behind the black donkey, struggling to support.

A round of rushing for a day and a night, resting for a few hours, and repeating the next day!

The black donkey makes everyone feel evil. It never walks when there are mountain roads. It only selects those rugged and steep rocks and cracks to walk fast.

In many cases, they even jumped directly from a huge rock to another strange rock several tens of feet away, underneath is a bottomless abyss.

Everyone was extremely exhausted, and even more shocked when they walked, for fear that they would accidentally overturn the boat in the gutter, and really want to fall into the cracks of the bottomless abyss.

More and more people feel that this black donkey is leading everyone to "hell", right?

Everyone is miserable, but the black donkey doesn't look tired at all?

A group of monks even began to wonder if this donkey was a lifeless monster, so they were not tired at all!

After all, even the powerhouses of the Lingxi Realm could not bear it, but it went faster and faster, which could only be described by the word monster.

After about five days, most of the people in the team had reached their limit.

"I can't do it anymore, I'm afraid I'm going to fall!"

"I can't walk anymore, maybe I will die here."

"Can we take a day off? Our lives are almost gone."

Many such voices have been heard in the team, but the mountain has changed? !

When everyone followed the black donkey around a detour in the giant mountain, the surrounding mountains suddenly changed, becoming more magnificent and vast.

At a glance, everything around him became extremely huge, as if suddenly came to a kingdom of giants.

A piece of rock at random is tens to hundreds of feet high.

Those huge rift valleys are as wide as several tens of feet, and the edges are not visible at a glance, as if they cut across the entire mountain range.

And those strange giant trees glowing with mysterious black light are more than a hundred feet high, with thick trunks lush and lush, and a tree is like a hill.

Ordinary monks standing under those giant trees, like an ant looking up at the ancient mountain, spontaneously felt a sense of insignificance.

At this time, except for a few people with the highest cultivation level and the best endurance, most of them are almost reaching the limit of exhaustion.

There seems to be some special rules of heaven and earth on this huge mountain. The cultivator consumes much more physical energy than usual when walking and rushing here, and it is extremely difficult to replenish, so many people feel that they can’t stick to it. .

Just as complaints arose, Qiu San was also considering whether he was nervous and stopped going forward. He did not speak, but heard a voice.

"The end is here."

The lame boy who had been sleepy on the back of the black donkey and seemed to never wake up suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly reminded everyone.


After hearing what Chu Chen said, everyone was stunned. Chu Chen's voice was not loud, but everyone heard clearly.

There is also a very firm breath in the tone.

It’s just that everyone’s gaze is looking around. The repertoire is all those huge towering rocks. The surrounding scenery is no different from what you have seen these days. At first glance, you know that it has gone deep into the deepest part of this huge mountain. Where is the way out or the end? ?

"Brother, where is this road? Why didn't I see it?"

Looking around for a few times, Liu Xuan, the shrewd servant, finally couldn't help but walked to Chu Chen's side to solve his confusion.

Chu Chen stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "The way out is ahead."

Looking in the direction of Chu Chen's fingers, there was a huge mountain wall in front of him.

This is like a towering cliff, and there is no edge at all at first glance, as if a wall of heaven is blocking the entire world, vast and boundless.

"Crazy, there is a way out? This is obviously a dead end! Where is the way out?"

"I've said it a long time ago, this lame man has always been pretending to be a fool, don't believe him! This guy is just opening his eyes and telling lies!!"

"I didn't believe he would find the way at first. He just let the stupid donkey scurry around in the mountains. When did he seriously look for the way!!"

"You will grow up, how do you explain to us? We all followed because we believed in you. Now that this guy has led to a dead end, we must give us an explanation!"


Perhaps it was so many days that they had accumulated too much resentment and anger. When a group of cultivators saw that Chu Chen pointed at an endless mountain wall, they said absurdly that they were the way out, and many people broke out.

Amidst angry accusations, the cultivators gathered around Qiu San, asking the young president to give an explanation.

Tired to death, but was taken to a dead end, how can everyone just let it go.

However, Qiu San didn't panic right now, his face was kind, and he smiled.

When the crowd was excited, a man as tall as an iron tower stood up, waved his hand vigorously, and said loudly in a fair and just manner.

"Chairman Qiu is upright, I believe he will make correct judgments. If this stinky guy really drags everyone down, he will naturally give us an explanation."

Qiu San didn't even pay attention to this tall man's rhetoric~www.ltnovel.com~ He smiled at Elder Lingxin and arched his hands: "Elder, what do you think?"

"Me? My judgment is to choose to believe him." Elder Lingxin looked indifferent, without any hesitation, "Since he said the road is there, it must be in that place."

"Hehe, Elder Lingxin thinks exactly like mine."

Qiu San smiled and nodded, "I also choose to believe in Tonghu. In this case, let's go and see what the so-called way out is all about!"

At this time, Chu Chen had already rode Wangcai to the front of the mountain wall. He frowned and carefully observed every inch of the mountain wall, as if he had fallen into a certain state of contemplation.

Qiu San and the elders of Lingxin urged the body technique, flew over a rock crack that was several tens of meters wide, and jumped to the area in front of the huge mountain wall.

When their eyes fell to a certain place on the mountain wall, they instantly solidified.

"That...that is..."

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