Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1097: Ghost prison

No matter what others are doing, Chu Chen, a teenager with a lame leg, always kept his pace.

Whether it was surpassed by others or met someone who gave up turning back, Chu Chen moved forward calmly.

In fact, the monks did not encounter any real danger when walking in this maze trail, but the patterns on the walls on both sides of the trail were all mysterious magic patterns.

The longer they walked in it, the more dazzled the monks, their bodies faltering and unable to hold them.

Chu Chen knew that this was a tool used by the Demon Sect to search for disciples.

This is to test the potential of the monk, not the cultivation level.

Therefore, some young men and women monks and monks who have good potential but low cultivation level can still persist.

However, many demon cultivators with high cultivation bases have been defeated.

Chu Chen secretly said in his heart that the Demon Underworld Sect is indeed a large sect, and it has its own special mechanism for the selection of newcomers to ensure that their new disciples have the value of training.

After three days and three nights, Chu Chen was in the trail, bypassing the last blood-red curve, and the terrain of the trail became steep in vain, spreading towards the underground.

From the outside, it seems that the mountain road has been submerged into the mountainside.

From the depths of the deep underground, an icy, frosty yin air filled, and Chu Chen and several demon cultivators around him involuntarily struck a spirit.

"What the hell, how come it suddenly becomes so cold! This good mountain road is so steep, does it lead to the deepest part of the mountain?"

"This is not ordinary air-conditioning. It is the air of the earth's yin, which directly affects the depths of the human soul. This is the entrance, and the yin qi is already so obvious. The yin qi in the depths of this mountain path must be even stronger!"

"Sure enough, this new life trial of the Demon Underworld Sect is not so easy to pass. This Yin Qi is so cold that it can't resist even the running spiritual power, and can only resist!"

"There seems to be blood here, what is this place, the passage to hell?"


The trail was like a road leading to hell. Everyone felt that they went deeper and deeper. After walking for several hours in the long and cold mountain road, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes and saw that his pupils shrank sharply in an instant!

In front of him, a huge prison was located in the deep gloomy mountainside, exuding a strong smell of death, coldness, and blood.

The prison body is made of black fine iron pillars with thick arms. It undulates and covers an area of ​​tens of acres, which looks extremely magnificent.

The most shocking thing is that the overall shape of the prison is actually a huge evil spirit head, densely covered with fangs, fierce and angry, it looks extremely shocking.

And the big mouth of the blood basin opened by the evil spirit is the entrance to the prison gate, and it is also the end of this long narrow mountain road.

The front of the prison was crowded with demon monks, one by one hesitating.

At the entrance of the prison gate, a jailer wearing black armor and exuding a strong breath of death stood expressionlessly on both sides.

These jailers have deep eyes, and the breath of death on their bodies is terrifying.

If it weren't for seeing the dazzling light in their eyes, I am afraid that people would think that this is just a sculpture!

This prison... actually has someone guarding it, which shows that this is a prison that is still operating!

Seeing that many new disciples reached the end of the long narrow mountain road, the jailers on both sides moved in unison, and the black long Ge in their hands slammed forward, forming a long arch in the void.

On that bright Ge Feng, a trace of dark red blood could be seen dripping down, as if he had just experienced a killing, exuding a strong smell of death and blood.

"You people in this wave are listening!"

Accompanied by a nonchalant cold snort, a jailer leader with a skull pattern embroidered on black armor stepped forward and gave them a cold look, and a ray of chill rose in their souls.

Everyone was shocked at once, and no longer dared to whisper, the whole space immediately became calm.

"Come here, it means that you are qualified to be the outer disciples of Demon Mingzong."

As soon as his voice fell, cheers rang out from the crowd.

The excited people were mainly young men and women monks from the duny world, and some former monks who had not deep roots.

"However, if you want to become a disciple of the Seventy-two Peaks in the Demon Underworld Sect, you have to honestly hold your black jade medallion, enter the prison according to the number on the brand, and then find the corresponding numbered cell."

The gloomy gaze of the jailer leader swept across everyone.

"As long as you persist in it for a certain period of time, you will be able to obtain the identity of the disciple of the Seventy-two Peaks! I think everyone understands it. The outer disciple can leave on the trail to the left and become a disciple of the Seventy-two Peaks. Go to the prison, don't waste time!"

As soon as the jailer leader's voice fell, it caused an uproar, and everyone began to whisper and talk.

Soon everyone had a decision. Most of the young men and women monks from the world chose to leave and become outer disciples.

Some demon monks who did not have the confidence to challenge the mysterious prison also left one after another.

Most of the monks who wanted to become disciples of the Seventy-two Peaks still hesitated in front of the prison and continued to discuss and discuss.

This lifeless prison felt like hell, and it was hard to approach it easily.

Seeing this scene, the jailer leader's eyes froze sharply, and his pupils suddenly shot two cold rays of coldness that seemed to be substantial.

"If you want to enter the Seventy-two Peak, go to the jail! If you don't want to go to jail, just get out of here, do you understand? If anyone wants to waste everyone's time, kill it!"

As soon as the last four words were uttered, a piercing cold wind blew in the air.

All the monks felt at this moment that a murderous and malicious force surrounded themselves like a substance~www.ltnovel.com~ The murderous intent was so strong and real.

It seems that as long as an instant, that real murderous intent can be transformed into countless sharp blades, smashing people into pieces in an instant!

Seeing that the jailer leader really got angry, all the demon cultivators closed their mouths in silence, and stepped into the giant gate of the prison.

Suddenly, everyone filed in, and Chu Chen watched from behind, as if in an instant, a huge ghost head swallowed a large number of monks.

There is a feeling that they will never show up again.

Chu Chen slowly followed the flow of people, and walked into the prison from the hideous evil spirit, and the whole void suddenly disappeared.

It's like entering another world.

Chu Chen could see with his naked eyes that this large prison was actually a wide mountainside, and the entire mountainside was hollowed out.

On the vast mountain wall, countless caves with a radius of more than ten thousand meters were excavated, and many monks were already sitting in scattered places.

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