Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 811: Unlucky elite disciples

If it weren’t for the Jiuyang Burning Tianyin’s anti-heavenly knowledge, plus that celestial sacred fire contains the most original avenue of fire, even if Chu Chen’s cultivation base is ten times stronger, I’m afraid it will be difficult. Imagination hit hard.

Even though the invisible rules of heaven and earth were resolved by the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal and the Heavenly Divine Fire, Chu Chen still consumed a large amount of original power, which is the most fundamental and fundamental life source of man.

So immediately after returning to his house, Chu Chen went straight to the bed before he even had time to wash, and fell asleep. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

This sleep slept for three full days.

Early in the morning of the third day, Chu Chen, who was still asleep, suddenly felt a whistling movement in his body.

When I opened my eyes slightly, I saw a slender figure standing next to my bed, one hand on his hips and the other to lift the quilt, a pair of weird beautiful eyes were looking at him three ways back and forth.

His head awoke slightly, and he saw his face flushed, and his eyes looked at him with a trace of doubt and incomprehension.

And where her eyes converged, it was the part of her lower body that was standing proudly...

Instantly awake in his mind, Chu Chen hurriedly got up and evaded the cup and put it on her body in embarrassment. He glared at her in embarrassment, "What are you...what are you doing? What are you looking at!"

"When I came just now, I saw something shrugging beneath you. I thought you were hiding something, so I opened it to see if you were hiding something secretly."

Shen Qianbai gave him a glance, "So afraid of what to do, this girl won't be rude to you."

"Uh..." Chu Chen felt a little speechless, and with some difficulty shrinking his body, he sighed helplessly, "This is the normal reaction that every man will have when he wakes up in the morning. If you want to watch it at night, Come into my room and let you see it."

"It's yours, the ghost wants to see it." Shen Qian glared at him, and muttered a few words softly, "You men are really strange, don't you feel tired and panicked by towering that thing every day?"

"It's not easy for you women." Chu Chen glanced at the girl's chest slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up, "Okay, it's no joke. What is it for you to come to me so early in the morning?"

"Today is the day when the qualifications for the Pharmacist Contest will be released. I will ask you to check the list together." Shen Qian's mouth raised slightly, "Don't you want to see how Zhidào's own results are?"

"Heh...for our Sùdù, I am afraid it is only a step slower than Gu Haoran, who will definitely qualify for the Intermediate Pharmacist Competition. What's so interesting."

Chu Chen curled his lips and was about to lie down on the bed again, but was pulled up by Shen Qian.

"You have been sleeping for three days since you came back from Yandi, right? You will get rusty if you don't get up and move around. Go and go." Without a word, the girl pulled Chu Chen up and walked towards the Medicine Palace Square.

After arriving at the Medicine Palace Square, Chu Chen was stunned: There were too many people, and the entire square was completely filled with the bustling crowd.

The popularity of this Intermediate Pharmacist Competition is really surprising. The crowded scene even makes people wonder if the entire Medicine Palace students are crowded here.

Standing among the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Chu Chen could clearly feel that the sky above the square was enveloped by two vastly different emotions.

Those on the list were excited and dancing, while those who failed were extremely frustrated and decadent. After all, the final reward for this competition is the opportunity to learn and practice in the legendary "Ancient Sacred Land". This reward is really tempting and tempting.

Among the crowd, a group of students wearing blue and white robes with white moire embroidered on their clothes were particularly eye-catching.

It's just amazing that the emotions on the faces of this group of heavenly prides are incredibly frustrated and decadent, and only a few people have smiles on their faces.


Amidst a crisp blast, a pale, faintly ill-looking Tianyuan student bitterly crushed a piece of white jade pendant in his hand, his gloomy face was filled with depression. Constant anger.

"Why Kěnéng, with our cultivation base, aptitude and Sùdù who collects the elixir, and the quality of refining the pill... How could we fail? This trial has Wèntí, and there must be shady!!!"

"Yeah, we lose the election. After all, we did waste a lot of time in refining the elixir, but why did Zhang your alchemy Sùdù Kěnéng fail? You are three hours earlier than us if you want to Zhīdào. !"

Hearing the words of the sickly brother Tianyuan, the surrounding Tianyuan disciples suddenly became indignant: "I just saw the list of several disciples from the underground courtyard appearing on the list... How is this Kěnéng! The guys in those courtyards are not better than us in any aspect, let alone Brother Zhang!"

"Senior Brother Zhang is such an outstanding person. With his strength, even Kěnéng competes for the ultimate reward of this pharmacist competition...Why Kěnéng can't even pass the qualification competition of the ancient sacred place!"

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable... How about we all unite and react to the many elders, this trial is too shady, and the result should be invalid at all!!"


A group of Tianyuan disciples suddenly became enthusiastic, and it is true that the results after this list came out are really unexpected~www.ltnovel.com~ To Zhidào, this group of Tianyuan disciples has always claimed to be The elites in the medicine palace, in their eyes, the trial qualification competition in this area is almost just a form.

After all, in terms of the strength of their group, if one or two people fail the ranking, there is still Kěnéng.

However, there are only a few people among a large group of people who made the list, and all others lost. This result is unacceptable. Especially when I see that many disciples who are clearly not as strong as their own are actually on the list, no one can doubt it. How much water is there in this trial?

"It's useless."

Seeing the excitement of a group of Tianyuan disciples, a young man who looked a little honest sighed and shook his head helplessly at the crowd.

"It’s not Kěnéng that the result of this trial is invalid. It is said that in this trial qualification competition, many elite disciples who are determined to win this competition have failed. The biggest reason is that there was a Fiend!"

"Huh? Fiend?... What fiend?"

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