Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 816: Do you like it?

All the disciples in black who saw this scene changed drastically.

Feng Ci just hit it casually, without any spiritual power fluctuations, power attributes, or magical powers. Using the power of his fist alone can actually break through the sound barrier... How strong is this beard?

"You dare to be so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, you little beasts... only for grandsons!"

In a cold snort, the bearded figure walked towards the black blood giant tree where the white-clothed boy was. As he walked, he let out a sneer that shook the sky, "From now on, I will take over this forest, and the idlers and others will all go far away!!" "Fiction" Novel chapters are updated fastest


"Catch them and drive them away!!"

"Don't let them get closer to the adults!!"

The disciples in black clothes around were shocked when they saw this, and quickly snarled and rushed towards the beard, but before their bodies touched the beard, they saw a series of faint ripples in the void sweeping by. The black-clothed disciples who were in contact with the ripples retreated violently, as if they were being hit by a huge bombardment, a trace of blood spilled from their mouth and nose.

The ripple is the protective vigor of the beard, and the beard shrouded by the ripples really rolled over like an ancient chariot, and came directly under the tall giant tree.

In the whole process, the beard did not do anything, nor did he throw his fists, just relying on the strength of the body protection made the disciples who were blocking the road violently retreat.

When he came under the giant tree, he saw his eyes condensed fiercely, and without saying a word, he hit the trunk of the old tree that was more than ten feet thick.


At that moment, everyone heard a thick string sound in the void, and the whole ancient tree trembled fiercely. Invisible ripples spread out from the bearded fist, and instantly filled the whole ancient tree. .

And the young man in white who was sitting cross-legged on the trunk of the ancient tree was swept by this ripple, and his figure was violently shocked, as if he was hit hard by a huge hammer, and a "poof" burst out. A **** arrow, a black eye, the whole person is slightly soft, since he fell down on a huge tree ten feet high.

boom! !

The body of the white-clothed boy slammed heavily on the ground covered with dead branches, and his breath instantly wilted. When he was slightly struggling to stand up from the dead branches and fallen leaves, the whole body was completely covered with dirty leaves, and there was no more original chic and freehand brushwork, and he looked very embarrassed.



Before the questioning sound of the white-clothed boy was mixed with anger, he closed his mouth completely with a thunderous roar. Several black-clothed disciples rushed over to help the white-clothed boy, and took him out without saying a word.

This... this tutor is really...

Chu Chen shook his head helplessly. This was the first time he saw such a domineering side of the bearded tutor.

No wonder people call him "Mad Men Instructor" secretly. This guy is a completely unreasonable strong man who uses brute force in front of humans and beasts, a complete madman.

"I see this tree as Bùcuò."

Regardless of Chu Chen's psychological thoughts, the bearded tutor turned to look at the giant tree that was slightly shocked by his own punch, and nodded in satisfaction.

"I was beaten by my fist. This giant tree just trembled, without any damage at all. It seems that the tree's stable spiritual power and the power to suppress the void are very strong. This is for you to break through. The realm is extremely beneficial, like it all...Okay, all of you will cultivate on this tree, who will go first?"

The beard was very satisfied, and Chu Chen and the other three naturally had to look very happy.

"I'll do it first. My cultivation base is the weakest, and the time to refine the spring pill should be the shortest."

Shen Hou nodded slightly, leaped forward and jumped into the sky ten feet high, found a wide position and sat down cross-legged.

Holding his breath, adjusting his mood slightly, Shen Hou took out a crystal-like pill from his storage ring and swallowed it into his belly.

A pale silver light emerged from Shen Hou, and Dan's unmatched medicinal power burst out, almost instantly forcing the spirit spring out of him.

In the intense silver light, three earth-yellow springs turned out above Shen Hou's head, spraying endless spiritual power fluctuations toward the surrounding void.

Obviously, what Shen Hou cultivates is the spiritual power spring of the earth attribute, which is consistent with his physique.

After all the spring eyes were transformed, the light silver light on Shen Hou's body began to converge quickly, forming the core of the fourth spring in the shape of the three spring eyes, and it quickly formed and expanded.

When the fourth spring also completely turned into an earthy-yellow spiritual spring, a dazzling white light burst into the sky.

He saw Shen Hou's figure shaking slightly, and a look of excitement mixed with regret passed quickly across his face.


The bearded man who saw this scene sighed slightly and shook his head faintly, "The exquisite Nine Turns Creation Spring Pill only created a spiritual spring, but this fourth spiritual spring is from people It’s a big surprise that the Quan Stage has stepped into the Diquan Stage. It finally eliminates the barriers of the Diquan Stage and saves a lot of hard training time."

"It's just a pity that this Nine Transformation Creation Spring Pill can only be swallowed once. After taking it, the cultivator's physique will become extremely resistant. Otherwise...hey."

The bearded tutor sighed low ~www.ltnovel.com~ but he did not notice that the monks' eyes on the other black blood giant trees around this time swept over: they came to cultivate in the black blood forest. The monk, even the fastest Sùdù would have to cultivate at least several hours of accumulation before he could burst out in an instant to break through the barrier of realm.

After all, this kind of realm breakthrough is not at all sloppy. It must be adjusted and cultivated for a period of time to concentrate all the spirits of the monks to the highest level.

But this guy just climbed the tree and broke through a small realm before a stick of incense... How did this guy do it? How is this Kěnéng?

I want the academy disciples who sit cross-legged on the huge black blood tree near Zhīdào, but many of them have been sitting here for ten and a half months, and even more have been here for a year and a half. There is no breakthrough in the bottleneck of the repair base.

This guy is so fast Sùdù... This can already be called a miracle.

"Uh... sorry."

Wei Wei consolidated his realm, and Shen Hou opened his eyes and jumped down from the tree.

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