Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1338: Reborn Demon

This huge black monster stood in the void. Although its two pairs of dark front paws were small, the long sharp blades on its nails exuded a cold sharp edge. ,

A pair of steel hind legs are extremely thick, and there is a long tail behind him.

The tail is actually the head of a small, hideous dragon beast, with densely covered fangs, and a vast breath burst out. At this moment, the whole world was completely suppressed by it.

A monster that suppresses the world!

"Ancient Heavenly Demon body! This Heavenly Demon Peak Master actually cultivated to this level, he has completely urged the blood of the Heavenly Demon in his body to the extreme, and actually cultivated the Heavenly Demon body!!"

There was a cry of exclamation everywhere, and at this moment, the whole Demon Mingzong's 72 ancient peaks were breathing air-conditioning sounds.

No one thought that such ancient demons would appear in the Western Desolate Region!

Although there is only one word difference between the two magical powers, the incarnation of the heavenly demon and the true body of the heavenly demon, the powers they represent seem to be different, and they are not on the same level!

Generally speaking, as long as you have the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon within a day, you can cultivate the incarnation of the Heavenly Demon. With the help of the immortal imprint left by the ancient Heavenly Demon in this world, you can use some of the abilities of the Heavenly Demon.

For example, urging the devil bow and dominating the arrow of the wild animals.

But once the real body of the heavenly demon is cultivated, it is completely different. At this moment, the peak master of the heavenly demon has truly become an ancient heavenly demon in a certain sense!

You must know that even in the ancient times, this demon is a peerless creature with the same reputation as true dragons and phoenixes, and is one of the most powerful creatures in this world! !

After all, it was only a brave change, so the strength of this Heavenly Demon was far from the true ancient Heavenly Demon.

But it has already given all the monks a huge impact!


That day, the body of the demon shook slightly, and the four huge demon wings behind it opened with a violent wave, turning into a black light and rushing towards Chu Chenfei.

Like a giant mountain moving fast in the sky.

The huge four wings covered the sky and covered the sun. With a slight movement, it seemed to have the terrible power to tear the sky and pull the stars. Before the demon arrived that day, Chu Chen felt waves of murderous aura coming from a distance. Shroud yourself.

At this moment, he felt like he was locked into a deadly beast by a peerless beast, and seemed to be torn to pieces at any time!

Seeing that powerful and incomparable ancient heavenly demon suddenly came flying, the scholar in the blue shirt who was hiding in the depths of the gods of the underworld quickly squeezed several seals in front of him, and a hexagonal illusion burst out in front of him.

In the depths of the illusion, a gray-white mysterious ancient flag appeared, and the handle of the flag was grabbed by the scholar in Qingshan.

In an instant, a strong breath of death burst out.

You can see that there are seventy-two gray light spots on the huge face of the ancient flag. If you look closely, you can find that each light spot is actually a gray-white skull totem!

This banner has an unspeakable mystery and awe-inspiring, like a certain ancient monster is awakening!

With the continuous input of spiritual power by the scholar in Qingshan, all the seventy-two small bone skull totems now shine!

The dazzling spot of light moved quickly in the void, drawing a mysterious array.

The terrifying aura that ruined the world and the earth rippled out from the circle, making people feel a heartfelt sense of terror bursting from the depths of the soul.

"Prime magic weapon, ghost **** bone flag!"

At this moment, Zixi's complexion became extremely dignified, and her eyes, which looked like amethysts, even burst out from the depths of mist, which looked extremely dazzling.

"Prime magic weapon?"

Feng Qiang was stunned. This was the first time he heard this word.

Zi Xi was silent, but Han Ye's face turned gray, he knew the Nether God Bone Banner.

In the early days of the distant mythological era, the cause and effect of the world was unknown, and there was chaos.

It is the legendary Conferred God Era. There used to be some magical instruments that were infinitely powerful because they were contaminated with a huge world of cause and effect!

Some were contaminated with huge cause and effect, and were completely destroyed by supreme figures, while some magical instruments even produced spirituality, stealing the fruit of heaven and earth, and staying in the eternal space rift.

Endless years have passed, and after the era of mythology has passed, the Nether God Bone Banner is only in the legend.

Han Ye didn't expect to see this ancient magic weapon at this time. Although it was broken, it was a magic weapon from that era after all!

Zi Xi didn't say a word, the girl remembered all kinds of things, Lord Changsheng once told her that she was already cold all over the terrifying part of the Primordial Magic Tool.

In this second, even the little hamster standing on ten thousand stone steps frowned deeply.

Judging by its eyesight, there was no way to see the secret power of heaven and earth contained in that ghost and bone flag. At this moment, I am afraid that Chu Chen is really dangerous.

The two strongest peak masters, even if their strength is suppressed at the peak of the Linghe Great Realm, they can also burst out of edge strength close to the Tianhe Realm...

Is this going to reverse the universe? !


At the time when everyone’s hearts were uncertain, the seventy-two shining skull totem light spots on the ghost and bone flags in the void were finally constructed, and a gray-white light beam burst out from the center of the formed magic circle. He blasted towards Chu Chen in the distance!

Where the gray light passed, even the remaining Mingdi spring water in the space was pierced one after another, melting away silently.

Between the heavens and the earth, there seems to be nothing that can stop this gray light!

At the same time, the ancient celestial demon body transformed by the celestial demon peak master finally blasted into the sky above Chu Chen.

I saw it with a long and violent roar, and a rolling demon flame shot out around its body, and then it carried the demon flame, like a giant mountain, directly rolling down towards Chu Chen!

For the ancient gods, their physical bodies were the most powerful means of attack. In terms of the physical strength of a single wheel, they can even be longer and shorter with real dragons!

But Chu Chen smiled, and a cold smile passed over his mouth.

"It's boring, is this how you really press the bottom of the box? Break it for me!"

With a low roar, a huge golden flood dragon rose from Chu Chen's body and rushed straight into the sky.

In the vast golden light~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Chen's right hand shook violently, and a small purple stove was spurred by him. It exploded in the air and turned into a huge purple ancient mountain. The Jiaolong drove and slammed into the ancient heavenly demon that was swooping!

The purple giant mountain coiled by the golden dragon seems to smash the world!



The sound of the rolling dragon roar shook the sky. With the blessing of the golden dragon, the purple ancient mountain burst into an incomparable golden purple light, as if a golden purple sun suddenly rose!

Destroyed and crushed the void, directly colliding with the huge ancient celestial body in the sky!


Amidst the ear-shattering loud noise, the steel giant of the ancient heavenly devil was directly hit by the Golden Dragon Purple Mountain and exploded directly!

The rain of blood and the stumped limbs are spraying everywhere!

The whole world was stained red with blood! !

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