Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 848: King of Darkness

Boom, boom...

The lake water was turbulent, and the black lake water rolled endlessly, as if a piece of black sea tide was surging, sound like thunder.

This is a large lake located at the southwest edge of the Ancient Medicine Palace. The lake is black and exudes a weird, cold breath.

And at the edge of this big lake, in a reef cave about ten feet high, Lin Hao, Murong Changfeng, and Bai Qing hid silently in the entrance of the cave, their eyes looking at the endless black lake from time to time. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"I said..." Bai Qing frowned slightly, and a strong impatient expression flashed across his arrogant face, "Do we have to hide in such a ghost place like this?"


Murong Changfeng leaned against the wall not far from the entrance of the cave, his face was extremely indifferent and calm, "Since we have all the five-flavored ancient medicine crystal tiles we need for our mission, there is no need to go outside. The best method for now It just hides and hides until the assessment time is over... Soon, the assessment time is only seven days, and now four days have passed."

"I don't agree with this way of shrinking the tortoise."

Bai Qing snorted coldly, "Our strength is not bad, why do we have to hide? Even if we encounter other powerful teams, how about one battle?"

"The two strongest teams have not collected the medicine cards they need." Murong Changfeng glanced at Bai Qing faintly. "The top ten teams are all working hard. I hope to be able to do so before the end of the assessment time. Get the medicine cards you need. Even if the medicine cards we have don’t have the opponent’s target, if we encounter the first two most aggressive and destructive teams, they will also **** our medicine cards and let We are disqualified for promotion."

"The two most destructive teams?" Bai Qing was taken aback for a moment, "Isn't it just that the Gu Haoran team poses a greater threat to us? Is there any team that you are reluctant to face."

"Now in the entire medicine palace ruins, the most feared squads are the two craziest squads snatching medicine cards." Lin Sha said indifferently, "One is naturally the Gu Haoran team, and this is the whole team. The only team in the ancient medicine palace ruins that can be king. Any team against them is a dead end. Not only the medicine license is robbed, but the players themselves will be seriously injured and have to withdraw from the assessment competition."

"The other team is the Huangfuyin team. This is a new team. In fact, Huangfuyin and Fan Ling are not so strong, at least not so strong that we dare not face it. The mysterious girl who claims to be the disciple cultivated by Old Bing’s secret is very powerful. She has a tyrannical cultivation base, and her shots are extremely fierce. It is said that the girl’s body is surrounded by two tyrannical ice scorpions for many years, and she can meet any team It is directly frozen. The number of medicine cards they grabbed is second only to Gu Haoran team, and is also one of the strongest evil star teams."

"And besides the two most influential teams, there are several more terrifying teams. They dormant in the dark and quietly terrifying, ordinary people can't find them at all."

Murong Changfeng's face was solemn, "Especially the team where Gong Mu is, they seem to have completely disappeared, but there is no news at all. To Zhidào, he has the background of the descendants of the top ten strongest of the evil ways, and is also the fifth branch of the school. The strongest genius in a hundred years. This guy should have stirred the situation, but now it seems to have completely disappeared to make other teams show off... That guy, I'm afraid he is silently planning something."

Bai Qing was taken aback for a moment, suddenly as if thinking of something, his face became slightly serious.

The Black Leaf Forest is located to the west of the ancient medicine palace ruins. It is rich in a kind of strange tree...the black leaf ancient tree.

This is an ancient tree that can only grow in the rich "black gold veins". This tree will automatically extract a large amount of black gold metal during the growth process, and then gather on the leaves.

The leaves of this ancient tree are sword-shaped, about three feet long, and have extremely sharp edges.

Because it has been nourished by the rich Ujin aura for many years, the blades are stronger than gold and iron, almost equivalent to a Ujin small sword with extremely sharp handle.

This kind of strange tree naturally contains the most refined and pure innate black gold sword energy, and it is the supreme treasure for the cultivation of kendo experts.

At this time, in a clearing deep in the black leaf forest, towering old trees towered into the clouds.

The blades that looked like long swords collided with each other, making a faint sound of sword chanting.

The ancient branches of the black leaves are dense, and the whole forest looks a little dark. Only a few rays of sunlight shine through the gaps between the branches, forming sword-shaped spots on the ground, which looks extremely mysterious.

The air fluctuated slightly, and the innate black gold sword aura in the void was so strong that it even formed a series of transparent sword marks visible to the naked eye that flowed back and forth in mid-air, and there were bursts of sharp piercing swords in the air from time to time.

If this scene is seen by a kendo expert, it will probably make him ecstatic!

Because the innate sword aura contained here is too strong, this innate sword aura can not only greatly refine and purify the sword aura in the monk's body, but also greatly enhance the realm of cultivation.

One day of cultivating here is almost as good as tens of days of cultivating outside! !

Among the several old trees in a standard hexagonal arrangement, a silver-haired man with an extremely handsome face and an overwhelming country was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

His head full of silver hair danced wildly in the void, and with the naked eye he could see waves of violent innate sword aura coming from all directions like a sea tide, madly submerged in his body.

Finally, after cultivating in this way for a long time, the body of the silver-haired man trembled slightly, and a thick black air sprayed out from his mouth and nose~www.ltnovel.com~ After the black air sprayed out, it condensed in mid-air. It didn't disperse, hovered around, as if it was boiling like boiling water.

As time went on, the black qi gradually overflowed with a little star-like bright silver light, which lasted for a long time, until the silver light was not overflowing, the black qi slowly calmed down and turned into a black light to sink into the silver hair again. In the man's mouth and nose.

The silver-haired man finally opened his eyes at this time, and he could clearly feel that his spirit had become much better, his eyes shining like stars.

"Boss, how's it going, is the injury fully recovered?"

The hurricane roared, and it seemed to sense that the silver-haired man was recovering from his cultivation state, and a huge figure jumped down from an ancient black leaf tree nearby.

This was a fat man who was more than nine feet tall, with a fierce and brutal face, exuding waves of fierce ancient beast-like aura.

And not far from this fat man, a white figure floated down from a distance like a ghost, turning into a stunning woman, looking at the silver-haired man with concern.

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