Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 408: Wild behemoth

For the unnamed teacher, if he waited hard, he did not appear.

Several disciples complained softly, but they heard Huangfu Yin smile in front of him: "Since you have come, you will be at ease. But everyone with some abilities has a strange temper. Although this unknown elder has not seen him, he has seen him. The furnishings in this room also know that it must be extraordinary, and it’s okay to wait a while."

"What the brother taught is." After hearing Huangfuyin's words, several people quickly respectfully saluted.

Hearing that he would continue to wait here for the elder to wake up, most of the people's faces showed a trace of impatientness.

Even Li Taixin and Qi Fei had a hint of helplessness on their faces.

It was just that Chu Chen was a little surprised that Shen Qian, who had always had the worst temper, was very calm at this time, without any irritated expressions.

She looked very interested since she entered the bamboo building. Look here and there. After turning around and looking tired, she quietly found a chair beside Chu Chen to sit down, and the corners of her mouth were always smiling during the whole process.

"When did Miss Shen's temper become so good?" Seeing Shen Qian sitting quietly beside her, Chu Chen glanced at her from the corner of her eyes, "You've been waiting for so long, so you are not in a hurry?"

"Anxious? No, when I was with you, I felt that time passed quickly. What's so anxious..." Shen Qian suddenly felt something wrong as soon as he said it. It seemed that what he said was too ambiguous. At one point, a pink face instantly turned red.

"This really doesn't look like your character." Chu Chen didn't notice the girl's slight embarrassment, and gave her a strange look.

"Why, is it possible that you are satisfied if I make a big noise?" In order to conceal his embarrassment, Shen Qian hummed lightly and gave him a blank look.

Although the waiting time is boring, because the house contains the Boshan furnace incense, which is famous in the ancient times, it can calm the mind and soul.

Although everyone was a little impatient, their emotions were relatively calm. After more than an hour, with a faint sound of footsteps, a four-foot-high figure walked downstairs.

"Teacher is already awake, you are all ready to meet...Be more energetic, don't all wilt like frosted eggplants!" The seven or eight-year-old boy waved his hand while looking at everyone. .

Chu Chen's pupils shrank instantly, and then a helpless smile appeared on his face.

The others couldn't help but snorted slightly, "It's a big show! Let's wait for almost a whole day, and now let us pack up respectfully to welcome you? Set up a banquet to receive the wind and dust!"

Of course, they didn't dare to say this blatantly, only a few people secretly slandered a few words.

In the end, they stood up vigorously according to the boy's words.

After a while, with a long yawn, an old man walked downstairs. From the outside, this old man is too ordinary!

The gray hair is messy, a blue-gray robe seems to have not been washed in a few days, the sleeves are rolled up at random, and his face is sleepy, it looks like someone in the world has just woke up and is going to go. Old farmers working are just as ordinary.

Only when Chu Chen saw this elder like a farmer, his pupils shrank violently.

I don't know if it was an illusion. The moment the old man appeared, Chu Chen felt like a wild beast suddenly appeared in front of him. That purely terrifying pressure from the soul level surging like a tsunami made him feel almost asphyxiated in an instant.

This old man... terribly strong!

Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the vast spiritual power almost subconsciously spread out in an instant.

In fact, this was not something he consciously wanted to use soul power to explore, it was purely a subconscious behavior that naturally occurred after encountering the extreme pressure of the old man's soul.

It's just that once Lingxue touched the old man, he suddenly retracted like an electric shock.


Chu Chen's face was instantly solemn. The moment his spiritual sense touched the old man, it was like a sharp scratch on the tip of a needle with his hand. At that moment, a sharp pain instantly penetrated into the deepest part of his soul.

It made him completely recover all his soul power almost instantly, and after he truly shut off his spiritual sense, he suddenly had a trace of fear in his heart.

It is too powerful and terrifying!

The old man's soul strength is not weaker than him, even stronger than him.

In this way, he unscrupulously urges all the soul power to explore, if the old man is malicious, it can cause unimaginable soul trauma to him almost instantly. This time it was too careless and careless.

The old man paced downstairs unhurriedly. His eyes seemed to inadvertently glance at Chu Chen's position, and then he glanced at everyone. When he saw Huangfu Yin, his eyebrows raised slightly and he wrinkled casually.

"Lao Bing asked you to come?" The old man walked up to Huangfu Yin, his eyelids lifted slightly, and he looked sluggish and lazy.

Huangfuyin's face was solemn, and he respectfully bowed: "Yes, Master asked the disciple to take her to say hello to your old man."

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, and he rarely saw Huangfu Yin being so respectful.

After all, in terms of his identity and cultivation base. I am afraid that the average medicine palace elder may not necessarily have his cultivation level. The old man in front of him can make him so respectful. It seems that this old man is indeed not simple...

A thought flashed in Chu Chen's mind ~www.ltnovel.com~ and saw the old man yawn, intentionally or unintentionally he curled his lips: "Bing Lao is true too, always likes to do with these and nothing. Here I am. The rule of thumb is that no matter who comes to class, I treat them equally!"

"It's naturally according to your rules." Huangfu Yin said with a smile quickly.

Looking back and forth at the eleven disciples, the old man frowned slightly and patted his palm. Behind him, the boy who appeared to be only eight or nine years old came over with a pile of black wood in his hands, placing a piece in front of everyone in turn.

Seeing that there was a piece of wood in front of everyone, the old man nodded, yawned and walked up the stairs again. Seeing this momentum, he seems to be planning to sleep well again.

Is this over?

Eleven people's eyes widened. During the whole process, the elder didn't say a word, and completely put on the air of a worldly expert.

Just as everyone was puzzled, the four-foot-tall boy walked up to them and coughed his throat gently: "Now the assessment begins. You all see the goshawk fighting picture on the wall."

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