Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 453: Can't look back


As soon as the old man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, Shen Qian exclaimed in excitement.

This scene caused the little boy to look at her weirdly: It's not that Shen Qian was taught the Shenxi Talisman, why is this little girl happier than Chu Chen's performance? ?

"Thank you, teacher, for your cultivation!" Chu Chen looked happy when he heard the words, and immediately gave a big gift to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"Well, I will personally teach you the refining method of the Shenxi Talisman, Chu Chen, you stay, and everyone else will go back. During this time, you will receive the rewards you deserve for collecting the Nine Flame Crystal Fire. I will later I sent someone to send it to you separately, so let's go back." The old man waved his hand tiredly.

"Teacher, you can't just let me go like this!"

As soon as the old man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he saw Huangfu Yin's complexion change drastically and exclaimed fiercely!

"Teacher, you can't just let me go like this!"

Huangfuyin’s face changed drastically, and the original calm and unrestrained expression now showed a rare hint of pleading, "Old Bing asked me to come over to study from you this time. The main thing is to obtain the refinement of the'Shenxi Talisman'. Method, please ask the teacher to post other tasks to give the disciple a chance, and the disciple will do his best to complete it!"

The old man in Tsing Yi glanced at him lightly and did not speak, but the boy next to him heard Huangfu Yin's pleading, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he let out a sudden cry: "Get out!"

This low roar was like a thunderstorm on the ground, and Huangfuyin's face suddenly suffocated. In his capacity, when was he so unceremoniously scolded.

Just seeing the little boy's expressionless face, he didn't give him any affection at all, and then think about his terrifying astonishing cultivation.

Huangfu Yin didn't dare to run wild and immediately bowed his head in silence and turned to leave, but when he left, his eyes full of resentment looked at Chu Chen coldly.

"It's all this bastard! If it weren't for this kid's sudden evil, I'm afraid I would have already obtained the refining method of the Shenxi Talisman at this time!!"

Huangfu Yin's heart snarled frantically, but there was not a trace of expression on the surface, and he walked out of the bamboo building griefly.

Seeing that Huangfuyin's talent for cultivation was reprimanded by the little boy mercilessly, Qi Fei, Li Taixin, and Shen Qian looked at each other and left one after another very interesting.

Only when he saw Qi Fei also set out to go outside, the voice of the old man in Tsing Yi suddenly rang: "Qi Fei stopped."

The fat man in black stiffened slightly. After hesitating for a while, he finally turned around obediently, and saw the calm and indifferent eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi suddenly staring at him for a moment, in the entire space. Suddenly, there was a heavy and solemn pressure.

Only in an instant saw the little boy behind the old man suddenly coldly hum and waved his hand, a dazzling light curtain spread out and completely sealed the entire space.

In the next moment, an icy killing intent suddenly spread from the boy, as if a stormy sea engulfed Qi Fei!

Why do you want to do it to me? ?

Qi Fei's complexion changed and he was about to urge the spiritual power in his body to counter the boy's murderous intent, but saw the old man in Tsing Yi wave his hand at the boy: "It doesn't have to be that way."

The little boy froze for a moment and nodded and slowly dissipated the murderous intent he released. The old man in Tsing Yi looked up and down at Qi Fei, and a look of regret suddenly appeared in his calm and indifferent eyes.

"Since you come to me to study, then we are destined after all, and I only have one word for you...the sea of ​​suffering is boundless!"

Qi Fei was stunned for a moment, as if he had never expected that the old man would say these four words to him again.

In an instant, there was a huge mood swing in his eyes, but he remained calm again after a while.

Seeing this scene, the old man had to sigh helplessly and waved his hand at the boy: "Let him go."

The little boy nodded and waved his hand and retracted the spiritual light curtain covering the entire space, and saw Qi Fei cast a bow at the old man without expression and then turned and left. During the whole process, his face was not surprised at all. Can't see any emotional color.

what happened? Why did the teacher say that to the fat man?

Behind everyone, Chu Chen frowned when seeing this scene.

When I first saw Qi Fei, the old man in Tsing Yi said "the sea of ​​suffering is boundless", and now he repeats it again when he is about to part... Does he mean something?

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, is it that Qi Fei is now falling into some unknown "sea of ​​bitterness"?

You must know that even with Chu Chen’s current spiritual domination, you can’t see exactly what secrets Qi Fei hides. At this time, after hearing the advice of the old man in Tsing Yi, he became even more worried about his good brother .

Qi Fei, Qi Fei, what trouble have you encountered? What kind of "bitter sea" have you fallen into? ? When will you be able to get out of the boundless sea of ​​suffering?

As long as I help you, I am willing to pay any price!

Seeing Qi Fei silently leaving behind, Chu Chen sighed helplessly.

"As for you..."

Seeing Qi Fei walk out of the bamboo tower and the old man in Tsing Yi, his eyes fell on Chu Chen again, and a smile passed unconsciously on his face.

"Just open a medicinal talisman training class. It's not a waste to be able to meet such good materials and beautiful quality. You are very good. In the future, as long as you are not arrogant and not arrogant, your achievements will be limitless! Right. Three days later, I officially started the learning course of Shenxi Talisman here."

After the old man in Tsing Yi said these words, Chu Chen saw the little boy not far away winking at him~www.ltnovel.com~ He understood very clearly that he wanted Chu Chen to take advantage of these few days to rest and find a chance to take him. Go out and "play".

Chu Chen smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and smiled at him to make him feel safe.


Seeing Chu Chen's unhurried manner, the little boy's eyes immediately became a lot sharper: Is this kid reluctant to take him out? I'm so courageous...

Seeing that the little boy's face became unsightly and seemed very uncomfortable, Chu Chen quickly smiled and gave him a relieved look, saying that he would definitely find a chance to take him out to play, so that the little boy's expression was slightly better.

If the old man in Tsing Yi hadn't been worrying about being around just now, the temper of a boy might have gone wild on the spot.

But now that Chu Chen is a student that the old man values ​​very much, the little boy didn't dare to have a mess. At that moment, Chu Chen bowed slightly to the old man in Tsing Yi and saluted: "The disciple will leave first."

The old man in Tsing Yi nodded.

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