Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 609: Do you also know Fu Lao?

"Oh, you actually know Lao Fu?" Chu Chen was shocked when he heard the boy's words. He only used the "Talisman" when he auctioned a few medicine charms in Pill City to raise money for the evolutionary exercises. The pseudonym "Lao", I didn't expect how long it has been since, even the evil people in the Nether Ancient Forest have heard of Fu Lao's name?

"Haha, as the president of an auction house, if you don't even know this news, then you are negligent." The young man shook his head with a smile.

"It is said that the works of Fu Lao were born in Dancheng Auction House some time ago, causing frantic competitions and changing hands from all sides, and they have become a legend in the auction world! To be honest, the price of Fu Lao's works at auction was a bit low. At the beginning, the average price of his medicinal charms was only around hundreds of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones. Now the market price of any of his medicinal charms has reached the high price of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, which has skyrocketed nearly ten times!"

"Especially this kind of'Resurrection Talisman.' It is said that some time ago, a super strong man in the Lingxi realm was severely injured while exploring an ancient ruin. Almost all his body was completely destroyed, leaving only his head and heart. Later. After using that'Resurrection Talisman', it was completely restored to the original! Once this news spreads, Fu Lao's'Resurrection Talisman' will completely become a legend and become priceless. That is equivalent to much. It's a life!!"

Chu Chen grinned slightly, but he didn't expect his medicine charms to become so popular.

When Ling Xuan heard these words, she looked at Chu Chen in surprise: How did this little eagle get this kind of heaven-defying medicine talisman?

Before they could speak, the excited young man suddenly bowed deeply to Ling Xuan and Chu Chen, and bowed a ninety-degree salute.

"I have an unrelenting request. I dare to ask if this'Resurrection Talisman' can be sold directly to our auction house? We will definitely not treat them badly. To be honest, one of the ancestors above me is now in need of a revival. Fu save my life, if I can contribute this medicinal talisman, I will surely rise to the top! Please also senior sister to agree!"

"Oh? How many middle-grade spirit stones can you produce?" Ling Xuan frowned slightly. In fact, in her opinion, this resurrection charm can be sold to anyone, as long as the money is enough.

"Nowadays, the price of Fu Lao’s medicinal charms on the market is mostly around two million middle-grade spirit stones. This resurrection charm is more effective than other medicinal charms, so we are willing to sell 10 million middle-grade spirit stones. The price of the spirit stone is here! What do you think?" The boy looked sincere.

At this moment, even after hearing such a high price with Ling Xuan's mind, there were some fluctuations, and Chu Chen was even more shocked: 10 million quick spirit stones, that's 100 million ordinary spirit stones. what! You know that his revival talisman was only auctioned for a few million fast spirit stones, but now it has appreciated so fast? ?

"What do you think?" Ling Xuan thought for a while and then turned to ask Chu Chen. The price was far beyond her expectation.

I thought that as long as I could sell more than two million spirit stones and collect the money to buy the ghost head crystal talisman, who knew the price was ten times faster than expected!

"Okay, if you see this president being so sincere, just sell it to him." Chu Chen felt that his tongue was a little cramped. One hundred million ordinary spirit stones would be more than enough to buy the ghost crystal talisman! The rest of the money can at least buy Ling Xuan a better protective weapon.

When the few people left the box and returned to the inside of the auction house, the fourth auction was going on. The lot was a "volcano seal" of the fire fighting technique in the realm of Lingxi.

This is a fire-type combat technique similar to Chu Chen's "Nine Sun Burning Heaven Seal", but the power of the two is naturally different. Chu Chen and Ling Xuan had no interest in this set of combat skills. After all, the combat skills they cultivated far exceeded the rank of the volcano seal.

Not everyone has the opportunity to practice super-order combat skills like Chu Chen or Ling Xuan. Therefore, this volcanic seal still attracted everyone's bidding, and was finally scattered by one person at the price of 600,000 middle-grade spirit stones. The strong repairers are in the bag.

After the auction of the volcano seal was completed, the next auction item caught Chu Chen's attention: it was a black cloak, which was as black as ink, without any patterns, embroidery, or carvings. I don't know what weaving is made of the jet black fabric, and it exudes a faint black evil.

Vaguely you can see the evil spirit in that cloak, which seems to have resentful spirits roaring and roaring, except for this cloak, there is nothing special about it.

Most people who saw this scene suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

"This cloak was obtained by a senior of our auction house while exploring some ancient ruins. It has the ability to resist certain evil spirits and is a protective magic weapon. It is a pity that that The senior has studied it for a long time and has not discovered that it has other special effects, so it was put up for auction today, and the starting price is 100,000 spiritual stones!"

The blue-clothed woman who took over from the young chairman of the auction was also pretty, without the slightest jerky air.

The ingenious smiles between words and demeanor, beautiful eyes eagerly look forward to, but also make the atmosphere of the auction room not cold, but most people are obviously not interested in this cloak, so there are few asking prices.

At this time, Chu Chen's pupils shrank severely.

In his perception, although this black cloak did not emit any astonishing fluctuations, it contained a mysterious atmosphere as vast as the sea.

The hidden aura is really amazing. In Chu Chen’s feeling, it seems to have a natural ability to resist and dissolve evil and demonic energy, but it seems to be firmly sealed by some mysterious power. , It needs a special method to stimulate it.

Therefore, Chu Chen hurriedly conveyed to Ling Xuan with his heart: "This black cloak must be obtained~www.ltnovel.com~ It is of great use to you!"

Ling Xuan was taken aback for a moment and then gently nodded. There was no expression on her face, only the cold voice seemed to spread instantly in the field:

"This cloak, I paid 800,000."


After hearing Ling Xuan's voice, the eyes of a girl in red in the auction house suddenly lit up.

Although this young girl was wearing red clothes like the previous beautiful woman in red, she appeared more pure and beautiful.

At this time, she turned her head slightly and looked at Ling Xuan, and after a glance, she seemed to be aroused by interest, and she started bidding: "I'll give one million."

"Miss, think twice!!"

After hearing the words of the red-clothed girl, an old man with white hair and servant Tsing Yi next to him was slightly startled and quickly reminded him softly, "This cloak does not seem to have any special effect. One million medium-grade spirit stones have some It's not a good deal..."

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