Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 887: What did Chu Chen leave behind?

On a black rocky hill not far away, Tang Rou's lips trembled when she saw this scene, and she fell into a huge shock.

She never thought that Gu Haoran, who was trapped in the dead by the third elder of Medicine Palace, was just a puppet!

Uncertainly glanced at the three bronze bones in the valley, Tang Rou's pupils looked at Shen Hou with a strong shocked expression: "How did you find that they were in the middle? Could it be that you can see through that puppet's real body?"

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"That puppet can't even see the third elders, so how can I Kěnéng see through." Shen Hou shook his head slightly, "I was only reminded by your words. Gu Haoran is the most terrifying enemy I have ever seen. Kěnéng would not react like that if he was really forced into death by the third elder of the medicine palace. His behavior is so strange, it seems that he was deliberately trying to die in front of the third elder."

"Even though Gu Haoran was planted in our hands last time, it doesn't mean that he is weak. In fact, he is very strong, very strong. We would have died the last time if Chu Chen secretly took control of the overall situation. This time, Gu Haoran’s layout was obviously not something I could see through. The reason why I was able to find out at the last minute was because of Chu Chen. Because Chu Chen had been chasing Gu Haoran, but he did not appear here. There is only one explanation: Gu Haoran here is fake!!!"

Tang Rou took a few deep breaths, barely suppressing the shock in her chest: "So in your opinion, can that Gu Haoran succeed this time?"

"I'm not Zhīdào." Shen Hou shook his head helplessly, "Gu Haoran can be said to be the strongest genius in the history of the Medicine Palace. Such a character is so beautiful that no one can know where his limit is, and it is very No one in Kěnéng forced him into the real."

"So strong?" Tang Rou's expression was slightly worried. "Chu Chen is following him... I hope nothing happens."

"Let's go. You can't let Junior Brother Chu face Gu Haoran alone, that guy is indeed too terrifying." Shen Hou waved his hand slightly, and the figure moved towards the northern sky with Tang Rou.

In the south of the ruins, cyan beams of light continued to rise, crushing the void like the heavenly pillars, and they were madly impacting the translucent mask in the sky.

Obviously there was an extremely tyrannical figure who was constantly destroying the sealing restrictions in the void, and the entire relic space was constantly trembling with the flash of blue light.

From time to time in the sky, you can see black streamers passing by. It was a black-clothed tutor with a furious reputation and then rushed to the south of the ruins with the fastest Sùdù, hoping that before the blue light broke the seal of the ruins. Stop Gu Haoran.

In this black stream of light, the void and three dazzling scorching suns are also heading south, obviously this time Yao Gong San is always determined to catch Xiao Ran with his own hands.

Shen Hou and Tang Rou also speeded towards the south behind the black streamers. Because they were worried about Chu Chen's comfort in their hearts, they both urged their strongest spiritual power to fly.

It's just that when the two of them were passing through a swamp, Shen Hou, who was rushing, suddenly frowned, and stopped:

"Wait! Sister Tang, let's not rush over."

"What's the matter?" Tang Rou gave Shen Hou a surprised look, "Are you tired from running, or I'll take you for a while."

"It's not this Wèntí." Shen Hou shook his head solemnly, "I think there is Wèntí somewhere...We seem to be missing something."

"Oh? Where do you think Wèntí came from?"

The complexion on Tang Rou's face changed slightly. To tell the truth, she was already a little lost at this time. Fortunately, she had such a wise man who could analyze the situation. Otherwise, she really didn't want to do what Zhīdào should do.

"Gu Haoran is always treacherous and cunning. If he is not Kěnéng or Zhīdào, he will definitely die if he confronts the third old man of the medicine palace." Shen Hou squinted his eyes slightly, the thoughts in his mind were running wildly, "So with his In terms of temperament, Kěnéng is definitely not so blatant to bombard the seal prohibition in the void!"

"Oh? You mean...there is also Gu Haoran's puppet in the south?" Tang Rou's eyelids jerked.

"Probably it's something like a stand-in, a clone, a puppet." Shen Hou nodded, "Gu Haoran's puppet technique can't even be distinguished by the Third Elder of Medicine Palace. This is his big killer move."

"Still a puppet?" Tang Rou's expression became more anxious after hearing Shen Hou's words, "Then where did he go? They had already grabbed the ancient dragon talisman that entered the ancient sacred land, and they must have wanted to escape the first time. If there is no Shìde in the south, which exit will they go to?"

"Don't worry."

Seeing that Tang Rou's anxious tears were about to come out, Shen Hou quickly waved his hand comfortingly, "In terms of Gu Haoran's temperament, if everyone thinks that he is very Kěnéng to do something, then he will definitely do the opposite. And let's do it! Now we can only rely on Junior Brother Chu, and I believe Junior Brother Chu must have left marks along the way in the process of pursuing them."

"You said Chu Chen would leave a mark?" Tang Rou's pupils shrank violently, "Will he specially reserve a mark for us?"

"No, his mark is not for us."

Shen Hou shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ A wise light flashed in his eyes, "Junior Brother Chu secretly followed Gu Haoran along the way. He also knew in his heart that he could not deal with Gu Haoran with his own strength for the time being, so he would definitely Leave marks on the road to the instructors who are responsible for tracking Gu Haoran, and hope to deal with Gu Haoran together with those instructors after the round!"

At this time, Tang Rou was already a little bit arrogant, she clenched her palm slightly, raised and lowered her arm, anxious and worried on her face.

"Will Chu Chen be discovered by Gu Haoran? That guy is so powerful, in case Chu Chen he..."

"Don't worry, what we need now is calmness." Shen Hou waved his hand slightly, "Junior Brother Chu is very Kěnéng left his unique soul mark on the road. We need to use our spiritual sense to sense it. My cultivation level It is relatively weak, so the spiritual sense is not strong. You can use the spiritual sense of the Tianquan level to try to see if you can find the soul mark of Junior Brother Chu."

"Do you use spiritual sense to sense? Okay, let me try!" Tang Rou nodded heavily after hearing Shen Hou's words, and immediately closed her eyes, urging her spiritual sense out with all her strength.

The faint green waves spread in all directions with Tang Rou's body as the center.

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