Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 767: A super weak evil beast

After the little boy nodded slightly to Shen Qian, he waved his hand at Chu Chen.

"Time is running out. If you catch a good evil beast again, Chu Chen, you should quickly refining and conquer it. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will really return without success this time."

Chu Chen nodded and replaced it with a pair of bait at an extremely fast speed, and threw it into the Chaos Tree Hole again.

Both the little fairy and the little boy became a little nervous. With only three sticks of incense left, the entrance to the Evil God Realm would be completely closed, and even if they wanted to fish, they would not be able to catch the evil beast.

It’s just that this time Chu Chen didn’t worry them long before he caught an evil beast again. It was a snow-white mysterious tortoise. It looked about the size of a millstone. The mysterious tortoise had a very standard hexagonal pattern on its back. , Radiating an earth-yellow light under the sunlight.

This is a well-known super fierce beast Liuhe spirit turtle in Lingxi realm. The only characteristic of this evil beast is its extremely strong defense power.

It's just that its offensive power is unsatisfactory in comparison, and it has almost no advantages other than being able to resist.

Chu Chen didn't have the slightest interest in this kind of evil beast. Without a word, he threw the Liuhe Spirit Turtle directly into the Chaos Tree Hole, replaced it with a bait, and started fishing again.

After about half a stick of incense, a look of surprise appeared on Chu Chen's face, and he saw his two arms lifted up slightly, as if under tremendous pressure.

At the same time, the opening of the Chaos Tree Cave, which has always been extremely calm, suddenly bursts with light, and the vast chaotic air currents fluctuate violently like a tsunami.

At first glance, it seemed as if something huge was struggling in the depths of the chaos.

Xiaotong and Shen Qian both took their breaths and stared at the Chaos Tree Cave with nervous expressions, with an expectant look. The violent fluctuations in the chaotic tree hole in front of me are unprecedented. Could it be that this time I really caught an incredible thing? ?


The chaotic air currents scattered and shot, and after a stalemate with the unknown evil beast in the tree hole for more than ten breaths, Chu Chen finally pulled it up forcefully.

It's just that when everyone saw the evil beast caught in front of them, everyone was completely stunned, and the expressions on their faces were even more surprised than seeing the evil sword.

At this moment, the one who appeared in front of everyone and was caught was... a little loli! !

This little loli looked about five or six years old, with fair and tender skin, and her black hair in a fluffy pigtail draped casually behind her back. Little Lori was wearing an exquisite and small black dress, and she had no shoes on her white and tender feet. She was so exquisite and lovely as if she were carved from jade.

At this time, little Lolita was floating in the void, biting the light green ball of light in her small mouth and eating very happily.

Although she struggled very hard in the tree hole, her body appeared extremely light after she actually went to the outside world, as if a feather had no weight at all.

How... how is it possible? ?

Everyone, including Chu Chen himself, was completely stunned. Can he actually catch a child in the Chaos Tree Hole?

How does this little loli look like a five or six-year-old human girl who has not grown up? How could she appear in the chaos tree hole?

Chu Chen and Shen Qian both turned their eyes to the little boy, but the omniscient little boy stared at the little Lolita in midair with a confused expression.

"How could this be? How could there be such a thing in the Evil God Realm, is it a human-shaped evil beast? But if it is a human-shaped evil beast, it is impossible to wear clothes. I can't even see her origin!!"

"This little loli... is so weak!!"

After a while, Shen Qian pulled the two people who were in a daze back to reality with a soft voice. Chu Chen frowned and looked at it for a while, and she felt like he wanted to vomit blood!

This, this... the aura that this little loli exudes is only aura!

"What's the matter? Even a special humanoid evil beast is useless at all. How did this little loli grow to be so big? You must know that such a weak existence is fundamentally in the Heretic God Realm where the weak and the strong. Impossible to survive!!" The little boy frowned, with a look of helplessness and disbelief.

"This little loli is so cute, why don't you want her!!"

Shen Qian looked at the delicate little Lolita who looked like a porcelain doll, and gave Chu Chen a bright look. I saw Chu Chen frowned:

"It's just... she is really too weak, she should be some kind of mysterious unknown war beast in the Heretic God Realm. There are many kinds of evil beasts in the Heretic God Realm. Since there are even sword-shaped evil beasts, then the human-shaped evil beasts should not be. It is strange. This humanoid evil beast is too weak, and asking her is basically a waste of opportunity."

The little Lolita in the air was eating the light green ball of light with relish from beginning to end, completely ignoring everyone's conversation, she looked like a complete foodie.

The little boy frowned and looked at her for a long time, and finally waved his hand decisively: "If you don't want to, then give up and fish again. Time is really running out, don't waste it."

Chu Chen nodded, his palm shook the fishing rod slightly and threw the little Lolita back into the chaos tree hole.

From beginning to end, this little loli was trying hard to eat the bait at the end of the fishing rod, and was indifferent to everything around.

This time Chu Chen's speed was obviously accelerated a lot, and it took only one breath to quickly change the bait and put it back into the Chaos Tree Hole.

Just after a few breaths, the fishing rod sank sharply, and Chu Chen held the fishing rod in both hands and pulled it fiercely~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone was stunned again.

Actually... or that little black Lolita! !

Even the little boy felt dumbfounded at this time.

Generally speaking, once the evil beasts of the Heretic God Realm are caught once, they will definitely hide away from this area. After all, this is a world completely different from the Heretic God Realm.

But this humanoid evil beast little Lori actually took the bait again in a short time, I have to say that this guy is really stupid.

I'm afraid such stupid evil beasts are rare in the Heretic God Realm...

This time Chu Chen looked very crisp, and with a fierce palm flick of the fishing rod, Lolita directly threw the little Lolita back into the Chaos Tree Hole, and replaced it with bait again.

At this time, both the little boy and Shen Qian showed strong hopes on their faces, hoping that Chu Chen could catch a powerful evil beast.

The waves were rippling and the chaotic air rushing, and when Chu Chen violently pulled the fishing rod again, everyone was almost petrified.

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