Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 831: Ba Liu

Now it seems that Gu Haoran's true combat power may really far exceed Chu Chen's imagination...How terrible is this a mentor who can kill 20% of the entire Tianyuan?

You know that is the teacher of the heavenly academy. If this is placed in any sect or family outside, it is definitely the status of an elder!

At this time, Mingyue calmed down slightly, and said slowly again: "In fact, the most terrifying thing about Gu Haoran is not his tyrannical cultivation base and combat power, but his extraordinary mind. If it wasn't for his incomparable intelligence, neither would he It may be that he was surrounded and killed all the way on his own. If the medicine palace San Lao, who was not in the small world thousands of miles away, received the news, he crossed the void and jointly hit him with a blow, I don’t know this. How many people will die in the Medicine Palace!"

After thinking about it for a moment, Mingyue sighed slightly: "It stands to reason that under the joint attack of the third old medicine palace, he definitely has no vitality to survive. But he doesn't know what happened, but he once again believed in ancient times. Haoran's face reappeared...In short, Chu Chen, you must be careful and never touch him."

Chu Chen read the head slightly, with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, Sister Yue, we don't know the specific method of this game yet, we will be careful."

Mingyue read the head, a trace of melancholy on her face turned into a red light and disappeared.

Chu Chen looked at each other with Tang Rou and Shen Hou, and at the same time crushed the jade charms in their hands, turned into a red light, and flew to the ancient medicine palace ruins.

The brilliance flowed, and as soon as he entered the ruins of the ancient medicine palace, an ancient breath suddenly rushed towards him.

This is a very obvious feeling, as if entering an ancient history in an instant, and the whole person has become a part of that history.

When the transmission light completely dissipated, everyone had appeared in a vast black square.

This square is covered with a layer of strange black stone, and dark cracks and gaps can be seen everywhere on it, and there are even pits of large and small depths in many places.

And in front of everyone is a ruined wall, as if experiencing an unimaginable cruel battle, some parts even have some dark red blood. Those bloodstains don't know how long they have gone through, although they have completely dried up, they still exude a sharp and tyrannical taste.

But in the cracks of the cracked square and the ruined walls, there are many strange weeds. The weeds are shiny silver, as if covered with a layer of mercury, and exude a vitality in a dead, desolate ruin. Vigorous taste.

It is too old here, so many people looked around curiously when they appeared in the square.

Most people's gazes converged on an old tree lying on the ground.

It was an incomparably huge ancient tree, the diameter of the trunk alone was several feet high, but at this time the ancient tree had been charred and turned into black charcoal. This is an extremely rare lightning strike tree. As long as you see the huge tree body that looks like a blue dragon, you can imagine what terrifying thunder strike it has experienced.

And the most surprising thing is that there is a green willow on the tree that has been completely wiped out by the thunder.

The willow tree is only a few feet high, and the whole body is crystal clear as if carved from jade, emitting a radiant jade quality light.

An extremely strong breath of life radiated from this tender willow, almost without thinking about it, knowing that this is definitely a secret treasure.

It’s just that around this emerald-like tender willow, there is a translucent invisible barrier all over the void. If a disciple approaches the ten-zhang range of the tender willow, the void will transform into a series of black talisman. The horror aura made Chu Chen feel slightly frightened. Obviously, this was a special restriction placed by the ancestors of the Medicine Palace to prohibit anyone from picking the tender willow.

"That little willow tree...what's the origin?"

Chu Chenxin was slightly surprised and sent a divine thought to the little hamster.

To be honest, the aura from this small tender willow is too powerful. It looks like an elixir, but the medicinal properties contained in it are more powerful than any elixir that Chu Chen has ever seen. Many.

Even the dozens of rarest and most precious tier elixir he possessed in his storage ring seemed to have become useless weeds compared to this tender willow.

"That's... that's an ancient medicine. According to legend, it can only grow in the ancient times and cannot survive in this era at all."

A plump white hamster crawled out with his chest shaking slightly, standing on Chu Chen's shoulders, the little rat's face was full of dignity.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there is such an ancient medicine in this ancient medicine palace ruins. If I read it correctly, this should be the legendary'Ba Liu'. It is the refining of the legendary'True Dragon Ancient Pill' The main medicine, that real dragon and ancient pill is truly a heaven-defying pill. Once any monk swallows that pill, he immediately has the ability to transform into an'ancient true dragon', possessing a tyranny comparable to a real dragon. Physical body and destructive power, this kind of pill will not appear even in a single era."

"This should be the biggest trump card in the ruins of this ancient medicine palace. These ancient medicines can only survive in the breath of the ancient era~www.ltnovel.com~If they live in this era, they will be obliterated by the rules of heaven and earth. Now it seems this There should be a lot of ancient medicines in the ancient medicine palace ruins, but these ancient medicines can be called the most treasures of the medicine palace. They all have imposing prohibitions and cannot be collected with your strength."

The little hamster sighed slightly, his tone was full of strong regret, and he whispered in a low voice: "It's a pity, it's a pity that this uncle has no ability to collect now. If I can take a few ancient medicines, the seal in my body may be solved A lot..."

Chu Chen rolled his eyes involuntarily, but a touch of shock passed quietly in his heart.

Even if he had never heard of this kind of pill like Zhenlong Gudan, even though he hadn't heard of it, but listening to the little hamster said that this kind of pill is too bad!

Incarnate into an ancient true dragon, how powerful is that? You must know that the true dragon can be called the most exciting existence in the world, and within the same rank, the flesh is invincible and the combat power is unmatched, it can already be called a true heaven-defying pill.

At this moment, not only was Chu Chen stunned, but the other students around were also discussing this strange young willow that exuded a shining light.

However, Tang Rou looked around, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face!

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