Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 851: Endless sword suit

Void trembling, along with the fat man's punching movement, a huge ferocious beast's claws slammed out of the air and slapped Chu Chen fiercely!

Whoosh whoosh...

The hideous beast claw could not see the original face, but it carried a fierce and tyrannical aura.

And at the instant the beast claw blasted, the sword array in mid-air suddenly flew out ten bright silver lightsaber sword aura around the beast claw, cleverly filling in the missing part of the beast claw attack.

This blow... cannot be resisted!

Chu Chen frowned slightly, grabbed Tang Rou in his arms with one hand, and the movement of his feet had turned into a gray shadow and flew away.

Just as his figure retreated violently, under the blessing of ten sword lights, the beast claws slammed heavily on the towering rock pillar. The pillar broke apart, and the explosion sounded endlessly. The rubble was scattered in all directions, and a thick dust and smoke rose on the spot.

At this moment, a cold light flashed across the eyes of the white-clothed woman, and her figure turned into a white light and shot at Shen Hou violently.

As she hurriedly approached, the white-clothed woman turned over her palm, and a pale white dagger drew a cold light across the void like a white snake, and swept toward the thick heart.

"The mysterious earth transforms a shield, protect my body!"

At the time of the crisis, Shen Hou fiercely let out a loud shout, and yellow lights burst out, and quickly gathered in front of him into a huge shield.

The next moment I saw that cold cold light stabbed heavily on the shield, and a dazzling spark burst out of the void.

boom! !

The huge earth shield burst with a dull loud noise. The white-clothed woman frowned slightly, her hands fiercely closed, her slender body twisted into a thrilling arc in the void, and she kicked it towards the thick throat.

On her toes, a cold light could be seen quietly passing by. It was obvious that her shoes were also equipped with weapons. If she kicked it, Shen Hou would be killed immediately!


When it was too late, Chu Chen held Tang Rou in one hand, and immediately stopped in front of Shen Hou, and blasted his fist at the foot kicked by the white-clothed woman.

There were bursts of sharp noises in the void, and dozens of bright silver sword lights burst out behind the white-clothed woman, violently shooting at Chu Chen's fist like a sharp arrow.

Yep? ? This guy……

Chu Chen frowned slightly, his right hand fists into claws, and he grabbed the thick collar and retreated violently.

The white-clothed woman kicked her feet in the air, but the sword energy behind her came out one after another, slashing heavily on the rock and stone pillars of Shen Hou's body, and immediately blasted deep pits on the stone pillars.

At this moment, a large part of the stone pillars on which the three of them stood has been destroyed, and the scope of their standing has become so small that the three of them can only squeeze together back to back.

The countless bright silver sword energy in the void around them swallowed endlessly, like venomous snakes with open fangs, ready to choose someone to eat.

"Hey...what the hell, the legendary disciple Chu Chen, who is incomparably majestic and sweeping the world, now can only run around like a mourning dog?" Gong Mu sneered slightly, watching the three of them squeeze into the small awkwardly. Shizhuzhi's face became more playful.

"Hey... With the boss's sword formation guard, I really enjoyed it! Didn't this guy burn me with that golden flame last time? I didn't even dare to touch it this time, it's a waste! "

The woman in white did not speak, but her eyes were full of contempt.

The corner of Gong Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he read the reader lightly: "Okay, the tentative attack can be over, you two go together, have a good time!"

The two read their heads indifferently, and instantly urged the cultivation base to the extreme. The raging murderous aura swept out like a tsunami, and the two figures turned into two rays of light and shot towards the three of Chu Chen.

At the same time, the sword formation like the long river in the air was swiftly closed, and with the figures of the two rushing out, the light of countless bright silver swords trembled slightly, and then shot towards the three of them like thunder!

All swords are sent together! The countless sharp and dazzling silver sword aura swept across the sky, as if countless stars fell from the sky.

As the sword array exploded with all its strength, the terrifying murderous intent of swallowing the sea and breaking the earth was suppressed, and the entire void sounded with bursts of explosions of compressed air.

Tang Rou clenched her teeth, her pupils were already bloody.

And Shen Hou stared blankly in the air, and a strong despair suddenly appeared on his face: too tyrannical and too terrifying. The endless silver sword aura seemed to fall down from the entire sky, and it was impossible to stop it. It was a terrifying power that seemed to destroy the world! !

Under this vast and endless power, the two felt like ants facing the sky. The sense of powerlessness and despair that burst from the deepest part of their souls almost destroyed all their confidence!

However, just when all the sword aura was about to fall, Chu Chen's head music changed, and suddenly a huge spring appeared, it was a pale golden spring.

It was as if the mysterious eye of the ancient **** opened slightly, exuding a rich ancient and vast aura, like a ghost, a powerful **** has awakened from the ancient era.

The world is afraid of it!

As soon as the spring appeared, it rose up into the sky, turning into a huge vortex and rushing into the sky, seeming to swallow the entire sky!

Boom boom boom...

The endless stars formed by the bright silver sword gas collided with the pale golden spring eyes. www.ltnovel.com~ caused an earth-shattering explosion. When the sword energy slashed on the spring eyes, it seemed to bombard an impenetrable wall. On the road, they burst into pieces, turning into silver streamers and shooting in all directions.

The pale golden spring eye rolled rapidly like a whirlpool, almost instantly all energy fluctuations were swallowed by the spring eye cleanly!

At the same time, the beast-like fat man and the ghostly girl in white had already rushed in with a vast murderous intent.

With a violent bursting through the air, a huge fierce beast appeared around Fatty's body. The huge fierce beast resembled a wolf and a tiger, covered with a thick layer of scale armor, exuding an unmatched ferocious aura.

On the other hand, a slender white snake appeared around the white-clothed girl's body. The white snake's figure seemed imaginary and illusory, and the figure was as tight as a sword, carrying a sharp aura that could pierce the sky.

Seeing the beast and snake attacking together, a sneer appeared on Chu Chen's face, and his figure shook slightly, and a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out of his hand.

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