Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 905: wake

The giant chaotic hand was completely burned into nothingness in just one breath!

The sudden scene in front of him made Xiao Ran's brows frowned.

What kind of fire is this? So weird! Can actually burn my Chaos Hand!

Xiao Ran looked forward and found that the Sky Fire God Shuttle between his palms had slowly dimmed. Chu Chen looked at himself like a beast staring at its prey. This kind of attacking consciousness made him very uncomfortable. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"This level of attack is just your last struggle. Now let me completely smash your last hope. Your battle is over!"

Xiao Ran said coldly, his eyes full of pride, and murderous intent came up again!

The little hamster in the distance heard Xiao Ran's icy voice, and quickly passed by a touch of darkness.

It was very clear in its heart that what Xiao Ran said was indeed correct. Although Chu Chen's was very powerful, the gap between him and Xiao Ran was too great.

Let alone whether this Skyfire God Shuttle can hit Xiao Ran, even if it hits Xiao Ran, it probably won't cause substantial damage to Xiao Ran.

At this time, Xiao Ran had already urged Yuqing's killing Dao profound arts to the extreme, and he could not get close to him with the trace of the brand of the tree he had.

Judging from Chu Chen's current state, I am afraid that he can only create the last Skyfire God Shuttle, and cannot blast away the protection of the tree of the avenue!

"End? You are wrong!"

A grinning Chu Chen's eyes flashed with a touch of determination: "From now on, the battle will really begin..."

Before he finished his words, Chu Chen raised the Sky Fire Shuttle, which was still spinning at high speed.

That little light shuttle lit up again!

It quickly turned into crimson red, dazzling red lights bursting everywhere, and each red light carried terrible heat that could melt the void.

Although the light shuttle was small, the aura it exudes was vast and endless, as if what Chu Chen raised was not a small light shuttle, but a fiery hot, vast and boundless planet of flames!

The world is dyed red by this planet!

Xiao Ran's eyes were slightly awe-inspiring, and the old trees around him swayed slightly while his figure moved slightly. The dazzling stars flowed down like a galaxy, surrounding him all over, and he entered a super alert state. .

However, the scene before him gave Xiao Ranmeng a stunned!

I saw that Chu Chen didn't directly blast the Sky Fire God Shuttle at him as he expected. Instead, he flipped his palm and brought the Light Shuttle to his mouth, then opened his mouth and swallowed it!


An extremely blazing red flame beam rose into the sky, and a billowing heat wave swept the sky.

It seemed that a huge torch suddenly appeared between the world and the earth. The scarlet flame rose hundreds of feet high, completely engulfing Chu Chen's figure.

The red flames billowed and crimson rays were vertical and horizontal, and most of the sky was instantly dyed crimson red, and the whole world seemed to be about to burn in this huge pillar of sky fire.

Looking at the blazing sea of ​​fire spreading around, Xiao Ran felt that he couldn't understand it?

What's going on, could it be that Zhīdào couldn't beat me, so he killed himself? !

He couldn't even dream that Chu Chen would actually swallow that thing into his stomach. Even at a long distance, Xiao Ran could sense that the mysterious light shuttle was filled with extremely violent flame power and destruction. , Don't say swallowed in the abdomen, even if it is stained, it will peel off if you die!

He could only watch the changes, watching the sky-reaching flame beam between the sky and the earth, like an ancient volcano that erupted violently, radiating endless heat in all directions.

On the giant tree where the little hamster hid in the distance, it also looked at the huge pillar of fire with an uneasy expression, and its expression was full of anxiety and worry.

Soon, the huge pillar of fire rising into the sky gradually dimmed.

As if the inner spiritual power had been exhausted, the crimson firelight gradually dissipated.

However, in the deepest part of the devastating flame, a huge breath of life faintly radiated, which made people feel shocking.

Finally, when the fiery red beam of light completely dissipated, it suddenly appeared on the spot!

I saw Chu Chen standing in the very center intact, and in his deep and bright black eyes, the sun, moon and stars could be seen faintly circulating.

Two huge wings of sky fire lay in the void behind him, as if to spread to the end of heaven and earth!

And on Chu Chen's forehead, a blood-colored six-pointed star totem, with inexhaustible mystery and power!

Chu Chen, with an angry face, was surrounded by countless red blood, as if wearing an ancient blood-colored battle armor!

An ancient, mysterious, desolate, domineering, and noble aura permeated the heavens and the earth. At this moment, Chu Chen resembled the Yan Emperor in ancient legends coming to the world! Looking high above all the creatures!

The void behind him is a huge ocean of mysterious flames, and a round of pale golden springs floats and sinks in the vast ocean!

As Chu Chen's eyes suddenly opened, the pale golden spring eyes also opened impressively, revealing a pure golden flame eye!

At that moment, it was as if the flame **** above the nine heavens opened his eyes, and the world was filled with the aura of endless flames and burning all the wastes!

"This is, this is... Reverse Devouring Skyfire, Yan Emperor's Wings!"

The little hamster looked at this scene with his mouth wide open, and a huge shock hit his heart, making it too surprised to speak!

It never imagined that Chu Chen would swallow the Skyfire God Shuttle, and at the cost of burning the whole body's blood and soul, forcibly awakened the trace of Yandi brand contained in the heavenly fire, and summoned the Yandi's wings!

What is the origin of the heavenly fire?

I am afraid that only a small hamster in this world knows this very well~www.ltnovel.com~ It was originally a cluster of chaotic fires produced by the beginning of the world. After hundreds of millions of years, it has absorbed the essence of the world, and finally evolved into a fire capable of burning the sky. The divine fire of the heavens that destroys the earth.

That fire wanders in the void of the heavens all the year round, and will come to the world once every tens of thousands of years.

The last time the divine fire of the heavens came to the world, it was the ancient **** Yandi.

With the help of the power of the sky fire, Emperor Yan spreads across the nine heavens and ten places, and his prestige is still not weaker than the Emperor of Heaven.

Later, the ancient mythological era died, and Emperor Yan completely disappeared from the heavens and the earth. This celestial fire returned to the dilapidated celestial void, wandering in the crevices of countless worlds.

Although Emperor Yan has disappeared, he has left his own brand of life and the true meaning of the Great Dao in the sky fire. This true meaning has been fused with the origin of the sky fire and became a part of the sky fire!

Even the little hamster hadn't expected that this sky fire had evolved several times in Chu Chen's body, and the trace of Yan Di's true intention contained in it was actually sensed by him.

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