Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 857: Swire Great Array

With a low growl, Gu Haoran just wanted to take Gu Ying and Gu Lan to leave, but saw a silver light flashed in the void again, and a bright silver rope directly trapped one of Gu Lan’s palms. Gu Lan only felt her wrist tighten, and the silver light madly dragged her into the deep forest.

Seeing this scene, Gu Haoran's face changed abruptly, and the figure flew directly up, grabbing the arm that flew backward towards Gu Lan.

The flowing fingers lightly flicked on the bright silver light, and a huge force exploded, and the wonderful and strange silver light rope was directly broken!

"Gu Haoran, you **** dare to hurt even your deity, I think you are tired and crooked!!"

A furious curse came from the depths of the remote dense forest, and in a dense forest, a snow-white plump little hamster leaped and flicked its small paws, and its small white paws appeared. There was a scarlet wound.

Gu Haoran’s strength is really too strong, even though the rope of light that was transformed by the immortality technique is thousands of meters long, when Gu Haoran blasted the rope of light, a puff of invincible power followed the light. The rope quickly spread towards the source.

Fortunately, in the end, the little hamster quickly dropped the light rope and was not affected by the huge force, even though one of its small paws was still injured by the afterwave of that force.

Hearing the sharp curses from afar, Gu Haoran remained unmoved, his expression as calm and indifferent as before.

With a slight wave of his palm, a strong blue light spread instantly, enclosing Gu Ying and Gu Lan by himself.


The blue light swept across, just about to leave with the three of them turned into meteors, and saw a green light flashing above a towering old tree behind the three of them, and a tall figure appeared on a thick branch with the corner of his mouth. Grinning slightly:

"It's too late, the Eternal Heavens Azure Dragon Profound Destruction Array has been completely activated!!"

The corners of Shen Hou's mouth twitched slightly, and the next moment, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded deep in the calm forest.

So far, ancient, and vast, the sound of the dragon's roar, traversing infinite time and space, descended on the entire forest like thunder!

Long Yin moves Xiao!

The deep and deep voice of the dragon's roar seemed to burst from the depths of the infinitely distant sky, and instantly spread throughout the world.

In an instant, the huge forest that was originally vibrant was fully "revived" under this dragon's chant. A powerful, vast, and boundless force circulated throughout the forest, and it seemed that there was a huge and incomparable giant. The dragon recovered from the endless sleep, and once again descended between this world!

The entire forest is shaking violently... It's like an unknown giant beast is about to break out of the earth. A violent wave spreads in all directions. This wave not only covers the entire forest, but also It spread directly to more distant places around.

"Then... what is that?"

At the No. 3 trading house not far from the forest, thousands of students looked in horror and couldn't help but looked in the direction of the forest.

In their vision, that lush forest boiled violently like boiled water, and huge pillars of blue light rose into the sky, infesting the entire sky into a blue and blue color.

After that beam of light rushed to the sky, it would not dissipate, as if a single cyan sky column penetrated the sky and the earth. Along with the burst of dazzling glaucoma, those huge beams of light turned out to be huge and unparalleled ancient giant trees.

The huge wood was so huge that it actually seemed to carry one world after another, and the terrible visions of stars circulating, the sun and the moon rising, and the mountains and rivers broken were faintly seen around.

In addition to this earth-shattering vision, the looming voices of dragons are endless, resounding in the depths of the sky like thunder, and the deep and immense dragons, as if through the ancient and modern, from the infinitely far away. The era has come!

"What the **** is that? How could this happen!!"

The entire trading fair market was as silent as death, and a huge sense of horror seemed to be overwhelming to everyone who was overwhelmed by ancient mountains.

The scene in front of us is really amazing. The huge blue light that rises into the sky transforms into a series of ancient giant trees that connect the sky and the earth. Each giant tree actually seems to carry a completed world. Sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and trees come and go There is endless reincarnation, and the vast and endless low and deep dragons of the void, this is like creating the world and destroying the world!

"This is... This should be the legendary Primordial Ten Thousand Wood Passing Heaven Formation."

The burly black tutor next to him frowned slightly, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, "This is the legendary ancient formation, with thousands of trees reaching the sky, and successive Cangyu. This is the taboo ancient formation of the wood formation."

"Did someone unintentionally trigger this ancient formation? Did they want to collect some ancient medicine and violated the prohibition of that forest?" A slightly thin young boy had a look of horror on his face, surprised Looking at the black tutor next to him.

The burly black tutor shook his head and did not speak, but a female tutor beside him frowned: "There is no ancient medicine in that area, so it has not been placed in the ancient formation by the medicine palace. That formation should be a lot of money. The great energy and hard work have been laid down by themselves."

"You said this is an ancient formation laid by the students?"

The thin young man was stunned for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ His face flashed with a look of unbelief, "I have also read a lot of ancient books. The Taikoo Wanmu Tongtian Formation is the Jianmu Tongtianzhi from ancient myths. It means that if you want to really set up such a big formation, you must see the legendary ancient built woods. This formation has been destroyed and is invisible in the long river of history. How could there be a student meeting? Arrange this kind of formation."

"No, this is not the Great Ancient Ten Thousand Trees Great Array."

The female instructor in black shook her head slightly, and a deep shocked expression flashed across her pupils.

The thin young man next to him was taken aback for a moment, and he read the reader clearly: "Sure enough, how could such a Primordial Formation be deployed by a student? This is the Primordial Formation that some ancient sacred places cannot have... "

"This is not the Primordial Ten Thousand Wood Passing Heaven Formation, this is the Eternal Heavens Azure Dragon Profound Destruction Formation, but the taboo of the legend. These formations are based on the Ten Thousand Wood Passing Heaven Formation and incorporate the Azure Dragon Profound Destruction Formation and the Eternal Time Space Form The Great Peerless Killing Array is an array that only exists in legends, but no one has seen it with their own eyes!!"

The female instructor in black made two unconscious noises in her chest, as if she wanted to relieve her shock a little bit.

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