Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 870: miracle

"Yes, yes, the disciple must listen to the teacher's teachings in the future."

Fan Ling was overjoyed when she heard that the girl in white clothes said that she would spare him for not dying.

"Chu Chen!"

The white-clothed girl stared at the void fiercely, saying a few words like spitting ice scum, "How dare you use me, I will make you pay the price!!"

"Next round, you just wait for my revenge!"


The lake is overwhelming, and the black lake is endless, as if it has spread to the horizon.

Inside a huge rock cave by the vast lake, there was silence like death.

The three people in the cave, Bai Qing, Murong, and Lin Hao did not speak, they were like three stone statues. The news was too shocking, and none of them could react.

The three of Lin Hao had been wandering through the battlefield, and they knew how terrifying the Gu Haoran team was, better than anyone.

They couldn't figure out how they thought, how Chu Chen completed this hell-level difficulty task, grabbed Gu Haoran's natal medicine card, and retreated all over!

The only explanation is that Chu Chen is more terrifying? More perverted?

More unfathomable! ?

"Are you kidding, Chu Chen...Is this guy still a human?"

After a long silence, Bai Qing said with a look of astonishment.

"Of course he is a human." Lin Ha next to him was relatively indifferent, but the shock in his eyes still did not heal. "At the beginning, Chu Chen entered the Medicine Palace in the same period as us, you know."

"Of course I know." Bai Qing smiled helplessly, "But how did he do it? He didn't even reach the Spirit Spring Realm. The three of us entered the Heavenly Court, and he could only study in the Earth Court. . But now in the underground courtyard, he can actually pass the legendary ancient courtyard's strongest successor...what a joke!!"

"Hehe... after all, he is our junior brother in the same period, we still have to be proud of him." The shock on Murong's face next to him faded a bit, and he smiled softly.

No one knows, in fact, in the entire Medicine Palace, the group of people most unacceptable to this incident are the disciples of the monitoring hall.

At this time, a group of disciples in the monitoring hall became a group of wooden chickens!

Each of them had a dull look on their faces.

"Well, you guys will calmly read it to me. You are the ones who have witnessed the whole process. Do you have to be so surprised?" The short-haired girl Han Yan finally broke the silence.

The expressions of a group of surveillance disciples could not help becoming a little embarrassed.

A tall and burly disciple sighed, "I just watched every time, every time I felt that Chu Chen must be finished, and then he was reversed time and time again, and finally he saw that he managed to steal Gu Haoran's Medicine brand, or retreat all over, at this time, I have to wonder if everything I saw from beginning to end is true!?"

A fragile female disciple even reads her head, "Yes, the process of confrontation between Lingquan Realm and Linghe Great Realm is too perfect, I doubt that Chu Chen team did anything on our monitoring crystal? Let us What I saw was a fake image."

"Lingquan Realm actually snatched the Linghe Great Realm's natal medicine card, I also think it is my eye problem?"

"Is this the greatest miracle in the history of the Medicine Palace's Grade Pharmacist Competition?"

Han Yan waved helplessly, "Everyone is working normally, right, where is the mentor?"

Next to her, a fair-skinned, gentle-looking teenager whispered, "The instructor has sneaked away. He didn't let me tell you just now."

Han Yan couldn't help but rubbed the sun slightly when he heard the words of the young boy, looking like a headache.

Si Shao said in a young voice, "It seems that the instructor should have gone to find that Feng Ci to report the good news. After all, the Chuchen team this time is really amazing."

Han Yan couldn't help but sighed faintly, "The instructor cares too much about Master Feng and his apprentices. As the person in charge of the monitoring hall, there shouldn't be too much emotion. The instructor is really..."

The medicine palace is surging.

Thanks to the participation of the ancient sacred land, this level pharmacist competition has evolved into a rare event in the medicine palace in decades.

Not only did most of the students and mentors in the Medicine Palace put their attention on it, it is said that the world outside the Medicine Palace was also watching this unprecedented grand competition in the dark.

When the whole medicine palace was caught in a frenzy, there was a place that was strangely quiet!

This is Feng Ci, the famous lunatic tutor in the Medicine Palace, and his personal medicine refining hall.

The atmosphere in the hall was dignified. Several disciples stood at the door and looked at them. They found that the medicine refining hall was still tightly closed. They couldn't help but glanced at each other and sighed secretly.

Since the official start of the Grade Pharmacist Contest, Master Feng Ci shut himself in the private medicine refining hall, completely severing contact with the outside world, and even refused to let those attendant disciples go in and clean.

Many disciples also understood that the reason Feng Tsang did this was because he was afraid of hearing some bad news...For example, Chu Chen team encountered the ancient Haoran team and the entire army was wiped out.

It was precisely because he was afraid of hearing such news that Feng Ci simply closed the door and thanked the guests. He didn't see anyone, and he planned to wait until the end of the competition to come out.

This tutor... he was afraid of being hit by that strong again.

He sighed slightly, and several disciples waved their hands slightly, deciding not to disturb him so as not to become his punching bag, but saw a spiritual light from the void descending from the sky, landing heavily on the door of the refining hall.

The aura hasn't completely dissipated yet, a heroic long laugh cut through the void, and blasted across the entire medicine refining hall.

"Hahaha... lunatic, get out of your kennel quickly, I'm here to drink with you!!"

The aura dissipated ~www.ltnovel.com~ A tall bald man carrying a jar of good old wine in one hand, he laughed.

Although the wine jar in his hand hasn't been opened yet, bursts of attractive wine aromas have slowly spread to the surroundings.

The heavy bronze gate was still closed without any response.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The bald tutor slapped the bronze door vigorously a few times, making loud and dull noises.

"Who, slap me, I'm sleeping, is I tired of waking me up?"

Finally, behind the bronze gate came the extremely unpleasant voice of Beard.

"Crazy man, for so many years, your bad temper won't change even when you read it, how about it, do you want to drive your old friend away?"

Hearing the bald-headed teacher’s voice, there was silence behind the bronze door. After a while, the door creaked and opened, with obvious anxiety on the bearded face, "Brother, why are you here? Isn't something wrong?"

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