Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 885: God's Judgment

At this moment, Shen Hou and Tang Rou could clearly see that black figures cut through Cangyu, gathering and gathering toward the north.

At the end of the north, one could clearly feel the majestic atmosphere of three rounds of scorching sun, the vast expanse, that belonged to the third old medicine palace.

"Let's read it faster, I don't know what happened to Junior Brother Chu."

Shen Hou sighed softly, and saw his dantian parts shook violently, a dazzling yellow light burst out, and his body wrapped around him quickly swept away like a lightning bolt, worthy of following Tang Rou. .

Since Tang Rou was concerned about Chu Chen's safety, she almost forced out all the spiritual power in her body. The whole person had turned into a gloomy light, and her speed had reached her limit.

In contrast, Shen Hou's cultivation base was weak after all, and the soil attribute techniques he cultivated were not very good at speed, so even though he tried his best, he was always a little apart by Tang Rou.

After running at full speed with two sticks of incense in this way, when Shen Hou was about to be pulled a few hundred feet away, the two finally came to an endless black mountain peak.

I saw three dazzling scorching suns floating above the sky, showing blue, red, and black colors respectively, and the three gods-like figures in the scorching sun were faintly visible.

Under the scorching sun, hundreds of majestic black-clothed instructors surrounded a small valley, exuding intense murderous intent.

This small valley is not very big, and the radius is only about a thousand feet.

At the bottom of the valley, three blue figures stood proudly, even if they were surrounded by hundreds of black-clothed instructors, they were still Gu Haoran, Gu Ying, and Gu Lan.

Gu Haoran's complexion was calm, his pupils were filled with indescribable indifference and indifferentness, and there was no trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

There was a strange sneer on Gu Ying's face, and a pair of evil eyes kept peeking at the female black-clothed instructors around him.

The sneer at the corner of Gu Lan's mouth was even worse. There was even a sneer in her eyes, and her eyes swept around with interest.

The entire valley was completely sealed, and a heavy and endless coercion formed an invisible shackle to seal the void. The invisible shackle came from the empty medicine palace third old man, and could not be broken away or resolved.

In fact, the three elders of the medicine palace are different because of their temperaments, dispositions, and cultivation techniques, so the auras on the three of them are also completely different.

The aura on Bing Lao's body is like an eternal glacier. As long as one glances at her, a bit of chill will appear from the deepest part of his soul.

The aura on Old Yan's body seemed to be like an erupting volcano, and the vast flames contained infinite light and heat. The intense heat even seemed to burn the sky and burn everything.

As for Lord Changsheng, it is more special. The scorching sun he turns into is pitch black like ink.

Generally speaking, this kind of pure black aura can only be possessed by monks of the evil way and the devil way, but this aura of Lord Changsheng is extremely gentle, mellow, righteous and evil. It seems that his practice has completely integrated good and evil, and no longer distinguishes each other.

The aura from the three dazzling scorching suns pierced the sky and the earth, and Old Bing's icy eyes that looked like ten thousand years of Xuanbing glared at the three cyan figures on the ground, and his cold and frosty face revealed a sincere anger.

"Xiao Ran, you are so courageous! Five years ago when the three of us were not in the medicine palace, you took the opportunity to commit a heinous crime. Today, I waited for the third elders to return to their thrones, and can't tolerate your arrogance, so I don't want to confess the crime!!

Accompanied by this cold snort, Old Bing was full of silver hair and windless, and waves of cold murderous intent seemed to be swept out by the perpetual freezing wind in the far north.

The big words "confession" did not dissipate immediately after she was uttered. Instead, they turned into terrifying ripples and spread to the void, and the whole world seemed to vibrate violently with her cold snort.

Say what you say! Obviously, Bing Lao's cultivation is still reaching the realm, and he is about to reach the realm of "words are law and action is the rule", which is a realm that can only be reached by legends close to "gods"!

It seems that although Old Bing’s cultivation is not a small distance from the **** level, she has vaguely touched the threshold of that realm!

Gu Haoran from the mountain valley glanced at a look of surprise, but then let out a sneer: "Plead guilty to the law? What sin do I confess and why?"

Gu Haoran stood proudly with his hands on his back slightly, although he was facing the vast and terrifying third old medicine palace, his expression was not a trace of panic, it seemed that he was not worried about the situation that he would be killed in one fell swoop at any time.

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and his eyes were piercing, looking at the three rounds of scorching sun in the void, and talked freely:

"Since ancient times, the law of the jungle, the weak and the strong, the king and the defeat are the unbreakable principles. In this world, all the rules are actually specified by the strong, and the weak can only obey and compromise. Ignorance is not a crime. Weakness is."

Gu Haoran paused slightly, his eyes revealed a deep arrogance: "So it is not me who wants to confess, but the medicine palace teachers and disciples who died back then. They are too weak~www.ltnovel.com~ so they Guilty, in this world where the weak and the strong can only become the target of being killed and cast aside. "" And I am innocent, because I am the God who can determine and control their destiny, and God is innocent when judging the world... , The three elders have been in charge of the Medicine Palace for so many years, so you don't even know such a simple truth! Hahaha... It seems that the Medicine Palace is still like that, and it hasn't grown much better than five years ago!

After speaking, Gu Haoran suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, the heroic laughter pierced the sky, and the face of the three-wheeled medicine palace San Lao changed drastically!

"Sharp teeth! This child has been in a madness, a dying ill, hopelessly!"

Lord Changsheng snorted, and a look of anger flashed on his face, "Don't kill him, catch him! I'm going to take him into the Judgment Hall, so that he can taste the pain of those dead teachers, so that he I can’t live or die!!"


With a neat shout, hundreds of black-clothed instructors around the valley were running their spiritual power at the same time.

A dense black aura rose up, and in their hands a black shield that was half human was transformed into a black shield. The black shield was engraved with a picture of a fierce evil ghost roaring, exuding a soaring air.

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