Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 901: Chu Chen

Chu Chen's almost frenzied war lion attack mode came from the beard. At this moment, he was angry like a beard possessed.

With fists like violent storms, Xiao Ran's body guard was full of cracks. Chu Chen, who was empty, suddenly let out a low growl, jumped back, and rushed up again.

This time, both legs kept kicking and kicking the blue cover, countless leg whips and foot shadows, all twitching or stepping on Xiao Ran's precarious blue cover.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a frantic attack, a clear abnormal sound suddenly came out.


Xiao Ran's body guard cyan mask was directly shattered, because it could not withstand Chu Chen's high-density attack frequency in an instant, it completely collapsed and exploded!

Xiao Ran's body was caught off guard, and was directly thrown into the air with a strong force.

"The wild lion attacked!"

Chu Chen's storm-like attacks did not stop, but kept greeting Xiao Ran's body. Even if Xiao Ran covered himself with his arms crossed in front of his chest, he was constantly blasted upward by Chu Chen when he entered a defensive state. Throw away.

In an instant, Xiao Ran was already under the attack of the storm from Chu Chen, and rolled to a height of one hundred feet!

To be precise, under Chu Chen's pursuit, Xiao Ran's body was thrown higher and higher, like a sandbag that was repeatedly beaten away!

At this moment, Xiao Ran felt that he was very embarrassed. Although Chu Chen didn't hurt his roots, he was extremely upset by being attacked like a sandbag like this crazy!

How am I Xiao Ran a generation to be slaughtered!

Don't want to humiliate me with a big beard fighting method!

Xiao Ran's eyes were cold again, and he was about to fight back. He suddenly found that Chu Chen in front of him had disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already enjoying himself.


After Chu Chen uttered a violent roar, his head slammed down, and a head hammer that fell directly from the sky banged against Xiao Ran's face door, banging his whole person into flight, like a meteor Falling down just as quickly!


Xiao Ran slammed heavily on the ground, slamming a pit several feet deep into the ground with a bang.

His pupils shrank violently, and Xiao Ran hadn't recovered from the shock that made his face numb with pain. He just stood up and saw Chu Chen's figure, whose eyes were blood-red, cut through the sky like a meteor.

Without hesitation, he shot down towards Xiao Ran on the ground!

On a towering giant tree more than a thousand feet away from the fighting between the two, a small hamster hiding among the dense branches, watching from a distance, looking at Yiwu Gu flying towards Xiao Ran's Chu Chen, he sighed silently. Tone.

Knowing Chu Chen for so long, it was the first time that the little hamster had seen him perform this kind of frenzied attack similar to a beard-style, and it was also the first time he had entered this violent fighting state.

In the impression of the little hamster, no matter who he fought, Chu Chen always maintained absolute calm and rationality, as if everything was under his control.

This kind of absolute reason can make him find an opportunity to his advantage in every battle that seems to be lost, and then come back in one fell swoop!

But this time...this time in the battle with Xiao Ran, all of Chu Chen's old calmness and rationality disappeared.

He was completely in a state of hysterical madness. Although the seemingly stormy attack was fierce, it revealed a desperate taste.

Regardless of your own defense, regardless of the battle situation, regardless of the flaws in your own moves, all the spiritual powers under your body are urged to the most violent and violent state, everything is only for attack, endless attacks... …

This state is very dangerous, very dangerous!

The little hamster deeply understood that the reason why Chu Chen had made such a huge change was on the one hand to teach Xiao Ran, the rebel on behalf of Beard. On the other hand, it is because he has no hope in his heart, no hope of victory.

Xiao Ran is really too strong, the invincible powerhouse of the Linghe Great Realm is simply an unattainable **** for the cultivators of the Lingquan rank.

In the face of this huge power gap, all strategies, all calmness, and all reason are useless.

Therefore, Chu Chen abandoned everything and completely adopted a frenzied tactic of fighting for his life, desperately trying to win that ray of life.

The ambition to be trapped, there is no life!

Now Chu Chen is in this state, this kind of hard fighting state that he has never experienced before, almost mortal...

In the worried gaze of the little hamster, Chu Chen's figure turned into a dazzling golden red meteor falling from the sky.

When he was about to blast down on Xiao Ran, his hand flickered, and a long sword that was as dark as ink appeared in an instant.

The long sword was about four feet long, and it was ancient and clumsy, with no lines or decorations, but it exuded a monstrous sword intent.

The inky black sword light is sharp and sharp, and that sharp and sharp meaning seems to be able to tear the world, smash the stars, and cut the universe!

The nameless sword! In the fierce and arduous battle, Chu Chen finally summoned this nameless sword that he hadn't used for a long time.

This long sword smelted with Wang Tie exploded with a dark sword glow as soon as it appeared, and it slashed down towards Xiao Ran with a breath of tearing the sky and the earth!

This... The flaw is too big, it is too big!

The little hamster in the distance frowned again when he saw this scene. Although Chu Chen's desperate tactics could cause a lot of damage to the opponent in a very short time, its lack of reading was also obvious.

That is the flaw is too big, once Xiao Ran recovers from his violent storm to fight back, then Chu Chen will face the end of a lifetime!

Sure enough ~www.ltnovel.com~ When Chu Chen's nameless sword was about to stab Xiaolian, a hazy blue light suddenly flashed across the ground.

Qing Ying flashed, and the figure of Xiao Ran, who was bowing and looking painful on the ground, disappeared.

The next moment, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and a huge blue palm suddenly appeared in the sky above Chu Chen's head music.

The big hand has a radius of more than a hundred meters, and the whole body is bright with blue light, surrounded by a stream of gray air.

At the moment it appeared, the whole world was suddenly silent, and a moment later, a thick and endless spirit surged from all directions, like a tide, flooding into the huge palm.

In the next moment, that empty palm slightly took a photo, wrapped in endless waves of air, and snapped it towards Chu Chen!

The power of that palm could not be described, as if it was a hand of a **** from above, it even caused a great shock in the entire space when it slapped the void.

Like a falling heaven, with endless cyan light, whizzing down Chu Chen!

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