Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 904: Shading old tree

The breath emanating from that tree is too vast, it is impossible to measure!

"Ancient tree on the avenue, Yuqing really understands! This guy...this guy actually cultivated Yuqing to kill Dao to this level!"

The little hamster's eyes swept across a look of horror unconsciously, and it suddenly emerged from among the huge branches and leaves where it was hiding, and shouted at Chu Chen up to the sky, "Chu Chen, run away, read and run away!!"

The little hamster's tone had an unprecedented panic, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. Chu Chen, who was holding the Nameless Sword in both hands in the distance, froze for a moment. His blood-red eyes flashed across a violent look, and he saw his hands squeeze the long sword fiercely, and he turned toward Xiao Ran's The body burst away!


Sword Qi shot, Chu Chen's body completely turned into a faint gray electric light.

The dark black nameless sword was dancing horizontally and horizontally in his hand, and the biting sword aura was hunting and hunting in the void, as if a black flag was dancing wildly in the wind.

"This fool, that's an old tree on the avenue. Legend has it that the Sanqing Dao Zun was able to gain the Tao under that tree!"

"Xiao Ran can actually summon the mark of such an ancient tree from Mingming, although it is not a lush tree of the great road, but a withered old tree, which also proves that his Yuqing killing Dao has been cultivated to an extremely high level. It's..."

Seeing Chu Chen's figure burst away without any stagnation, the little hamster couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and his eyes quickly flashed over a dark gray.

call out! call out!

The sword light was raging in all directions. When Chu Chenyi did not hesitate to kill him before Xiao Ran, his eyes condensed fiercely, and all the black sword energy under his body instantly merged into one, and he slashed towards Xiao Ran as a sword!

Mingmingzhi, Void seemed to have a black banner raging against the wind, breaking through Xiao Ranshen Zhou Guangying's visionary world like a broken bamboo.

Xiao Ran's gaze was slightly drenched in the cyan glow of the sky, and his expression Gu Bo stretched out a finger, gently across the sky, reading at the center of the sword body of the nameless sword.

The slender and white fingers were stained with the cyan glow of reading, and they looked more radiant and white than a girl, but at this time, unimaginable terrifying power broke out.

I saw a cyan glare splashing out from the fingertips, blasting heavily on the jet black long sword.

Chu Chen's hands shook fiercely, and the long sword in his hand snapped and split into two!

Half of the sword body flew out a hundred meters away like a derailed black meteor.

The Wuming Sword actually broke!

This long sword smelted with Wang Tie is invincible, cutting gold and breaking iron like mud, but at this time it was read by Xiao Ran!

There was a look of horror in Chu Chen's eyes, but Xiao Ran's attack did not stop.

I saw his fingers shook slightly again, and a bright cyan brilliance burst out from the fingertips, traversing the void, and instantly penetrated Chu Chen's shoulders.

The tyrannical and unimaginable huge force seemed as if Gu Shan had struck him, and directly blasted Chu Chen's figure hundreds of feet away.

His body directly pierced the bodies of several giant trees, and when they smashed heavily on the ground, the air hole on his shoulder was bleeding like a puddle, and the red blood quickly filled the ground into a pool of blood.

Feeling that his consciousness seemed to be pulling away from his body, Chu Chen gritted his teeth and took a few breaths of cold air from his teeth.

He forced himself to hold back a strong feeling of dizziness in his mind, forcefully squeezed the half-broken sword and half-kneeled to prop up his body, faltering.

"I said that the distance between us is like a **** and a mortal."

Xiao Ran's expression was extremely cold, he was floating in the air, his eyes looked down at Chu Chen with a faint sense of arrogance that penetrated into his bones, his eyes seemed to be looking at an extremely small ant.

"If I read it carefully, you have nothing but death. Now... you go to **** and wait for Feng Ci."

After speaking, Xiao Ran's right hand grabbed the air, and a huge blue chaotic hand appeared again above Chu Chen's head in the tremor of the void.

This giant hand is more mysterious, broad, and the palm edge is surrounded by layers of misty chaotic airflow, and the whole body is covered with a faint glow, as if an ancient sacred mountain that has existed since the beginning of heaven and earth is full of unparalleled oppression.

Along with Xiao Ran's right palm and five fingers violently closed, the hand of the Chaos in the air suddenly grabbed, wrapped in the blazing blue glow of the sky and grabbed it towards Chu Chen.

Five thick fingers pierced through the space and brought out five blue marks. When the blue marks passed, there appeared dense cobweb-like cracks in the depths of the void, which were torn apart by that violent force!


The corner of Xiao Ran's mouth in the air passed a touch of cruelty unconsciously, and it was finally over!

Suddenly, Scarlet jumped into Xiao Ran's eyes. It was just a slight red light reading, but it made Xiao Ran feel extremely terrified, making his eyelids twitch.

His eyes caught the scarlet that was dazzling, and Xiao Ran's pupils suddenly shrank severely!

I saw Chu Chen's body, who was half kneeling on the ground, trembling slightly, his hands were placed on his chest, palms facing each other. It could be clearly seen that between the palms of his hands, a scarlet light appeared abruptly in the void.

It was just a little red light reading, it looked like a small flame that would extinguish at any time, but at the moment it appeared, it exuded an unimaginable huge breath.

It seems that the whole world and everything are afraid of this red little light reading, and that kind of power seems to be able to destroy the sky and the earth and burn all the stars once it erupts!

That...what the **** is that! !

Xiao Ran's eyes throbbed, and in his gaze, the little red light in Chu Chen's palms began to spin violently as soon as it appeared ~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally formed a small red light shuttle.

The light shuttle was about half the size of a palm, and the whole body was crystal clear, looking like an exquisite and small work of art.

But the aura from such a little red shuttle made Xiao Ran feel that all his hairs were exploded in an instant, it was a kind of terrifying pressure that was almost death!

"The end of the crossbow!"

Under the intense death crisis, Xiao Ran instantly urged his spiritual power to the extreme, and saw that the vast blue chaos hand in the void burst out with a cyan glow, trying to completely cover Chu Chen.


Wan Dao Qingxia, a low voice floated out.

That little light shuttle burst into red light in an instant, and the immense red light burst out in all directions!

In an instant, the huge hand of chaos was pierced by countless red light radiating outwards, and it was already riddled with holes in the blink of an eye. With a boom, it burned fiercely, the flames were fierce, and the flames rose!

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