Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 911: Xiao Ran's true purpose

Usually, even if the ancestor was staying in the Medicine Palace, he basically never came forward to deal with affairs, and even a few disciples in the entire Medicine Palace had seen him.

Therefore, the three elders can be said to be the real power figures in the entire medicine palace...Such a character can be respected by one person, and few people in this world can bear it, let alone the three elders' respectful salute together!

If this scene were seen by other disciples of the Medicine Palace, I am afraid they would be crazy.

"The three respected elders are so generous, and they have broken the disciples."

Seeing the respectful look of the third elder of the Medicine Palace, Chu Chen read the reading head indifferently, a faint light flashed through the depths of his pupils.

"This worship, you should bear it."

Old Yan hehehe smiled, his face full of uncontrollable gratitude, "Since your injury is not healed, then we will not disturb you to rest. Fortunately, you are fine this time, otherwise our medicine palace will owe you You are too much."

"The teacher is serious." Chu Chen read the head lightly. I saw the old man bend down again to give a salute, and walked out gently.

The corner of his mouth grinned slightly, and when the three old men of Medicine Palace disappeared into the sky, Chu Chen turned his eyes to the little boy next to him.

"What the **** is going on, the third elder of Medicine Palace is the same as the debt I owe me for a lifetime. Is it such an exaggeration? Would you like to tell me in detail."

"I don't have the strength. I have spent a lot of effort to help you heal your injuries these days. You are too sleepy. If you want to go back and rest, you should ask it."

The little boy frowned and yawned. He stretched his finger to the side of the bed, and saw a white and fat little hamster by the bed coughing gently, stroked his beard with pride.

"Of course this kind of thing has to be said by the deity. Go and rest."

The yawning little boy waved his hand, and his figure turned into a blue rainbow and swept towards the sky. In the huge blue palace, Chu Chen and the little hamster stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Well, if you have any questions, just ask."

The little hamster comfortably found a place to lie down, and while tilting Erlang's legs, he glanced at Chu Chen slantingly, showing that the uncle is in a good mood today.

"What the **** is going on? I just had a fight with Xiao Ran, and now I suddenly seem to be the savior of the Medicine Palace?" Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and the doubts in his eyes never faded.

"Do you know what Xiao Ran's purpose is for coming to Medicine Palace this time?"

The little hamster thought for a while, raised his eyes and asked him.

"His purpose is nothing more than to obtain the qualifications to enter the ancient sacred land, and also to take revenge on Teacher Feng Tsang."

Chu Chen lowered his head and rubbed the sun. To tell the truth, Xiao Ran's strength was indeed extremely powerful. If he hadn't desperately summoned the Yan Emperor brand within the Heavenly Divine Fire at that time, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"Yes, it's worthy of being the one chosen by the deity, but he is really knowledgeable."

After hearing what Chu Chen said, the little hamster read the reader with satisfaction, a very stinky feel, "But you only read the two readings correctly. In fact, Xiao Ran has another purpose for entering the Medicine Palace, and this purpose is even greater. More important than the other two purposes...that is to destroy the medicine palace!"

"What, destroy the Medicine Palace?" Chu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, "He wants to destroy the Medicine Palace by himself? He is crazy!"

It's no wonder that Chu Chen was so surprised, knowing that Medicine Palace is not a random little sect and a small family.

As the most famous gathering place for pharmacists in the world, the influence of the Medicine Palace is probably second only to the legendary five ancient sects in this world.

Since its establishment, the Medicine Palace has stood for thousands of years, and it has survived many battles between good and evil, the invasion of the devil road, the advent of foreign races and even the turmoil of the devil gods.

For so many years, the medicine palace has not experienced any big winds and waves. Now even if a disciple of the Linghe realm covers the sky with one hand, it is impossible to let this behemoth fall into a situation of destruction?

Destroying Medicine Palace sounds very unreal!

"Of course he can't do this reading on his own." The little hamster rolled his eyes, "Don't say Xiao Ran, that kid, even if his own strength is ten times stronger, it is impossible to destroy the medicine palace, but you Don't forget, he entered the forbidden area of ​​the Medicine Palace this time, but he got one thing..."

"Something?" Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment, a thought flashed through his mind, and his figure shook slightly, "Could it be that black guqin?"

"Yes, that's the star guqin." The little hamster read the head, "Don't underestimate this guqin, it's one of the few existences that can be called a'sacred instrument'. In ancient times, under the full power of the intact stars and guqin, even the stars in the sky could be destroyed. A piano sound buried the stars, and a string of strings pierced the sky and the earth. That was a terrorist weapon of the ancient times!"

"It's just that after endless years, the power of this star guqin has greatly diminished, and there is nothing it can do to destroy the stars, but it is more than enough to destroy a medicine palace. If you hold the star guqin at the pivot of the medicine palace and play the legendary'Star Breaking Song' , Medicine Palace will be completely annihilated in the ashes of Qin Yin..."

The little hamster's eyes showed deep fear.

"Actually, when you were fighting with him, I had some means to help contain him. I was afraid that the Xingchen Guqin was in his hand, and I was afraid that he would really urge the sacred artifact when he jumped over the wall, so I didn’t dare. The approaching...If the ancient song of the stars is launched, it may be a catastrophe."

Ok? ?

Hearing the words of the little hamster~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Chen gasped involuntarily.

To be honest, he just felt that the guqin was a little strange, but he didn't expect it to be so terrible!

"That fellow Xiao Ran...he hates Medicine Palace so deeply?"

Chu Chen frowned slightly, his hatred of the beard line was barely understandable, but why did he destroy the medicine palace?

"Things are not as simple as you think!" The little hamster sighed slightly, "It's like Xiao Ran insisting on obliterating that big beard. This is his ruthless killing, and it is also his cultivation heart, destroying the medicine palace. It also has a purpose."

"Oh?" Chu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is there anything hidden?"

"Do you know why Xiao Ran fell into the devil's way in the first place?" The little hamster's expression became serious, and he looked at Chu Chen without blinking.

"Fall into the devil way..." Chu Chen frowned, "If he hadn't learned some sorcery, then he was lured into the devil way?"

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