Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 921: Stars fall

Seeing that Chu Chen took the bracelet, the old man read his head and sighed slightly.

"This time there is another disturbance in the Medicine Palace, and it is also the negligence of my old man. I thought that the three of them should be in peace and there will be no disturbances, so I went to the Taiqing Profound Realm to retreat. I didn't expect that Xiao Ran was tempted by a dry heart. The devil’s path is getting deeper and deeper, and the methods are very vicious. This child's character and cultivation are the best choices, and it will become stronger and stronger in the future. I am afraid that only you can contend with the younger generation, so you must practice hard. "

"Follow the teacher's teaching." Chu Chen read the head, his eyes calm. In any case, he and Xiao Ran will inevitably have a life and death battle in the future.

"You are going to lead the stream soon."

After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly glanced at Chu Chen, thoughtfully.

"Yes, the disciple has now reached the level of Great Perfection in the Spirit Spring Realm." Chu Chen read the head.

"What you have is the ancient desolate spring, even in the ancient mythical era, it is rare, so you must be cautious in Yinxi and find a suitable ‘Lingxi’s Vein’."

The old man’s eyes were far-reaching and his expression was solemn, "'Lingxi veins" is related to your future cultivation potential, but for a while I can't think of what kind of veins are most suitable for you. I will pay attention to it for you and try to help you. Find a stream with the most potential."

"Thank you, teacher, Teacher Youlao bothered." Chu Chen bowed his body and saluted.

"There is one other thing, which is also yours."

The old man thought for a while, and a black guqin appeared between the flashing light of his fingertips.

The guqin looks very ordinary and dilapidated, most of the strings are broken, and only the most string is left.

But it exudes a shocking wave of spiritual power. The pitch-black piano body is deep and endless, as if it has condensed the heart of the whole world.

"This Xingchen Guqin was stolen from the forbidden area by Xiao Ran. Since you have defeated him, I will give this piano to you."

The voice of the old man was very flat, and it looked like he was giving away a trivial little thing.

However, Chu Chen was slightly startled, and hurriedly waved his hand: "Teacher, this is absolutely not the case, this is the sacred artifact of the Medicine Palace, and how can disciple He Dehe..."

"It's okay."

The old man waved his hand and interrupted Chu Chen's words, "This star guqin has been sealed in the forbidden area, and no one has been able to urge it for hundreds of years. It would be a waste to put it there. With your qualifications, I am afraid it is the only hope for the current medicine palace. Someone who can comprehend the mystery of this guqin."

After a slight pause, the old man smiled slightly: "To activate this guqin, you need to learn the legendary ancient tune of stars. Once you learn the secret method of playing, you can use this guqin to manipulate the world. But before learning the ancient tune, this The Guqin will be kept by me for the time being. After all, if this ancient sacred object cannot be controlled, it may bring you catastrophe if placed on your body."

"Thank you teacher."

Chu Chen secretly remembered what the old man said. The ancient tune of stars is an ancient mystery that has been lost, I am afraid it can only be found in certain secret realms, but since you already know such a thing, then if there is a world in the future, look for it.

"By the way, since you snatched one of the three ancient dragon charms, then that one is yours. Xiao Ran got two ancient dragon charms, and I'm afraid he will take them to the ancient sacred land soon. The lowest standard for the income of those five ancient sacred places is the monks in the Lingxi realm. Therefore, what you have to do next is to lead the stream to succeed in the Lingxi realm as quickly as possible. In the future, you will fight and play games with Xiao Ran The stage is probably in the ancient sacred land."

"The disciples will work hard to improve their cultivation level." Chu Chen read the head, his eyes filled with solemnity, "I look forward to continuing the unfinished battle with Xiao Ran. One day, I will completely clear the door for the teacher!"

"Well, you just have to have this heart."

The old man read the reader with satisfaction, "Since this is the case, I won't bother you to rest. The Bilong bamboo marrow of this blue palace has a great effect on the skyfire blockade of your contact with your legs. You can stay here for a while. Time."

After a few words, the old man didn't have too much nonsense, and his figure disappeared from the void with a slight movement.

In the world not long after, when Chu Chen looked at a book of chess closely again, he suddenly felt a faint fluctuation in the void.

When I looked up, I saw that outside the door of the Blue Palace, a swaying paper crane with spiritual power was struggling to flap its wings and flying towards here.

It seemed to be because the constellation of Qingdian was very strong, so when the spiritual power paper crane flew over, it was under a lot of pressure.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen quickly stretched out his palm and slightly urged his spiritual power to pick up the paper crane, and saw the small and exquisite paper crane cry in a low voice, and he was exhausted when he flew to Chu Chen's palm. Fell down.

The paper cranes are small and exquisite, with a faint scent of sweetness.

And this paper crane had a wild smell from the Western Regions, so Chu Chen's spirit was shocked, and he couldn't help but feel happy: Could it be the letter from the younger sister?

A wave of cold spiritual consciousness was injected into the Linghe, and the exquisite and small Linghe was violently shocked, bursting, and turning into thousands of shining little lights. In the endless aura, a slender girl appeared before her eyes.

Chu Chen chilled slightly, the figure that appeared was not a little junior girl Tongmeng, but a strange girl.

She is dressed in gray ~www.ltnovel.com~ The dress style has a clear taste of the Western Wilds, her face is covered with a layer of translucent white tulle, only a pair of star-like eyes are exposed, and she looks very curiously Chu Chen glanced:

"Hello, Chu Chen, I come from the Divine Xia Sect of the Western Desolate Region, and my name is Lianyun. I am Tong Meng's senior sister. This time I passed by the Medicine Palace and was ordered by the teacher to come here to meet with Junior Brother Chu."

After speaking a simple sentence, the shadowy and slender figure of the young girl dissipated into an aura.

Chu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the girl had actually come to the medicine palace.

Immediately, he greeted the boy and turned his wheelchair into the teleportation array.

The reception hall is located on the south side of the Medicine Palace. This hall is specially used to provide people from outside to visit the place prepared by the medicine palace students. To some extent, it represents the face of the Medicine Palace.

Therefore, the entire hall is very grand, carved with dragons and phoenixes, intriguing, and magnificent.

When Chu Chen walked into the reception hall, he saw people coming and going in the whole hall.

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