Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 936: Super ship

"You're polite." Lingxin nodded indifferently, "It's just a matter of hand. Since you are also going to the Western Desolate Region, I will help you bring these people from Pill City."

"Hehe, these people brought by Elder Lingxin are the most important group of all, especially Elder Yu. This time having someone like him is walking with him, it makes my heart calm."

The young president smiled slightly, waved his hand, and saw a few clever young men hurriedly approaching gently, seemingly wanting to help lead the elder Linghe and settle down.

It’s just that the little servant hadn’t even reached Xueyu’s side when he saw the huge spirit crane let out a soft whistle, and opened a huge white feather with a light wave, directly slamming the coming little servant. Fan it.

The beautifully-lined crane neck rises high, Xueyu's gaze is full, with an aloof color, his wings are directly up into the sky, soaring above the sky.

"Elder Lingxin, this..." The young president stunned, and looked at Elder Lingxin helplessly.

"It's not used to staying in the animal pen. It's accustomed to freedom and can't stand the breath of other spirit beasts." Lingxin's expression was flat, with no expression on his face, "Let it fly like this."

"It's just..." After a little thought, the young president smiled helplessly, "The West Sea is vast, and it is a long way from the West Wasteland. Even if the power of this steel building ship is maximized, it will take at least more than ten days to sail. Arrived. If the spirit crane has been flying in the sky, wouldn't it be a lot of fatigue? And the climate in the ocean is far worse than that on the land. The sky over the West China Sea is full of mighty thunderclouds and thunderstorms, which are extremely dangerous."

"It's okay, if it's tired from flying or feels dangerous, it will land on its own, and you can borrow your mast at that time."

Elder Lingxin waved his hand, "Since people have brought you there, then there is nothing wrong with me."

"If you have work, go down and rest first." The young president arched his hands.

"That's right..." Just as he was about to return to the cabin to rest, Elder Lingxin paused, turning his head as if suddenly thinking of something, and said, "This time there is a young man in the team with inconvenient legs and legs. Take care of him."

"I see, it's okay." The boy didn't respond at all to the words "legs and feet are not convenient", and almost agreed without thinking about it.

Seeing this, the elder Lingxin nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the cabin.

If this is an ordinary person, when I hear that there is a person with inconvenient legs and feet in the team, I am afraid that he will be a little eager, but this young man does not care at all. Even if the sky falls, he has a tall and calm appearance. .

In fact, the young man is in charge of the fate of the entire ship, he cares about everything that may affect the team, but the elder Lingxin specially urged to take care of a person, this is the first time, it must be a very important person, absolutely can not neglect.

Finally, the prosperous wealth that had been fluttering in the sea for half an hour was finally enough, and he took Chu Chen into an emergency boat next to him, and was dragged onto the steel boat by everyone.

As soon as he arrived on the deck, Wangcai fell on his four legs and fell to the ground, looking exhausted and exhausted to the limit.

However, Chu Chen strenuously moved away from its back, wiped the seawater off his face, and sat on the deck.

After tossing together just now, a large amount of ocean spiritual power is stored in Wangcai's flesh and blood, which is of great benefit for it to transform into the body of the dragon in the future.

It's just that one person and one donkey at this time look a bit too embarrassed.

Chu Chen's body was already drenched, her wet hair clinging to her forehead, and her slightly thin body even more embarrassed.

Wangcai lay directly on the ground, rolling his eyes and sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath, which immediately caused the whole room to laugh again.

"Tsk tusk tusk... this kid is really speechless, he is so useless, he still has to go to the Western Wasteland to join in the fun?"

"Hehe...The riding pet he brought can't even jump over such a short distance. If this is really in the Western Wild, when you need to escape in danger, wouldn't it be necessary to scare you to pee!"

"I really don't understand how Elder Lingxin could find such a person to join our ranks. What else can this kind of waste do other than drag us down? Can we still count on him to help us in times of danger?"

"It's really embarrassing..."

A cry of cynicism sounded from the surroundings, and at this moment, I saw a lovely girl in red with a round face who looked at Chu Chen with some pity, and waved her hand vigorously.

"Okay, don't worry about this poor little brother. It is said that he went to the Western Wilderness to find his sister. Even if he has no abilities, this intention alone is quite rare."

"Mind? Humph...If you don't have the strength, you can just use your mind as an ass!" The other person squinted at Chu Chen and left a sentence with disdain.

Chu Chen's expression has always been calm, and he has long been accustomed to the looming mocking sounds of people around him.

He is now very focused on one thing, which is to look up and down to look at Wangcai, and to make sure that it has indeed obtained great benefits, and Chu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, I saw the crowd on the deck slightly. A delicate and elegant young man dressed in a blue shirt with a slick face came over with a smile, and arched his hands politely at Chu Chen, just like an old friend~www.mtlnovel .com~ The respectful and kind attitude of the teenager directly shut everyone up. He is the most powerful person on this ship. His attitude towards Chu Chen's distinguished guests has blocked everyone's ridicule and criticism.

"This little brother, or I will take you inside to change clothes, and the donkey, and let it warm up in the animal pen."

"It's ok."

Chu Chen waved his hand, "Let it sleep here for a while. I will just sit here for a while, blow the sea breeze, wake up, and don't rush into the cabin."

The young man was taken aback for a while, squinting his eyes and looking up and down Chu Chen, his expression was a little uncertain: "This brother, have we met somewhere? You give me a feeling of deja vu."

Ok? This kid... his eyes are really poisonous!

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the young president's spiritual consciousness was so sharp. At the beginning, he followed Ling Xuan into the auction room as Yinpeng. Now that he has completely changed his appearance, this kid can actually be concealed. Sensing the relationship between himself and Yinpeng clone, it seemed that he was really capable of becoming the president at a young age.

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