Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 969: Tonghu VS4 Saint Giant Beast


It's just that these four sacred beasts are full of blood and light, not only without any sacred aura, but full of endless tyranny.

Each of the four fog beasts was hundreds of feet away in size, and looked like four ancient sacred mountains, with tyrannical coercion suppressing the void, and the power of breaking the sky and the earth when they lifted their claws and stomped them.

Beside these four giant beasts, the figure of the gray-clothed boy was as small as a dust.

The four sage beasts suddenly roared in unison, the entire sea area was shaking, and the space was slightly distorted!

Lingxin felt even more qi and blood turbulent, and there was an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling. He was affected from a distance, and the pressure on the teenager in the center of the square was conceivable.

In the roar, the four sacred beasts attacked the "Tonghu" together, as if four huge ancient peaks flew away!

"Tonghu" has a calm look. Obviously it is not the first time that he has faced the attack of the Four Holy Beasts. He saw his body move slightly, and the whole person turned into a gray shadow under the siege of the four Holy Beasts. Wandering rapidly between the crevices.

The green dragon turns into a blue ancient peak, the white tiger is like a snow-white sacred mountain, the basalt is like the eternal black ridge, and the red bird is like a **** volcano!

When the four beams of light were interlaced, the four huge "old mountains" crushed and collided with each other. After the collision of the ancient mountains, the endless energy storm radiated and impacted all around!

The blood armor guards that were closer to the square were directly exploded, and they exploded one after another. If it weren't for the black scorpion in front of him, Lingxin knew that he was definitely more than just qi and blood churning.

At the center of the storm, the "Tonghu" was terribly calm and calm, and "walked" in the gap between the attacks of the Four Saints Behemoths landslide and tsunami, like walking in a leisurely courtyard!

The raging energy storm of blue, white, black, and red can destroy almost everything, and the "Tonghu" can always find a safe point in the storm at the very moment of its death, passing by the blue, white, red, and black light curtains radiating across the sky.

Lingxin soon discovered that "Tonghu" moved between the attacks from the Four Saints beasts, Gushan, instead of avoiding randomly!

This... This seems to be a set of mysterious footwork? ?

After taking a closer look for a while, Lingxin's heart was shaken.

The gray-clothed boy’s footwork is so subtle. Although some of the postures look ancient and clumsy, they are so subtle that they have passed the bombardment of the mountain and the ground, and they are still under the crazy attack of the four sacred beasts. With ease.

His feet danced into a phantom, and every step he took, a white light shot up into the sky behind him.

From a distance, the gray-clothed boy seemed to be walking around a strange pattern, constantly lighting up one white light after another.

As each white light is lit, it is obvious that the blood mist in the void is gradually fading, and the murder and evil spirit contained in it are gradually weakened and resolved.

The white light was blazing, like a silver-white dragon hovering endlessly over the huge square.

The hidden formation was activated by the boy's strange footwork!

At the end of the white light, a crimson, blood-colored pillar of light rose into the sky, as if a pillar of heaven stood in the center of the square.

The four huge blood-colored sacred beasts roamed around the beam of blood light, what seemed to be afraid of? Desperately trying to stop the gray-clothed boy from advancing

This... Is this guy breaking the line?

With such a thought in his mind, the shock in Elder Lingxin's heart can no longer be described in words!


Elder Lingxin instinctively denied this extremely absurd idea.

However, the boy named Tong Hu, at this time really seemed to be cracking this blood-colored ancient killing formation.

It seems that his target seems to be the blood pillar in the center of the square, because although his figure is swaying from the left to the right, the overall movement trend is toward the blood-colored light pillar.

And every time he took a step forward or "swimmed", he made the four blood-colored sacred beasts furious, but let the four sacred beasts roar in anger and strike with rage, but they looked like four giant sharks. Facing a slippery little fish, he was helpless, all the attacks failed, and he was completely prevented from moving forward.

Is this unreasonable?

It doesn't matter if you can escape the attack of these four sacred beasts once, but it can be avoided every time. What is going on?

There is only one possibility, he is not hiding, but moving with the eyes of the formation?

Lingxin felt more and more that this boy named Tonghu was mysterious and unpredictable!

Soon Tong Hu was not just avoiding, he suddenly had a black broken sword in his hand!

While calmly evading the siege of the four great sacred beasts, a golden red soaring flame sword aura burst out from the broken sword, pointing away from the sky.

Because the four giant sacred beasts also realized that because their size was too large, they gave the gray-clothed boy a chance, so they began to summon the blood-armored guards around them to cooperate and attack the gray-clothed boy.

Suddenly, the blood armor rushed towards the gray-clothed youth like a tide, and the elder Lingxin and the Black Jiao suddenly relaxed a lot.

Faced with the pressure of the army, Tong Hu was not afraid, and constantly waved the broken sword in his hand, shooting out one after another golden and red sword energy!

Every golden-red sword aura shot through several blood armor guards accurately.

Being penetrated by the sword energy, those blood armor guards burned in this cold blood sea. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not extinguish the flame. They were instantly burned into nothingness, and completely annihilated in the void. in.

This... This Tonghu actually has such a powerful method! !

Elder Lingxin was shocked, and the performance of the gray-clothed boy in front of her completely subverted her cognition!

His figure is too elegant ~www.ltnovel.com~ The whole person is like a ghost that does not exist in the world, and it appears and disappears under the combined force of the four sacred beasts. Little Diao Concubine:

Just like there are countless space cracks in this huge square, every time he is attacked, he can instantly hide into the "space cracks" as magical.

But his attack is so fierce and powerful, every sword aura can completely annihilate a group of blood armor guards!

Elder Lingxin knew exactly what those blood armor guards were. Those guards are not physical, but essentially formed by a cloud of blood.

Even if it is beheaded, it will revert to mist and disperse, and it will resurrect after a long time.

But the sword aura of that Tonghu can directly turn them into nothingness and eliminate them fundamentally!

What kind of flame is that?

That golden-red flame sword aura can not only burn in this seabed, but it can also directly restrain the incomparable blood mist, so that the fog beasts can no longer regenerate. This is simply a kind of abnormal flame!

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