Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 974: Believe in Brother Tong

?This...what is this? Is this the imprint left on the bead?

Is this bead the source of the strange blood sea in the West Sea? ?

Sensing this earth-shattering scene, Elder Lingxin's heart was shaken.

The scene just now was really amazing. She obviously didn't do anything, but she was directly aware of the battle that took place in the Primordial Era and was devastating.

It's just that she feels very vague, she can't see the figure of the peerless evil Dao powerhouse at all, she can only vaguely sense the tyrannical power!

It was an absolute power that reached the pinnacle. Every move seemed to be able to control the entire world, and one breath seemed to be able to fill the entire universe.

When anyone sees that figure, a strong sense of shock and fear will emerge from the deepest part of their heart!


A low muffled sound awakened the elder Lingxin, and when he fixed his eyes, the tyrannical and unspeakable figure had long since disappeared.

In front of her, "Tong Hu" held the blood-colored bead with one hand and slightly activated his spiritual power, and it was obvious that the blood-colored surrounding the entire sea area was quickly gathering towards that bead, as if The rivers returning to the sea generally flood into the blood beads.

Only after half a stick of incense, the boundless sea of ​​blood around and the strange and incomparable ancient killing array all turned into **** torrents and were absorbed by the [一][本读] novel by the blood beads.

Even the **** ancient city that had been looming on the bottom of the sea disappeared and was taken into the blood beads.

Although the blood bead is not big, only the size of a fist, its internal capacity is incredible. It has absorbed the entire sea of ​​blood, without the slightest change on the surface.

This...Is this bead the core of the entire blood sea?

The ancient formation method contained in it has been completely controlled by this child tiger now, and has the entire formation been put away? ?

At this moment, Ling Xin was shocked to the point that he was numb...

"Tonghu" this kid can only use the word evil in her heart at this moment. This lame boy can only be described as the strongest young genius in the world.

It's too defying, even the blood bead smelted from all the spirits and spirits of this ancient evil way powerhouse can surrender!

Although the ancient powerhouse has been dead for endless years, the killing intent in his heart has automatically evolved into an extremely powerful and peerless killing array, forming an boundless sea of ​​blood that has been wandering in the West Sea for thousands of years.

However, after the endless years, the blood sea ancient bead with a far-reaching reputation was refined and surrendered by a small spiritual spring tier monk. This is definitely an incredible miracle! !

Just when the root formation of the blood sea was collected by Chu Chen into that mysterious ancient blood sea pearl.

On the vast West Sea, changes have also taken place!

The huge steel boat floating on the sea is now riddled with holes, and it seems that it can fall apart at any time.


The dazzling starlight ran across the sky, and after he strangled a two-headed giant wolf swiftly and neatly, Qiu San's figure staggered fiercely and faltered. sword.

His complexion was exhausted, and the time passed was very short, but after continuous and frantic killing, he couldn't remember how many fog beasts he killed?

The sword light of the Dragon Soul Sword in his hand was still dazzling, but the arm holding the long sword was shaking unconsciously.

On his body, several terrifying wounds gurgle with blood, and most of his body has been stained red.

"Already...to the limit."

Looking at the ferocious fog beast that still rushed endlessly in front of him, Qiu had no expression on three faces, and his heart was ashamed.

At this time, there were not many monks working hard to kill around him, and almost all of them were injured.

Some people even had one leg torn off by the fog beast, and they were still urging the magic weapon to fight after taking a hemostatic pill.

The broad deck was dripping with blood. By now, everyone had no extra hopes anymore, and everyone's face was desperate.

Some monks who were not strong enough, even collapsed completely, sitting on the ground and howling.


A crisp sword blasted straight into the sky, and immediately caused a burst of exclamation on the **** deck.

I saw a 17-year-old boy who looked resolute and pulled out a long sword across his neck. His crazy eyes had already turned red, staring fiercely at the endless blood-colored fog beasts ahead.

"Even if I die, I don't want to die under these disgusting monsters!"

Before everyone could stop, they saw the young man's arm shook fiercely, his sword pierced through the air, and shot out a bright red blood.

But he did not fall, because at the most critical moment, the sword was grabbed by a red-clothed girl, "Don't give up, everyone don't give up, Brother Tong and Elder Lingxin will save us!"

Blood flowed from the gap between the girl's fingers holding Jianfeng, and tears flowed down her eyes, "I beg everyone, hold on, everyone hold on, okay?"

No one spoke, everyone just glanced at them and decided to continue to fight. After all, even a little girl in the Spring Realm had to persist. Although it was hopeless persistence, she couldn't be weaker than this girl, right?

Everyone turned their heads, roaring and continuing to slay the endless fog beasts around them, but the despair and sadness in everyone's eyes became heavier and heavier.


A thunderous roar resounded through Cangyu, accompanied by three huge figures slowly coming from a distance, and a strong suffocating impact came, shocking everyone and almost unsteady on their feet.

"That, that's..."

As soon as I looked up, I saw the four-winged fierce tiger, the skeleton basilisk, and the cardinal fierce bird not far away, the three kings of fog beasts who have been watching the people being tortured and killed. I don’t know why, so I don’t play games anymore. !


The huge four-winged fierce tiger slightly stretched out the four huge fleshy wings behind it~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure moved and turned into a dazzling meteor falling from the sky, rushing towards the people on the deck.

The fierce tiger figure was still in the air, and the frenzied and tyrannical aura had toppled down like an ancient sacred mountain, suppressed to the point that everyone could not move at all!

With the flapping of its huge wings, the huge ship was blown backwards slowly back ten feet!

"This... such a powerful pressure!"

Qiu San's expression was cold, his pupils shrank violently, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Just letting him urge the spiritual power in his body so madly, that exhausted and exhausted body still couldn't move a bit, and under the pressure of the four-winged fierce tiger, he couldn't even resist.

He could only watch the huge four-winged fierce tiger flying in, and at the forefront of the deck that the giant fog king’s giant claws were about to photograph, a girl in red was sad. He smiled and closed his eyes gently.

"Brother Tong, I know you must work hard to save everyone, I am not afraid of death."

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