Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 980: Mutation


Bunches of dazzling spiritual light spread out, forming a colorful spiritual mask to protect the ship, easily resisting the heavy rain.

Qiu San stood on the bow and looked at the sea level in the distance, his brows furrowed and said nothing.

"President, this storm seems to be a little weird, is there something abnormal going on?"

Next to Qiu San, the young man named Liu Xuan looked around and asked in a low voice.

When Qiu San nodded, his eyebrows were furrowed, as if using some secret method to sense the distant horizon, his expression changed slightly.

"It's a bit weird, a powerful spirit aura is permeating, it seems that there is some tyrannical spirit beast metamorphosing in the depths of the sea, which actually caused the catastrophe. Let's leave this sea area as soon as possible. Tianwei, if it is affected, it will be unlucky."

At this moment, in the cabin, Chu Chen just returned to the room and took a brief wash, and fell directly on the bed. He planned to take a good rest.

The ancient killing formation contained in the blood sea ancient pearl is extremely cumbersome, even with his spiritual strength, after breaking the ancient formation, the whole person is almost collapsed.

So he almost fell asleep on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

This time, Chu Chen slept very peacefully, even though it was not as stable as the land on a steel building, the sea was undulating and turbulent.

Because of being too exhausted, Chu Chen almost went into a state of sleep that could not wake up.

Chu Chen didn't know how long he slept, and a loud noise caused him to wake up with pain in his eardrums.

The huge thunder sound is like destroying the world.

When he got up, Chu Chen saw the window and didn't know when it was blown open by the wind.

At this moment, the entire steel building and ship shook fiercely as if caught by an invisible giant. The walls and door panels made of Fuzhu steel were creaking and seemed to be unable to withstand the storm. The ravages will fall apart at any time.

In fact, this steel building ship was almost completely destroyed by the fog beast. Although it can barely sail, there are countless large and small holes around the hull.

The many monks on the ship also experienced repeated bitter battles, and no one had the energy to fully repair them.

Encountering this fierce storm at this time was naturally precarious.

Make such a big move! The metamorphosis of Wangcai turned out to have caused the world to change!

Although he was prepared in his heart, seeing such a big ship swaying like drunk, Chu Chen still felt that it was too exaggerated.

I got dressed and took a wheelchair to the deck at the fastest speed. When I saw Elder Lingxin dancing in the sea breeze in a green shirt, he hurriedly walked out of the cabin on the other side, his expression anxious.

After seeing Chu Chen, her frosty face softened slightly.

"I'm looking for you. The cabin of this steel building ship with Fu seal steel was destroyed. All the spare Fu seal steel fell into the sea. Now there are not so many materials to repair the big ship. The wind and rain are too great. This ship was damaged. It's too powerful, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it anymore."

Chu Chen frowned when he heard this, and when he looked up, he saw Qiu Sanzheng organizing a large group of people on the deck to build a furnace to refine Fushang Steel.

A group of people were busy dismantling some broken steel materials around them, throwing them into the furnace, and then smelting the talisman seal with spiritual power, and then turning the smelted talisman steel into a huge iron plate to repair the most urgent holes .

Although almost all the sailors and monks on the ship were mobilized by him, the work efficiency was very, very low.

The steel building is really too big, and any hole is not so easy to repair.

Several hulls were filled with holes measuring several meters in radius, all of which were caused by the King of Yasha.

The crew under Qiu San gave Chu Chen a feeling of exhaustion, and made up for the waves from the east and west to rush in again.

"It's not right. Although the sea climate is changeable, such big winds and waves are unheard of. It stands to reason that judging from the size of a steel ship, no matter how big the wind and waves are, it is impossible to destroy our big ship. Moreover, we have already It’s far enough away from the place where the creatures crossed the catastrophe, why is this wind and rain still so violent?

Among the crowd, Qiu San's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and his pupils were bloodshot. From the sea of ​​blood to this inexplicable storm, he, the acting captain, couldn't spare a moment.

As soon as Chu Chen in the wheelchair wanted to say something, he saw his chest shake, and a chubby little hamster came out and sat on his shoulders with a whistle.

"It seems that Wangcai's stupid donkey has good luck. This is the first time it has evolved after swallowing the ancient orb of the sea of ​​blood. It has caused such a turbulent spiritual reaction. Now it has entered the most critical moment. If it succeeds this time Evolution, its path to the blood dragon can be regarded as formally laying the foundation, and it can always maintain the body of the dragon in the water in the future."

The little hamster pulled his beard and sighed.

"Tsk tsk... The way of the blood dragon, based on my uncle's thousands of years of experience, there are only a handful of blood dragons I have seen. I vaguely remember that there is only one of the emperor of the emperor Mulong. I didn't expect to see one now. The birth of the blood dragon can be regarded as a kind of luck."

"It's just that although the blood dragon's way is unparalleled, but the extremes of things must be reversed, and the suppression by the world is also the strongest. Wind and waves... I am afraid that there is more than that!"

As soon as the little hamster's voice fell, a deep roar suddenly sounded in the world.

In the distance ahead, a shining white line suddenly appeared between the dark clouded sky and sea. It looked like hundreds of millions of white dragons were advancing side by side, quickly spreading in the direction of the big ship.

Everyone's movements stiffened for an instant, and Qiu San's pupils contracted violently, and he sighed slowly:

"...Coming so fast!"

Although I have never experienced such a disaster ~www.ltnovel.com~, when everyone's eyes see the white line that connects the world, everyone feels fear instinctively.

It is the most powerful, most devastating and most irresistible disaster in the ocean, and represents the panic of the sky...tsunami! !

Super tsunami! Hundred dragons howled!


It was just a few breaths, and the white line far in the sky quickly came to the front.

This tsunami is hundreds of meters high, and when seen from close range, it is as if countless towering Taikoo mountains have collapsed. The vast, endless, and extremely powerful force makes everyone feel as weak as an ant. .

Hundreds of millions of tons of sea water collapsed suddenly, and nothing can withstand this power of heaven and earth.

The huge steel building and ship were bombarded and shattered almost instantly by the endless tide. Under the vast and endless tsunami, the most pinnacle creation of human civilization seemed to be fragmented like paper.

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