Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 991: The old woodcutter in the giant mountain

Seeing the two figures leaping towards the giant mountain, Fang Rentang's complexion suddenly turned green and white, and finally he sighed helplessly.

"Dead lame, do you think you can escape from my palm?"

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his body turned into a light and shadow, chasing him in the direction where the elder Lingxin had left.

"Well, this direction...Yes, turn left in front, go ahead for a while and then turn in from the mountain road on the left..."

Under the warm sunlight, the elder Lingxin walked like a flying figure with Chu Chen's figure on his back, and under his command, he continued to cross the woods.

I have to say that this huge mountain is really big. When walking on it, I feel like I am in an endless mountain range.

Following the elder Lingxin, Fang Rentang's complexion became more and more ugly after walking in the direction Chu Chen pointed out for a few hours.

Because the surrounding environment seems to be getting more and more desolate, and there are fewer trees and bushes, etc., the dense forest that was originally seen has turned into a barren rock area at this time, a dead silence.

This...what the **** is this kid doing?

Are you looking for death?

A discerning person knows at a glance that if you go further, it must be a dead zone. There are no ghosts. Is he going to take them to death?

As soon as Fang Rentang was about to have a seizure, he suddenly heard a faint singing voice in front of him.

That song is vigorous and powerful, sad and vicissitudes, is the voice of an old man, drifting over with the wind.

"Viewing chess is bad, cutting wood and Dingding, and Taniguchi walks along the edge of the cloud..."

"Selling salaries and wine, laughing wildly and self-satisfied. Cangjing Qiu is high, sleeping on the pine roots to the moon, and it is dawn..."

"Recognize the old forest, climb the cliff and cross the ridge, hold the axe to break the withered vine..."

When Lingxin heard the song, she couldn't help but stop, "There are even woodcutters in this place?"

Fang Rentang was highly nervous, "Beware of the woodcutter in this place."

This voice gave Chu Chen a feeling of deja vu. He was thinking about who it would be when suddenly a black meteor broke through the sky and flew over from the sky.


An old man in black with a black short knife fell straight from the sky and fell in front of the three of them.

The old man was not tall, his face was round, his eyes narrowed when he smiled, he looked very kind and kind, but the moment he landed, the breath of the entire space changed.

It seemed that in an instant, the sky and the earth were imprisoned by this old man.

The whole world became gloomy.

Fang Rentang felt that he was instantly taken into a closed space, and the scenery around him hadn't changed.

This kind of terrifying space confinement, the strong in the Linghe realm, I am afraid that it will not be able to do it.

In this huge mountain, how could such a super old demon exist, Fang Rentang cried out of bad luck, and the resentment towards Chu Chen in his heart grew a little bit more.

"Good three, old man, I want to ask for directions."

The black-clothed old man looked at the three with a smile, and Fang Rentang suddenly felt that his soul had to be seen through him. Although the old man was smiling, he was obviously a man in the evil way from the perspective of his domineering means of blocking the space.

This kind of evil person with power against the sky, killing people is like cutting grass. It is very likely that if you are upset with a word, you will directly kill others.

With the strength above the Linghe realm, Fang Rentang knew that he didn't even have the ability to resist, and his heart began to sink, and cold sweat continued to pour out of his palms.

In contrast, Lingxin was more calm. The frost on her face remained undiminished, and she said faintly, "Old man, you are afraid that you are asking the wrong person. We are also looking for a way."

"Oh, I'm both a Pathfinder at the End of the World, destined, destined, but this little brother..."

When the black-clothed old man turned his eyes on the three of them, he stopped on Chu Chen's face, and his eyes lit up. "Boy, we are the real destined friends. We actually met again, but why are you different from before? "

Chu Chen actually guessed that it might be him from hearing his singing, and as a result, it turned out to be Duan Xiong among the top ten evil overlords in the world.

This old man who is greedy for money is so fascinating. When he first saw him, Chu Chen's first thought was to hide. After all, in the Medicine Palace’s Pharmacist Competition, Gong Mu, who walked the world as the heir of the Ten Great Evil Dao Overlords, ate in Chu Chen’s hands. A big loss.

Chu Chen was very worried. Duan Xiong would immediately settle accounts with him when he recognized him. However, after Duan Xiong recognized him, he had a pleasantly surprised look when he had met him in a foreign country. It seemed that he would not bother him.

"Ahem... There was an accident in the leg, so of course it's different from before."

Chu Chen knew that what Duan Xiong said was that his face was different. Of course he would not admit it. He deliberately said it was a leg. On the one hand, he winked his eyes with Duan Xiong, beckoning him not to expose himself.

Duan Xiong understood, he smiled, "Little brother, I know, well, everyone knows each other because of destiny, you can tell us about each other."

As soon as the fierce voice fell, with his body shaking slightly, the heaven and the earth lighted up again, and the imprisonment was instantly lifted.

"This is the elder of Lingxin, the great pharmacist of Biquan Immortal Sect, and this is Fang Rentang Sect Master of Pure Sun Sect."

After Chu Chen introduced the two people around him, he pointed to the old man in black, "This old man is called Duan Xiong."

Hearing the words "Duan Xiu", Fang Rentang was struck by lightning. He never dreamed that this smiling old man in black was the most difficult, mysterious, and wealthy old demon among the top ten evil overlords in the legend.

The top ten evil overlords, all of them are one-sided heroes, with only one hand to cover the sky, some people are sitting on large sects, some people are sitting on a country, only Duan Xiu is the most special ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ in the legend Every time he appears, he is a person, lonely, eccentric, and always smiling, but if anyone provokes him, a sect or a country, it may disappear overnight and forever.

His strength is said to be one of the top three monsters among the ten evil overlords. His only shortcoming is greed, chasing wealth, and chasing treasures.

However, he has always prided himself on being a businessman, and he wants to get anything in a way of trading. He said he is a business man with rules.

It was circulated on the mainland once that he fancyed a legendary ancient sword in Izumo, and in the end he traded with the Izumo imperial family. He used the lives of more than 300 people from the Izumo imperial family to trade that one. The legendary ancient sword.

This makes everyone speechless. This very principled businessman is actually unscrupulous for the treasure, because he has the final say on his principles.

Fang Rentang only wanted to escape at this moment, but although the imprisonment disappeared, he felt that his courage to step on his legs in front of this evil giant disappeared.

However, Lingxin frowned. She wondered how this child tiger would know such a notorious old demon?

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