Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1023: Senior, you can't do this

Qiu San separated from the crowd, came to Chu Chen with a solemn expression, and bowed his hand respectfully to him, "Brother Tonghu, I am very grateful for you to come forward, but you still have to be careful. support."

"I have a sense of measure."

Facing Qiu San's worries, Chu Chen nodded calmly, and said to him with soul transmission, "If there is any accident, I hope President Qiu can take Elder Lingxin away as soon as possible."

Qiu San's expression moved, and then he glanced at his side, with a frosty face but a worried spiritual heart in his beautiful eyes.

"I know."

After hearing Qiu San's response, Chu Chen looked forward with firm gaze, and lightly placed the dead branch in his hand on the ground, turning into a gray shadow and flying lightly.

Like a fallen leaf without any weight, it slowly arrived in front of the old man in plain clothes.

"So it's your kid, want to take the old man three ways?"

The old man in plain clothes still did not open his eyes, but everyone could clearly sense that the invisible gaze in the void became sharper.

"Nowadays young people really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and a kid in the realm of Lingquan dare to challenge the old man!"

"I can't talk about it, I just hope that the seniors can abide by the three-stroke agreement. If the juniors are lucky enough to take it, thank you for letting us go."

Chu Chen said word by word, and slowly annihilated it as if his eyes were worn.

At this time everyone has fallen into fear!

"It's over, this time is really over!"

"I said long ago, don't hope to rest on this little cripple, you are really sick to go to the doctor!"

"We are exhausted, we should be so fate!"

Everyone saw that Chu Chen didn't even have time to say a word, and he was blasted to fly out and was directly buried by a pile of collapsed rubble.

Everyone was plunged into complete despair, feeling that the cave air around them had become colder.

"Oh, how about it, is there anyone who wants to challenge the old man?"

Seeing a crowd of monks with ashen faces, the old man in plain clothes said slowly, "The old man is very compassionate today. Finally, I will give you another chance. Does anyone else want to try again?"

The old voice echoed in the void, but no one made a sound.

Seeing this old man's extremely terrifying means, the cultivators almost no longer had any intention of resisting.

At this moment, most people are thinking about whether they can find a space to escape when the old man is going to kill him, and how can anyone dare to meet the old man's three tricks.

The three tricks of the Linghe Great Realm powerhouse... let alone the whole three tricks~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if it is just one trick, it is not something that any monk present can resist!

"Without a newcomer, it seems that you are not going to struggle anymore!"

The icy eyes glanced around coldly, and the old man in plain clothes nodded "disappointedly", and immediately activated the spiritual power in his body.

The sound transmission of a slightly childish boy was heard by everyone.

"Senior, you can't do this, our three-stroke agreement is not over yet, why did you start looking for new opponents?"

The young man's voice was slightly hoarse, but everyone in the hoarseness still heard an unquenchable fighting spirit.


After hearing the young man's voice, the plain-clothed old man's expression became more solemn, and he even slowly opened his eyes.

The void seemed to flash through countless dazzling cold electricity, as if the whole world had entered his control.

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