Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 923: Chu Chen's New Journey

The little hamster shrugged his shoulders, "Although there are many other streams that are very powerful, they can't push the power of the wild spring to the limit. Therefore, it is necessary to find the wild streams and streams. You just want to visit this time. Tong Meng, just drop by and find a desolate stream and stream to refine it. As long as you enter the realm, the desolate stream is 10%, you can directly compete against the powerful in the Linghe realm."

"Well, then, by the way, inquire about the news of Huangxi Ximai." Chu Chen nodded.

"One more thing, I have to remind you." w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

The little hamster looked at Chu Chen with a serious face and said, "The power of the skyfire reversal is not to be underestimated. Your body can no longer bear such an impact. Although your physical strength is unparalleled, it can even be as strong as a monster. Fight, but at least for a year, there is no way to go against the sky fire, otherwise, if the power of the two sky fire rules conflict with each other, you will undoubtedly die!"

"Zhīdào, I won't make fun of my life." Chu Chen nodded, "By the way, do you have any suggestions on how to go to the Western Desolate Region?"

"The Western Wilderness is a wild land, where the Gobi is full of trees, and some of the aura left over from ancient times is still preserved. The spirit beasts, fierce beasts, and beasts there are the most powerful in the entire world, and even some spirit beasts are still Possessing the bloodline of prehistoric origin is a relic from ancient times. Occasionally, in some places, there are even huge spirit beasts like mountains, which can be said to be perilous everywhere."

Looking at Chu Chen with a solemn expression, the little hamster's eyes flashed with a blazing light: "It is not suitable for monks to go alone, so my suggestion is that if you want to go, it is better to go to the Medicine Palace to send someone to **** you. "

"No, this is not very appropriate."

Chu Chen frowned slightly, and Chu Chen shook his head, "First, I don't want Medicine Palace to spend a lot of time on my personal affairs. Although it is said that this time I defeated Xiao Ran and made a great contribution, the reward given to me by Medicine Palace has already It’s rich enough, and if you let them do things for me, it’s a little bit ignorant."

"Second, don’t forget that I fought against Gong Mu when I was in the ancient medicine palace ruins. That guy will repay him. I severely injured him and deprived him of his qualifications. He will definitely find a chance to retaliate against me. . There is even Kěnéng who will mobilize the power of the Ten Most Powerful Evil Dao to retaliate against me."

"So if the Medicine Palace sends a special group of people to **** me to the Western Desolate Region, the more the number of people, the goal will be too obvious. I want to change my image before my legs completely return to normal. Just a team that specializes in entering the Western Desolate Territory is just fine."

"Oh? This is also a way." The little hamster was thoughtful.

"The Western Wilderness is extremely dangerous, but the great danger also represents a great opportunity. From time to time, people will get into certain adventure teams to collect the rare wasteland and special elixir, capture wild beasts, and visit with teachers. Friends, looking for tombs, etc. It is said that the wasteland of the western wasteland will last forever, and there are many ancient spiritual tombs sealed inside, which is very mysterious. Therefore, many big people will want to be buried in the wasteland when they reach the end of their lives. "

"Oh, there is such a saying?"

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he didn't think that there were so many strange things in the Western Wilderness Region. "Speaking of which, I haven't been there yet. I always said that I read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles. If you have a good chance, Hǎode will explore it."

"That's all right, you first take a two-day rest, I'll go out and find a team to go to the Western Desolate Region, I will return within two days."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the plump body of the little hamster twisted fiercely, turning into a white light and rushing out. Its Sùdù was amazing, and even Chu Chen couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw its movement: What a delicate body!

Obviously, the little hamster seemed to have comprehended a set of mysterious body techniques, and it was not much worse than Chu Chen even under full running.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh secretly, this dead mouse is always fascinating, and a secret, it seems that there is nothing in the world that it is not Zhīdào!

Three days later, in the turbulent Pill City, a pair of strange combinations made the people passing by one after another, and their eyes looked involuntarily with a hint of surprise.

It was a big man who looked very strong, and an earth-yellow robe that looked very wide could not conceal the rigid muscle lines.

The big man looked a little anxious, pushing an emerald green wheelchair cautiously on his face.

The wheelchair also looked strange. The whole body was green and it looked like it was made of some kind of bamboo. It was not made of wood and steel like ordinary wheelchairs.

On the wheelchair was a gray-clothed teenager. The teenager looked calm and looked around indifferently.

Although he is in a wheelchair, he has sound hands and feet, and he is not the kind of disabled person who lacks arms and legs.

A strong man, a thin boy, a bamboo wheelchair... It should be a very strange scene, but the behavior of these two people has a natural sense of harmony in the eyes of others.

I saw that the big man looked at the note in his hand with some doubts, frowned, and asked the gray-clothed boy in a low voice, "Chu Chen, is this address really correct? Is there anyway to go? The adventure squad in the Western Wilderness? How do I feel that we have been circling in circles and there is no one at all!"

"Don't worry, Shen Hou, the address should not be Wèntí's."

Chu Chen's face was flat~www.ltnovel.com~ Both eyes looked around randomly, "Although Cang never plays cards according to reason, he has always done things very reliably. It is estimated that it wants to be a prank. , Let’s go around the city a few more times, but the final address is definitely correct."

"Okay, let's go."

A look of helplessness flashed across Shen Hou's face, "I hope I can successfully find the organizer of the adventure team entering the Western Desolate Territory before dark. But it's really strange. It's just a small adventure team. I want to enter it. I still need an interview. Does this guy treat himself as a medicine palace?"

"Perhaps because the Western Desolate Region is too dangerous." Chu Chen smiled lightly, "Therefore, people who are promoted to the adventure team must be strictly selected. After all, everyone hopes that when they face danger, their companions can help themselves. It’s not a rookie who needs to rescue himself.”

After a slight pause, Chu Chen suddenly thought of something and asked: "Speaking of interview assessment, how did you go to the ancient courtyard for the interview?"

"Very smoothly." Shen Hou smiled excitedly, "The so-called interview assessment is that the instructor in charge of the ancient academy randomly asked me a few Wèntí, it's all very simple. Next month, I can officially enter the ancient academy to study. Up!"

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