Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1038: Super League


"The three of you are planning to join forces to fight the old man?"

Seeing the three of them flying in the air, their clothes fluttered, and the various auras around their bodies gathered into a whole, like a mountain rising from the ground.

The old man in plain clothes sneered, his eyes full of contempt, "You ants, think you can join forces against the old man, or you just want to delay time here so that all the waste can escape completely? The old man can guarantee that not only you three will If you die, all the others who escaped will not have alive!"

With a heavy snorted, the old man in plain clothes is full of stars, and huge purple stars are born and die around him.

At the moment when every star is produced and annihilated, a burst of chaotic air will burst out as if the earth is beginning to open, and the vast chaotic airflow will disperse in all directions, forming a blanket of chaotic star field, covering most of the scene.

Chaos Star Field!

The old man in plain clothes despised the three of them, but he obviously didn't mean to underestimate the enemy, instead he came up with a killer.

The momentum of the old man in plain clothes at this moment suppresses all things in the earth!

Chu Chen riding a flood dragon rushed to the front, his right wrist shook, and the dark, nameless broken sword in his hand let out a blast.

A dazzling golden sword beam rose from the sword body, as if clusters of bright golden flames were shining everywhere!

This is a magnificent scene, which is obviously only the purest sword aura, and it actually forms a flame-like vision when it is violently gushing.

Countless thin sword beams split the void, forcibly opened up a golden light curtain in the vast chaotic star field, completely enclosing the three of them.

Elder Lingxin and Qiu San beside Chu Chen also raised their fighting spirit to the extreme. Elder Lingxin took out a cyan thin sword. The thin sword was radiant and radiant like jade, and seemed light and light. It is incomparable, but the sword light it emits is extremely pure, and even the chaotic airflow can be cut apart.

"The sword that will become a semi-legendary soldier, Bixiao Qingyu Sword!"

Turning his eyes to the weapon in Elder Lingxin's hand, Qiu San's eyes flickered, and a look of surprise passed by.

He didn't expect that Elder Lingxin's sword turned out to be an evolutionary magic weapon of the inheritance level. The evolutionary magic weapon of the inheritance evolution type would continue to infuse spiritual power with the sword master and become stronger with the number of uses.

It turned out that this sword was only a treasure level when used by the elder Lingxin. Now it has evolved to a semi-legendary level, and Qiu San recognized that it was the Bixiao Qingyu Sword!

Another treasure of Biluo Xianzong.

You must know that this Bixiao Qingyu sword is also one of the most famous swords in the monk world, and its reputation is probably higher than that of the dragon soul sword.

It's just that this long sword seems to have been damaged once, so the realm has fallen, but it was unexpectedly in the hands of the elder Lingxin.

Biquan Xianzong's most valued disciple is a pharmacist who doesn't like to practice. It seems that she must have extremely strong potential.

After nodding, Qiu San also urged his dragon soul sword to its limit.

With a clear sound of sword roar, six flashing silver dragons burst out of the dragon soul sword, and the whole area was filled with silver.

Under the strong pressure of the old man in plain clothes, the three almost unanimously urged the strongest and fastest kendo magical powers.

Under the joint efforts of the three-handed swords that are no weaker than the semi-legendary rank gods, the golden, blue, and silver sword lights are connected and turned into a rainbow light to break through the chaos and tear half of the chaotic star. area.

The endless sharp sword aura tears through the void, and the naked eye can see that the stars in the chaos are continuously smashed into shreds under the cutting of the three-color sword aura.

Obviously, even though they are not as terrible as the old man in plain clothes when they join forces with the swordsmanship of the three, they already have the power of a battle!

"Do it!"

When the breath of the three-color sword aura perfectly merged into one, Chu Chen screamed fiercely.

In an instant, the piercing sound of sword chants rose into the sky.

The Dragon Soul Sword in Qiu San's hand was the first to show its power, and the six bright silver dragons roared and turned into six bright silver light beams to forcibly tear apart the gray chaotic star field in front.

Immediately after the Yin Jiao, two azure dragons roared into the vast purple star field with their heads high, and began to frantically swallow the purple stars in the chaotic star field.

The sword of Elder Lingxin had to be very strong. Although she had only cultivated to the realm of Erxi, in her own brilliant Bihai Profound Wood Divine Art cultivation base with the Divine Sword, she burst out with a strength that was not much inferior to Qiu San!

The two azure dragons were huge, and there seemed to be a sea-swallowing power between their **** mouths. After a burst of frenzied devouring, the vast and boundless chaotic star field became a lot faint.

"I come!"

Seeing Qiu San and Lingxin working together to forcibly open up a channel in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, Chu Chen's figure flashed, and the black dragon's speed instantly urged to the limit, almost turning into a faint black shadow swiftly and violently. Rushed towards the burial master.

The golden red sword light in Chu Chen's hand resembled a dazzling golden lightning, tearing through time and space, and blasted towards the head of the old man in plain clothes!

"Good job!"

The purple light burst in the hands of the old man in plain clothes, and a large purple shield quickly appeared in front of him.

Seeing the sharp golden lightning slashing fiercely on the purple shield, with a "bang", the sword light shattered the purple shield!


The blazing golden flames billowed out, sweeping across the country.

The shattered big shield fragments were wrapped in the raging flames, and were quickly melted into ashes by the golden flames.

Chu Chen succeeded in one blow, and then cut out with lightning in the second blow!

The light flickered, and the sharp and boundless black broken sword swept toward the heart of the old man in plain clothes with a rolling golden flame.

The old man in plain clothes closed his pupils, and his right hand was horizontal. When he couldn't let go, he had a light gray feather fan in his hand again.

Two gray main feathers with a length of more than a foot, under the infusion of profound spiritual power, are like two sharp thorns, crossing each other to block in front of him.


A sharp scream rushed up~www.ltnovel.com~ The sharp black broken sword slashed on the gray lupines and made the sound of gold and iron clashing, bursting out a group of dazzling sparks.

The huge counter-shock force was transmitted into Chu Chen's body through the broken sword, and Chu Chen's aura suddenly thrived, and there was a kind of uncomfortable feeling, and blood poured out of Chu Chen's nose.

The counterattack of Linghe Great Realm powerhouse is terrifying!

The power of the counterattack did not stop, but a steady stream of blasts, and Chu Chen felt the sacred mountain after another along the broken sword, impacting his body.


After Chu Chen vomited a mouthful of blood, he was rushed away from Jiao's back and flew backward!

At the same time, the spiritual elders and Qiu San behind Chu Chen who used sword light to clear the way and protect the law for him were also forced to retreat by the invisible counterattack air waves in the sky!



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