Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1078: Giant shadow

After all, Senior Sister Lianyun is a woman, even if she is angry, she can't curse like those men, she can only tremble with anger.

"You are not her opponent at all, you despicable fellow, dare to challenge her when she is not here, and take advantage of the danger!"

"Hehe, blame it for why your Sect Master agreed to such a condition in the first place. This is the rule, and I did not violate the rule."

The fat man sneered, glanced around, his eyes exuding a lot of pride.

"Well, since you have repeatedly emphasized that Tong Meng cannot come out, then you can send any disciple to challenge. As long as someone can defeat me, even if you win three times... what do you think?"


After hearing Duan Guhong's words, Senior Sister Lianyun felt even more depressed.

Since hundreds of disciples of Shenxia Sect were trapped in the immortal realm, those seniors and sisters with strong cultivation bases had already rushed around to find a way to enter the immortal realm.

The disciples who remain in the sect today are disciples who have not been in the sect for a few years and have a low level of cultivation.

If these disciples are sent to fight, it would be humiliating.

In fact, Duan Guhong was fancy at this point, so it was only at this time and at this point in time that he came to challenge him. This is a typical case of taking advantage of the danger!

Among the crowd, Chu Chen twirled the wheelchair gently, preparing to separate the female disciples of Shenxiazong and stepping forward.

"No one dares to challenge me!"

Duan Guhong glanced at the entire Shen Xia Sect with contemptuous eyes, sneered again and again, "Unexpected, really unexpected. No one in the huge Shen Xia Sect has the courage to challenge, it seems that this hidden Seguzong is not so good either..."

When the female disciples were angry and anxious, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Young man, pay attention to your words."

An atmospheric, gentle female voice suddenly sounded from the depths of the distant void.

In the next moment, among the surprise gazes of many Shenxiazong disciples, a huge red giant bird suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sun.

There was endless majesty in the pair of purple-gold eyes of the giant bird.

"Shen Xiazong's ten thousand years of foundation, the reputation created by countless predecessors, how can your younger generations slander at will."

This is... Sect Master Shenxia, ​​Shenxia Que!

Seeing the light and shadow of the red giant bird appearing, many disciples of Shen Xiazong showed a relaxed expression on their faces.

Beside the giant bird, you can see a few hazy figures faintly looming. Those are the elders of the Shen Xia Sect who are cultivating in the back hills of the sect. Now they are awakened by the bell of Luo Xia Zhong, and they are transformed into Dharma bodies. .

The red light circulated, and the light red glow filled the whole area, making the whole land seem to be a world full of clouds.

At this moment, everyone felt a huge pressure blocking the entire void. It seems that as long as the giant bird moves a little, it can tear the sky and destroy the entire space.

This is a general trend! Obviously, this Duan Guhong's insulting words has already made the Sect Master of Shenxiazong dissatisfied.

"Sect Master Shenxia."

Seeing that the red giant bird's body covering the sun generally covered the entire sky, Duan Guhong's pupils shrank fiercely, but his expression didn't have much panic.

Instead, he arched his hands at the air without fear.

"The junior came to attend the appointment today on behalf of the teacher. The teacher is on his command, so he can't give a full courtesy. He also invites Sect Master Haihan.

Although his mouth was polite, the look of Gu Hong didn't show any respect. Instead, he raised his chin slightly with a gloomy face.

"The Sovereign had an appointment with the family teacher that day, and the rules were clear and clear. The juniors came today, and they did enough etiquette and did not go beyond the rules. As the Sovereign, he would not say anything. No faith, let's go back here."

The fat man's loud voice resounded in the void, and immediately silenced the huge giant bird law body.

To be honest, this fat man was so clever as a tongue, not mentioning that he was taking advantage of the danger. Instead, he killed the agreement between the two suzerains, which made it irrefutable.

After all, it did have such an agreement with Sect Master Baiyun.

As the saying goes, if the water splashed out, there is a dignified master of the big sect, and now it is too late to regret it.

Originally in Shen Xia Que's vision, Tong Meng was extremely wealthy, with unparalleled Yunguang Huanyue footwork, and he was already invincible no matter what opponent he faced.

Coupled with the many secret techniques of the Shenxia Sect that it passed on, it would not lose to any disciple of the Baiyun Sect.

It's just that no one thought that at such a critical moment, the immortal world was sealed such a thing, and it had to be really good fortune.

"Sect Master Shenxia, ​​I have to make it clear. In order to prevent you and me from taking advantage of others, I also promised. Since that Tong Meng can't fight, as long as any one of your Shenxia Sect disciples can defeat me today, then even if I lose , This condition is not excessive."

Duan Guhong's tone was actually aggressive.

"Could it be that the Shenxia Sect has really declined to such an extent that there is not even a disciple who can grasp it?"

The unceremonious words of Big Brother Bai Yunzong seemed to resound in the sky over the entire Shenxiazong, and the complexions of all Shenxiazong disciples suddenly changed, suddenly turning blue and white.

Even the face of the giant bird law body in the void changed abruptly, and his eyes sank.

Goodbye, when hundreds of disciples are trapped in the immortal realm, and most of the elite disciples are running around looking for ways to unlock the immortal realm, there are really few elite disciples of the Shenxia Sect today.

We must know that since Gu Hong is the big brother of Bai Yunzong~www.ltnovel.com~, he has real skills under his hands.

With the current cultivation base of the disciples of Shenxiazong, if you rush to challenge, it is almost equivalent to insult yourself...

"Haha... Sect Master Shenxia, ​​since Junior Sister Tong is not coming to challenge, and your other disciples don't dare to challenge. Then I won the battle this time... In that case, Junior Sister Tong will have to As agreed, marry me honestly..."

Duan Guhong looked at the blue and red looks on the faces of the disciples of Shenxiazong, he smiled, but his voice had not completely fallen off, a clear voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, resounding through the entire void!

"What kind of thing are you, and you want to marry Sister Tong? Don't take a **** and take a picture of yourself, do you really think that God Xiazong will let you be presumptuous here?


Hearing this sudden irony, Duan Guhong's expression changed abruptly. He just wanted to yell in anger, but saw the female disciples of Shenxia Sect. The figure of a gray-clothed boy slowly appeared more and more. Before my own eyes.



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