Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1088: Super Sky Net

? The black clouds are extremely thick, exuding a strong tyrannical, cold, bloodthirsty, and devastating atmosphere.

And after covering the entire sky, the dark clouds suddenly split up like a tide, and rushed toward the blue giant eagle!

"Hurry up!"

The blue giant eagle's voice condensed, and the huge wings slammed, and the body instantly turned into a graceful blue lightning across the void, avoiding the bombardment of the vast black cloud at the moment."

Behind it, the originally calm dark clouds became more violent, and in the turbulent turbulence, thousands of black cloud pillars suddenly turned into a blast toward it.


The violent wind screamed, the black clouds rolled, and the entire void seemed to be caught in the legendary doomsday catastrophe at this moment, and there was a blank black cloud everywhere.

And in this space that was almost completely blocked by dark clouds, the blue giant eagle turned into a wave of electric glows, moving back and forth between the dense clouds of air, and the figure was incredibly flexible.

Chu Chen even had an illusion in an instant that these dark clouds did not exist, they were illusions.

Because the giant eagle flashed past cloud pillars after another perfectly.

I have to say that the eagle-shaped bird is born to be the darling of the sky. The Blue Eyed Shadow Falcon of the Sect Master Shenxia is also a prehistoric spirit species. At full speed, even if it is not as good as Chu Chen’s Golden Winged Roc clone, Not much difference.

Although there were repeated dangers along the way, he was not really trapped by the dark clouds.


When the blue giant eagle passed the top of a tall mountain dangerously and dangerously, a stern and ear-piercing cry suddenly tore the void.

Chu Chen on the eagle's back looked up subconsciously, and his eyes froze instantly.

Behind him, on the top of the mountain, there was originally a group of alien crows all over the body.

The wingspan of those crows is about several feet long, and the whole body glows with a metallic luster, giving people a feeling of full strength.

This crow has a very powerful physique. Its purple-cyan body seems to be made of some kind of steel, exuding a powerful coercion.

It's just that when a thick dark cloud rolled over the void and covered all the crows, when the cloud dispersed, I saw that the crows that were still majestic at the previous moment turned into grayish white in an instant, like a white stone carving Statue made.

In them, I can no longer feel the slightest breath of life...

When this weird dark cloud swept over their bodies, it actually absorbed all their spiritual power, energy, and vitality in an instant! !

This dark cloud actually possesses such a weird evil energy!

The blue giant eagle felt awe-inspiring, and he dared not slacken his movements even more, urging his speed to the limit, and reminding Chu Chen on his back to hurry up and don't be thrown out.

The power contained in the dark clouds is extremely terrifying, but wherever the dark clouds roll over, the vegetation is all withered, the rocks are weathered into powder, and the rivers are dry and broken...

Where is the dark cloud? This is like the ultimate magic power that swallows everything!

Little Senior Sister Lianyun on the eagle's back had already paled with fright. Her whole body was trembling, clutching the feathers on the blue giant eagle's back, almost afraid to open her eyes.

This black dark cloud is extremely weird. It seems that as long as you look at it a few more times, you can see endless wrathful spirits, evil spirits, and evil spirits roaring and roaring, and they want to choose people to eat! !

"Little sister, don't be afraid."

Chu Chen continued to sculpt the fire with one hand, and the other hand gently held the waist of Little Senior Sister Lianyun. At this time, the black cloud was already encircling, and the giant eagle was about to be completely trapped!


Chu Chen suddenly grasped the fire in his hand, and then slammed a fist on the blue giant eagle under the seat...


Amid the dull loud noise, the blue giant eagle, which had been flying fast in the void, paused slightly, unexpectedly fell into a state of stagnation! ?

The fire entered its body, causing it to be affected a lot!

The black cloud took advantage of the situation and completely surrounded the giant eagle, and quickly began to gather, forming a strange space around its giant body.

This space has completely turned into an endless darkness up and down.

And at the top of the dark firmament, a voice full of endless hatred and coldness suddenly flowed from the depths of the void, and the entire space of shock suddenly roared.

"Shen Xia Que, do you think you can escape this time? I tell you, today is not only your death date, but also the time when your Shen Xia Sect is destroyed! One hundred and thirty-two years, I have been sleepy with the old man. Hundred and thirty-two years, today, it is time for you to pay your blood debts!


Ink light surging, and with the sound of a cold snort full of endless hatred in the void, the boundless dark clouds around suddenly boiled violently, and quickly condensed a big hand that covered the sky in the sky, boldly Towards the blue giant eagle grabbed it!

Chu Chen suddenly felt that there was a feeling that his soul would be taken away.

Although the big hand in the depths of the void was formed by the gathering of dark clouds, it was like a real hand, full of a fleshy feeling.

Even with Chu Chen’s vision inherited from the Golden Winged Roc, he can clearly see the thin lines on the palm, which are not in any way different from the palm of a human!

If there is a difference, the palm of the hand is really too huge, with a huge hand with a radius of hundreds of feet, making each finger look like a vast mountain.

When the giant palm fell fiercely, the whole world stunned, and the air instantly became as hard as steel, and the oppressors could barely breathe!


The blue giant eagle under Chu Chen suddenly neighed and shook his body violently, and threw Chu Chen and Lian Yun on his back.

Little Senior Sister Lianyun only felt her body lighten abruptly. Before she could let out an exclamation, her body could not help but fall to the ground.

With a strong sense of weightlessness~www.ltnovel.com~, she saw Chu Chen not far away grabbing her waist and pulling her towards herself.

In the sky full of wind, Little Sister Lianyun suddenly felt warm in her heart. She felt like she had fallen into boundless **** without fear.

Chu Chen, who was falling fast, cast his eyes to the sky.

After leaving the two of them behind, the blue giant eagle faced the huge black hand that was overturning in the void against the sky!

Rushed over!

"Sovereign Lord!"

Lian Yun was shocked and opened her mouth wide, and her tears were about to flow out.

Shenxiaque greeted the terrifying giant hand, and the consequences can be imagined.


The earth is shaking and the mountains are swaying, and the whole world is full of majestic and amazing spiritual power.

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