Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1111: Great villain


At this time, a group of new disciples heard Zhao Shi say that this ruined ancient peak that no one wants to come over, and set up to enter the ‘door’ trial, turned out to be climbing a demon. ,:.

The anger in each heart burned instantly.

Immediately, several young demon monks sneered and seemed to be ready to leave at any time.

"It's really boring Gufeng! If such a dilapidated and desolate Gufeng is as usual, we wouldn't be willing to come over even if we invite us!"

"Yes, the reason why I came to this ancient peak today is to give you a bit of face, so that you will not be completely unattended when you cross the virtual peak. I didn't expect such a ruined ancient peak to have so many rules. I think It doesn't matter if the ancient peak is not in!"

"That is, you are not the only demon sect recruiting students in this world. They have completely broken the inheritance and dare to set so many **** rules. I think you will hold to such rules until they are completely gone!"

"I don't know how to cross the Xufeng Peak, it's no wonder that it has fallen into this way."



Just when several Demon Dao teenagers looked at the ancient tree and Zhao Shi with disgust, a dull loud noise suddenly seemed like a nine-day thunderbolt descending on the world, blasting in everyone's ears.

Blasted fiercely by this loud noise, the figures of the few young monks who spoke coldly just now shook abruptly, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

In the next moment, in the eyes of more than 30 demon cultivators, a blood-red halo suddenly bloomed on the black ‘colored’ ancient tree.

A **** evil aura that was so strong that it was unimaginable came out from the halo of blood's color, and was rushed by this evil aura, the figures of the devilish youngsters who spoke insultingly shook, and spouted a mouthful of blood. , Staggered back a dozen steps.

"Hmph, crossing the Xufeng 10,000-year foundation, how can you tolerate the slander of you gangsters. Or come and climb the ancient tree, if you don't want to, just get out!!"

Zhao Shi snorted coldly, with a rare anger on his face that was always straightforward.

And those people seemed to sense that the black magic tree was really angry, so they didn't dare to say anything anymore, and got up and ran.

The **** sunset enveloped the western sky. I don't know why. It stands to reason that it is already long before the sun should go down.

But the weird blood ‘color’ sunset still hangs on the horizon, radiating rays of light like blood towards the whole land.

In this halo of blood'color', a strange feeling suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts.

It seems that this old black tree has become bigger...

Everyone looked at the old tree that had grown to a height of more than one hundred and fifty feet, and a chill came out from the deepest part of their hearts.

This ancient tree... a powerful evil ‘door’! !

"Uh...cough cough..."

Seeing that everyone seemed to be shocked by the performance of the ancient tree, Zhao Shi glanced around, as if he had become accustomed to the shocking gaze of everyone.

After coughing lightly twice, Zhao Shi brought everyone's consciousness back to reality, and he nodded slightly: "Well, you can start to participate in the trial of this peak...Who will come first?"

There was a dead silence in the air, facing a demon that didn't know how long it had been alive, no one dared to act rashly at this moment.

Obviously, the old tree in front of you is definitely not a good stubble, it can be seen from the **** ‘color’ full of endless evil aura from its body just now.

If you want to climb this demon, you must be ready to be swallowed in one bite at any time.

After another cup of tea, seeing that no one around dared to try to climb that old tree, Chu Chen glanced at the corner of his mouth slightly, and the clearer and more indifferent voice suddenly sounded through the entire void.

"I want to join Duxufeng myself. Since no one wants to participate in the trial first, then I will try it first."


Everyone's eyes converged on Chu Chen almost instantaneously, and saw the gray-clothed boy staggering towards the ancient tree.

Feng Qiang, who was next to him, brightened his eyes and gave Chu Chen a thumbs up: "Hahaha... or the boss is the most handsome, and there is probably only the boss who dares to challenge this magic tree!! "

Chu Chen's steps have always been gentle. He didn't walk very fast. It can be clearly seen that the distance between the two steps is not even when he takes a step.

"This... this guy is actually a lame?"

The sharp-eyed disciple looked at Chu Chen's seemingly stiff'legs', and suddenly exclaimed, "Just kidding, do you dare to climb the old demon tree if your legs are inconvenient?"

"I don't think he can walk very conveniently. Every step seems to be very difficult. Can he climb trees in this way?"

"This kid is probably looking for death! This old demon tree is no better than other things. From the **** suffocation that it spreads, you can see that this is a demon tree, I am afraid it will be swallowed. The blood and soul of the monk!"

"While climbing this magic tree, you must always be prepared to escape the moment before the magic tree erupts. This kid has inconvenient legs and feet. If he really encounters the magic tree and becomes violent, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape! "

"Why is he so reckless! I have seen such an ancient tree in another magical land. This kind of ancient tree is naturally violent and bloodthirsty, and it is easy to be irritated and go crazy. Once it stumbles when climbing, it will fall directly into its digestive rhizome and become its'fat' feed!"


Just when many disciples were talking about it~www.ltnovel.com~ The ‘chest’ of Chu Chen, who was walking slowly, moved slightly, and a hamster's head stained with red ‘hair’ stretched out.

The little hamster yawned and shrugged helplessly.

"I know this tree. I didn't expect it to stay on Duxu Peak for so many years. Strictly speaking, this magic tree was originally used to test Duxu Peak's peak owners... In the times, this Crossing Void Peak is the first of the seventy-two ancient peaks and the absolute main peak of the Demon Nether Sect. The peak master of this peak is often the next Sect Master of the Demon Nether Sect."

"In the previous rules of Duxu Peak, only monks who have climbed to the top of this magic tree are qualified to inherit this Duxu Peak and become the peak master. Other ordinary disciples must at least climb to the top Only thirty feet high can you become an official disciple of Du Xufeng."

Chu Chen didn't expect this old tree to be so legendary.

"But after a long time, Duxufeng has undergone major changes, and this rule has naturally changed a lot. The current disciple only needs to slam this ancient tree with his hand, and climb a few steps to behave. Yes, this is also a very difficult task, and not many people have completed it."

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