Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1120: 1 sword light?

? Cross the top of the void, purple light surging!

The two bright purple-golden eyes shot by Chu Chen seemed to open the eyes of two gods.

Under the blast of these two eyes, those hidden in the void, the afterimages that have been buried for unknown years began to manifest little by little...

Chu Chen was stunned, he was very surprised.

He didn't expect that he could see so many afterimages when urging Peeping Eyes.

At this moment, the dense shadows in the void can be clearly seen within his divine consciousness.

Most of these shadows are very light, like a hazy black smoke.

Some shadows are very clear, even reaching the level of subtlety.

In those shadows, he saw how prosperous Duxu Peak was in the past.

Tianjiao, an amazingly talented young man, looks up to the sky and roars, the sound of howling penetrates the sky and the ground like thunder; there are thousands of disciples practicing at the same time, and their strong will is like a mountain that crushes the void;

There is a life and death battle between super powers with superpowers, and the bright red blood rushes and roars like a river; a beautiful fairy leaves a beautiful back like a god...

There are too many afterimages, these shadows are all left by strong people who used to cultivate on Duxu Peak in the past. Although these powerhouses can't have endless magical powers like the Golden Winged Roc, the shadow they leave behind will be immortal, but they can also be preserved for a long time.

The imprint left by a super strong and invincible strong living, fighting, and comprehending here is continuous ups and downs, like a vast and epic picture scroll, slowly unfolding under the eyes of Chu Chen's peeping god...

This is an adventure!

Among the mottled shadows, Chu Chen seemed to see the entire history of Du Xufeng's development.

One of the most amazing imprints is a beam of light, a beam of sharp to incomparable, bright and dazzling edge.

Chu Chen couldn't see where the sharp edge came from, nor could he see what it was from.

All I know is that this sharp edge that looks like a sword beam and a sword light suddenly appeared from between the sky and the earth, swiftly tore the entire sky, and then cut across the middle of Duxu Peak.

The next moment, that towering into the clouds, unable to see the edge at a glance, Duxu Peak, which seemed like a pillar to the sky, was broken from it. Suddenly broken into two! !

At that moment, the overwhelming and endless tyrannical coercion even made Chu Chen a great feeling of horror from his heart.

This Crossing Xufeng was really cut off by someone abruptly!

What kind of person, what kind of powerhouse would have such power... This is simply incredible! ! !

Just as Chu Chen was shocked by the branded light and shadow above Duxu Peak, three figures were walking fast in the dark at the part of Duxu Peak near the mountainside.

"Second brother, it's so late, do we need to patrol the mountain here? Those newcomers are probably asleep long ago. No one will run around here."

In the fierce wind, a young man walking behind complained slightly.

After hearing his words, the man walking in the front turned around, revealing Zhao Shi's serious and cautious face.

"Junior Brother Zhang, don't think so. Today is the first day these new disciples come to live in Xufeng. Some people may not be familiar with the environment here. We will patrol here again. If we find any unexpected situation Deal with it in time. Du Xufeng has always been a mediocre person. Finally, there are so many new juniors and sisters, we old disciples can take care of them as much as possible."

"I'm afraid they won't lead you to this affection!"

Another tall young disciple shook his head helplessly.

"Brother Zhao, I heard that among the more than 30 people who started this entry, only three really wanted to visit us to cross the virtual peak. The others were eliminated by other ancient peaks and wanted to find a chance to re-transfer. Fengcai stayed with us. For these profit-seeking guys, it is useless for you to be kind to them."

"We can't decide what others do. We just need to do what we should do..."

Zhao Shi also sighed helplessly when he heard this. Just as he was about to say something, his whole person was taken aback, subconsciously looking towards the top of the mountain.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

When the other two saw Zhao Shi stopped, they followed his gaze but saw nothing, they couldn't help but asked strangely.

I saw Zhao Shi's brows wrinkled slightly, and his eyes were filled with confusion: "Big brother seems to be on the top of the mountain."

"What. Big brother? Is that the new big brother who killed the old demon tree today?"

The two disciples glanced at each other, and they both saw deep surprise from each other's eyes: "It is midnight, right now, when the wind is the strongest and most violent. What is he going to do on the top of the mountain? Is he crazy? "

"Pay attention to your words, Junior Brother Zhang, you can dislike Benfeng's senior brother. But at least you must maintain your most basic respect."

Zhao Shi looked at Junior Brother Zhang with a serious expression, "Benfeng has not had a big brother for several years. Since he is willing to be our big brother, he can be regarded as bringing the most basic system of Benfeng to completion."

There was a slight pause. Zhao Shi's eyes suddenly passed a strange light.

"Moreover, this big brother of ours is not easy. I don't know why, he always gives me a very special feeling, it seems that under his leadership, we can rise across the Xufeng..."

"Heh... I don't think there is anything wrong with that kid. Although it is indeed very strong to kill the old demon tree, he does not feel like a big brother."

Another disciple curled his lips in disdain, "In my opinion, this is a guy with better luck. I don't know **** the magic tree."

"Yes, I think this is just a **** with some brute force. How much can a little guy under the age of twenty have ~www.ltnovel.com~ It's just bluffing..." Junior Brother Zhang said unconvinced. .

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, we will patrol again, and we will rest separately."

Zhao Shi shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed softly, "Du Xufeng is already weak, I hope it can get better under the leadership of this senior brother."

With the passage of time, the night gradually faded, and a soft red light burst out from the eastern sky, turning into a round of radiant sun, tearing apart the thick dark world.

Chu Chen stayed on the peak of Duxu Peak until dawn, urging Peeping God's pupil for three hours, but Chu Chen saw so many secrets on Duxu Peak.

Some secrets may even be unknown to the current Demon Sect.

It's just that despite reading so many secrets, Chu Chen's mood didn't get better at all, because he hadn't seen the most important and most useful battle shadow of the Golden Wing Roc! ?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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