Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1131: Sitting back to back on the top of the mountain

"Does your ancient beast bloodline have anything to do with you touching this mountain in the middle of the night?"

Zi Xi ignored Chu Chen's various expressions of his "lewdness", but went straight ahead and asked indifferently.

"Ahem, as for why I don't sleep in the middle of the night and want to come to this ghost place, of course, I am afraid that the beast blood will boil and when the animal nature is on the rise, I will do something irreparable to you in the cave. "

Chu Chen chuckled, "I didn't expect you to be here too, so you should leave as soon as possible... Otherwise, I don't guarantee that I won't wipe my guns and get angry when the time comes!"

"I won't leave, you can't eat me."

A faint light flashed through Zi Xi's indifferent eyes.

"Little girl, you haven't been involved in the world, once something happens, it can be worse than eating you."

Chu Chen smirked and approached Zi Xi again.

"To be honest, I have an ancient beast bloodline called Moon-Swallowing Silver Wolf. This bloodline is also known as the blood of an obscene wolf... It is a very obscene creature... It is definitely the nightmare of every girl monk. As the saying goes, Ning fight ten demons, never meet a wolf, this is widely circulated among female sisters!"

"I am not afraid of wolves."

Zi Xi shook her head faintly, but Chu Chen couldn't laugh or cry. Does she understand what a pervert is?

"When I'm beastly, I will strip your clothes off and do a lot of unspeakable things to you. It will make you unable to survive or die, which is terrible."

In order to strengthen his persuasive power, Chu Chen's eyes suddenly showed a hideous and evil light, and his hands were like wolf claws in the air and moved again and again.

"Nothing to be afraid of."

"Even if you are not afraid of being assaulted by me? But you will have no face to see people in the future!"

"You can't see people if you are assaulted. Why?"

The girl's face was blank, apparently a matter of secular men and women. She doesn't understand at all.

If it is said that the elder Lingxin is very different, this purple seal seems to come from another world.

Chu Chen was completely speechless, and could only say weakly, "Anyway, after I am a beast, it is very dangerous!"

"I also have something very dangerous!"

Zi Xi didn't speak any more, but slightly raised her palm in front of Chu Chen. I saw a sharp purple edge on the edge of her palm, spitting out a "bo bo" cold murderous intent in the void.

Purple sword!

Chu Chen's pupils shrank fiercely. This Purple Extreme Sword was indeed much more dangerous than the beastly pervert, and he was completely beaten.

"Do you know that fierce women are also afraid of anxious **** ghosts, don't think that you have some ability. Just ask for it. When my **** is out, even myself will be afraid."

As soon as the Ziji Sword came out, Chu Chen felt that he was already lacking confidence, but he couldn't lose his momentum, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to scare the girl.

"You can try it."

Zi Xi was quiet. Just glanced at him faintly, and then started to be in a daze, not paying attention to Chu Chen.

A man and a woman are sitting quietly in this windy world~www.ltnovel.com~ staying small~

I saw that she moved her body slightly and turned back to back against Chu Chen's back.

A "bo bo" vigorous spiritual power came from the acupuncture points behind the girl's greasy and fragrant body temperature, which shocked Chu Chen.

However, it is not the time to be contemplative. With the help of this unmatched spiritual power from Zixi, Chu Chen's figure shook slightly, and immediately communicated the secret power left by the Divine Xia Que in his eyes.

As soon as a purple light flashed by, Chu Chen's black eyes had completely turned into purple and gold.

This is the benefit of having abundant spiritual power. If Chu Chen acted by herself, then the purple-golden eyes formed by Peeping God's pupils would be suspended in the void, the movement was too great, and the effect was not strong enough.

Now with the help of spiritual power, he has more control over this secret technique, and he has completely turned the secret power of Peeping God's pupil into his own eyes.

In other words, Chu Chen can directly use his double pupils to perceive the world!

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