Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1139: The more fat sheep, the better

Seeing that everyone was worshipping Chu Chen, everyone was about to kneel down.

Feng Qiang couldn't help but want to laugh.

As a disciple of the dignified medicine palace, Chu Chen, who can be called the leader of the right way, has now become a ruthless person of the Demon Mingzong!

This is ridiculous, but the fact is the fact.

At this moment, Chu Chen was a lively evil star, well-deserved senior brother Gu Feng.

The acting skills are really great, and his mentor is definitely a professional talent!

These Du Xufeng disciples all regarded their teachers as gods, but Feng Qiang soon discovered the only alien among these people.

The third senior brother of Du Xufeng, Ye Hao, had a sad and bitter expression at this time. He raised his head and watched Chu Chen hesitating and stopped several times, and he kept sighing.

"Junior Brother Ye, if you have any concerns, you might as well tell me directly."

Chu Chen also noticed the unusual behavior of the third senior brother, who had always been timid and fearful, and came straight to him.

"Big brother, we cross the Xufeng... I'm afraid that disaster is imminent."

"You said."

With a deep sigh, Ye Hao frowned and spoke again.

"Big brother, although you defeated Song Ying today, and you used an iron fist to make Hyunyingfeng's disciples afraid to make a second. It's just that you... after all, you did it by sneak attack! Although you won, it was a fluke. If some elite disciples from other peaks were to know, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Oh? Why?" Chu Chen asked calmly.

"For a long time, it is not only Hyunying Peak Yifeng that wants to suppress us. Now that the big brother Hyunyingfeng is attacked by you, and once the news of being humiliated is released, what do you think of those big brothers from other peaks?"

Ye Hao showed fear in his eyes.

"Even if they are okay, they will come over and oppress us. Now that you know that your new senior brother is starting to fight back, then their harassment and retaliation in the future will let me cross the Xufeng and never have peace..."

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, his breathing became rapid, and the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

"After all, Hyun Shadow Peak is only the leader of the human-level peak. There are more than 20 earth-level peaks on it, and there are twelve heaven-level peaks... Those ancient peaks’ seniors are at least strong in the shadow river. By!"

Frowning deep, Ye Hao's face was very ugly.

"Wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it! Big brother, you have been too sharp, and nothing else, as long as there are two or three other Gufeng brothers to find fault... We will be completely finished when we cross the Xufeng Up!"

After Ye Hao finished speaking, many other disciples who crossed the Xufeng suddenly changed their expressions and their eyes became anxious.

Because the third brother Ye Hao's words are definitely not unfounded worry.

Duxu Peak has always been the weakest and weakest line of all ancient peaks. Now, if Chu Chen's sneak attack on Song Ying spreads out, it will surely attract the peaks' crazy revenge.

The elder brothers of other peaks, once they see this ancient peak, which has been declining, there is a trend of resurgence. I am afraid that many people will kill it!

The magic world is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. In this world of extremely cruel competition, there is only one opponent who can miss one.

No one wants to allow Du Xufeng, who has always been ordinary and unremarkable, to rise again.

Moreover, Chu Chen relied on sneak attacks, which meant that his strength was no more than that. The big brothers from other peaks came one after another to suppress, I am afraid it is unavoidable!

"Fear of a bird, do you have the courage to let the dog eat it? If everyone is so timid, Du Xufeng will never be able to truly rise up."

Chu Chen said coldly, "I'm afraid they won't come, let's grab one by one."

Chu Chen's cold voice spread throughout the hall at this moment. The disciples who crossed the Xufeng Peak seemed to have something in their hearts, ignited by the cold words of Senior Brother Zai.

Big brother is so generous, maybe Hyun Yingfeng is really just an appetizer? !

Feng Qiang stood up again when the crowd was surging, and took the lead in shouting.

"Come on, let them come! Let all the **** Gu Feng senior brothers who are at human level, prefecture level, and even heaven level come over! Come on, come and win a pair of senior brothers! They all replaced them with spirit jade, making them regret that they had bullied us across the Xufeng in this life!"

I have to say that Feng Qiang's incitement was extremely strong, and after a few rants, a group of people yelled.

"Go on, this **** is my boss!"

"I crossed the Xufeng, and from then on I have risen strongly. Whoever provokes me, I will kill him without leaving it!"

"War is war, follow the big brother, take care of their peaks, all grab the money."

"That's right, follow the big brother to eat and drink spicy, from some unifying demons."

Part of these disciples was aroused by murderousness, and suddenly they were so proud and dared to shout anything.

The other part is mixed with foxes and tigers.

After all, in the world of the Demon Road where the weak and the strong eaten, if you don't see the wind and follow the strong, it will be a big loss.

Now that Chu Chen is so strong, no matter what these disciples think in their hearts, it is the most basic to follow in his footsteps.

The big brothers all talked, and they came to catch one by one, and then he still had to shout, unify the slogan of the Demon Mingzong!

Some disciples even felt that if they didn't call out to unify the Western Wilderness, they were already considered restrained.

When the disciples were very ambitious, the other peaks all received news from Xuanying Peak that they borrowed spirit jade everywhere.

An invisible storm is about to sweep the entire Demon Sect!

Two hours later, Feng Qiang came to Chu Chen's Dongfu gate.

When Chu Chen opened the huge stone gate of the cave mansion, he saw Feng Qiang with a solemn expression.

"Boss, the troublemaker is here!"

"It's the fat sheep here." Chu Chen just woke up from entering Ding~www.ltnovel.com~ and yawned, "Which peak fat sheep is this time?"

"They are the disciples of the Blood Sword Peak, they are the Earth Peak level, much stronger than the Human Peak level Hyun Yingfeng, and their big brother is a monster that kills countless people."

Feng Qiang furrowed his eyebrows, he was not as optimistic as Chu Chen, "This peak is good at transforming swords with blood, and the secret technique of blood swords cultivated can pollute people's vitality and spirit. Boss, you have to be more careful and never careless."

"Well, I see, let's go down and have a look."

Chu Chen nodded, and responded lightly.

The two soon came outside the reception hall, and Chu Chen saw at a glance that in the square in front of the hall, several men and women in scarlet robes were standing proudly.

The leader is a one-eyed man with a very handsome face. The man seems to be in his twenties. He is thin and pale, with a pair of blindfold on his right eye. He looks like a scholar with no power to bind a chicken. Weak look.

It's just that the body of this frail young man is always surrounded by a faint **** mist, and the naked eye can see the **** mist constantly changing.

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