Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1152: Pressure pressure

The ancient giant mountain suddenly became a little bigger in the rich purple light, and it actually fell a few feet high.

On the other hand, Yu Yeyou's expression suddenly changed at the same time that Chu Chen made his gesture!

In an instant, she clearly felt a burst of invincible power suddenly spread from the heavy and unimaginable giant mountain, abruptly overwhelming the supporting power of her magic body of the goddess of desire, and immediately The girl bent down under pressure.

But under empathy, Yu Yeyou only felt a thunderous roar in her mind, and her whole body was tumbling with the powerful force.

Under the intense death crisis, she almost subconsciously flipped her palm and shot upward again, and the "Miracle Destiny" once again bloomed with brilliance!

Yu Ye You forced the spiritual power in his body to barely support it.

It's just that the intense pressure still made her "poof" and she couldn't help but spray a blushing blood, and her forehead was full of cold sweat.

"help me……"

Master Miao Yufeng's complexion flushed red, even blue veins appeared on her forehead, and her whole body was shaky. And the fascinating image of the goddess of beauty above her head is even more looming, it looks like a candle in the wind, it seems that it can be completely destroyed at any time.

"No, the master sister is in danger!"

The blue-clothed woman named Lan Xin exclaimed suddenly, but before they could make any response, Chu Chen had already made a gesture of pressing down towards the Zishan in mid-air with a cold expression.


Suddenly I heard a heavy roar resounding in all directions, and the vast purple mountain was actually lowered by a few inches again!

At the same time, a touch of pain suddenly flashed across the face of the beauty of the miraculous lady behind Yuyeyou, and she saw the arms of the lady of that day burst into pieces with a bang, turning into countless fireworks, the whole lady Faxiang were all pressed down by the giant mountain.

And Yu Yeyou, who was in touch with the Qi Xiangji of the Miaoyutian Woman, was even more filled with crimson bloodshot eyes.

Her whole body was stretched like a big bow, and it seemed that as long as one couldn't support it, she might crash and fall to pieces.

"Go and save Senior Sister Yu!"

"Sister Yu's celestial body is not an opponent of the Wild Ancient Giant Mountain!"

"Stop him!!"

At this moment, even those senior Gu Feng who had been standing silently behind the crowd could not sit still. People with a discerning eye knew that Yu Yeyou was already at an absolute disadvantage, if Chu Chen went on. If you press down a few times, I'm afraid you will press this Master Miao Yufeng alive into meat sauce!

With a loud roar, a torrent of brilliant spiritual power swept out, scorching countless scorching winds in the void.

These big brothers are all the leaders of the arrogance of the current Demon Dao line, and their cultivation techniques are even more powerful magical powers in the Demon Dao.

Therefore, with all his strength, a tyrannical and ancient demon god, witch, evil god, and beast **** suddenly appeared in the void, almost unanimously rushing towards the vast purple ancient mountain in the middle!

The demons roar! The ancient **** roars!

The entire void became violent in an instant, and the fiery torrent of spiritual power tore through the void, and the strong power it radiated made this world tremble.

The void is boiling!

Under the full bombardment of so many Senior Brother Gu Feng, the power caused by it is extremely terrifying. There are even a series of very obvious black space cracks around the body of those spiritual power torrents, as if to take the entire sky. Torn.

It’s just that everyone is very surprised that, letting the devil gods, evil gods, yin gods, and witches swallow the mountains and rivers with boundless power, when they bombarded the purple mountain, they burst into a fierce spiritual power The storm disappeared between heaven and earth.

The purple giant mountain... unscathed!

This...this ancient mountain...not to mention that it was just made of purple light, even if the real giant mountain is bombarded like this, it must be broken!

But now this huge mountain is standing still, and its defense is too abnormal.

The shock in everyone's heart was tumbling frantically, one by one, their eyes were dull, as if they had seen the most incredible things in the world!

All the disciples of Du Xufeng also looked at this scene in disbelief.

You know, all of the Gu Feng seniors here are quasi-super powers who have at least reached the Shadow River Realm.

Their full-strength blow is enough to destroy the real Qianzhang Ancient Mountain, but it has no effect on this ancient mountain transformed with spiritual power! !

Our new big brother is really against the sky!

At the moment when the crowd was passionate, Chu Chen, who was looking cold, made a downward gesture with his right hand again.

In an instant, I saw the purple ancient mountain let out a deafening roar, and the void vibrated, and the entire giant mountain slammed down a few feet again!


In the huge roar, the magical image of the goddess finally couldn't bear it completely, and it exploded directly under pressure, and countless energy turned into fireworks and spread in the air.


The vast purple ancient mountain went straight down, and immediately landed a few inches above Yuyeyou's body.

The huge pressure went straight down, although Yu Yeyou gritted his teeth and groaned for the first time, supporting the purple ancient mountain with his hands.

But the terrifying pressure of the world instantly exploded a thick blood foam from all over her body, as if she was in a blood mist.

"Come and save me! I don't want to die..."

Yu Yeyou screamed for help with a cry that was not crying!

At this moment, the line of defense of this master sister Miao Yufeng, who had always been incapable of emotions and anger, and was tenacious and composed, completely collapsed.

At this moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ she feels like an ant carrying a huge mountain, helpless and desperate. In addition to the tremendous pain, the breath of death has eroded every pore of her. Nine Sun Emperor:

Knowing that she could not escape again, she gritted her teeth for the last struggle, and at the same time asked for help at all costs!

Tears couldn't stop the tears of this proud master sister.

She looked at everyone around her with almost pleading eyes, death was so terrifying, as long as she could survive, she was willing to do anything for it.

However, under the tremendous pressure, she opened her mouth wide and couldn't make much noise. She could only move her lips in despair, and mouthfuls of blood spilled out!

Everyone looked at this poor woman and couldn't believe their eyes.

This person, this person with tears and snot on his face, is really the great sister of Miaoyufeng who is always in awe-inspiring and graceful manner during the day? ?

No one would have imagined that Yuye, who is crowned the ancient peak and the domineering elder sister, would fall into this field, a dog with a wagging tail and a begging dog!

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