Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1155: The purple seal deceived into the thief ship

This hearty victory made Du Xufeng's disciples unable to calm down for a long time, and they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. ●⌒,

The new legendary era of Du Xufeng may be coming!

And you can witness this legend, if you are lucky, maybe you can become a part of the legend!

All the disciples' eyes lit up.

All of this was due to the appearance of this big brother named Chu Chen, and the pattern of the Demon Mingzong was rewritten.

"Clean the battlefield!"

After Feng Qiang yelled high, he led the group of people with the highest cultivation base on Du Xufeng, and rushed to those senior brother Gu Feng who had fallen on the ground.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He rolled up his sleeves directly, and slapped the half-dead senior brothers in the acupuncture points on the back of his body.

They fell one by one.

These elder brothers did not have the ability to resist at all, letting his palms slap his back, then his eyes went black and he fainted completely.

This is the method Feng Qiang learned specifically from Chu Chen to block the Qi pulse. The general Qi pulse block method requires the caster's spiritual quality to be higher than that of the opponent, so as to completely lock the opponent's spiritual fluctuations.

However, after Chu Chen's transformation of this secret technique, it became much more convenient.

As long as you blast your own spiritual power into the weakest acupuncture points in the opponent's body, you can completely block the opponent's spiritual power operation route.

In this way, only a small amount of spiritual power can be used to achieve the effect of blocking the opponent's cultivation base.

Feng Qiang, who had learned this secret technique, looked excited, a woman who was so arrogant and domineering in the Demon Ming Sect. In front of our big brother, she became a **** in trouble, and big brother should put her first.... "

"Hey, you kid, the worm is on your mind, you think you are a big brother, you can't touch such a beautiful woman..."

"Okay, everyone pays attention, the wind is very strong here, be careful you are blown down directly!!"

Seeing the safety of the disciples who had chatted away, the stable man headed back turned his head and gave a few words in a low voice.

This stable man is exactly the original second senior brother Zhao Shi on Duxu Peak~www.ltnovel.com~ Since Duxufeng won a beautiful tough battle today, all the disciples on Duxu Peak are very excited. Rarely gathered together and had a good drink.

Although most of the disciples were drunk, for Zhao Shi, the tour on Duxu Peak could not be affected. First married uncle peach blossoms

So he led a few disciples who drank relatively few to patrol the mountain.

He has always been steady, so he was very uncomfortable to see these disciples' unrestrained appearance, but his temperament did not like to say much.

After all, everyone is happy, and he doesn't want to disappoint everyone.

When a few people walked on the tallest boulder on the halfway of Transition Xufeng, one of the slightly fat disciples suddenly froze, pointing to the top of the mountain and exclaimed.

"Huh? It's so late, why are there people on the top of the mountain?"

"You are new here, don't you even know this? It must be a big brother!"

A thin teenager next to him chuckled.

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