Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1162: To trade

"How can I get that secret sword technique?"

Chu Chen's brows wrinkled slightly, all he saw was a peerless sharp sword light.

It is almost impossible to deduce this type of kendo secret technique from the brand of such a sword light. Even with his perverted soul strength, it will not be invaded and the defense is very strong.

Although the gray color looks a bit ugly, it is a good protective vest.

Among all the people she knows, there is only one person who is used to wearing such a gray robe for many years. That person is now the new senior brother of Du Xufeng, who lives with her in the same Dongfu!

His clothes... how could it be on me?

And under the gray robe, no inch was caught, and it was stripped...

Bastard, is he taking advantage of others?

A thought like this just flashed in my mind, Zixi's complexion changed slightly, and she just wanted to sit up, but found that she didn't have the slightest strength on her body at this time, and it was extremely difficult to move her hands!

She can only continue to limp on the bed.

What's going on here?

Yes, when I was searching for the Golden Wing Roc's brand, I was struck by the spiritual impact contained in that peerless sword light, and the origin of the sea of ​​consciousness was injured.

After suffering such a serious injury, I haven't recovered yet...

At that time, I felt like I was about to die. Chu Chen should have rescued himself, so he wouldn't take advantage of others.

He pursed his lips slightly, a trace of dazedness appeared in his lavender eyes.

Just as Zixi felt a little overwhelmed by her own situation, she heard a deep squeak from the heavy door at the door. She was gently pushed away from the door, and a long gray figure smiled. Walked in.

"you're awake."

Seeing the pair of lavender gazes, Chu Chen's eyes lit up, smiled and walked over and sat on the edge of her bed, gently supporting her up and leaning against her.

"How are you feeling now? Are you mentally tired? Is there any fluctuation in the origin of the sea of ​​consciousness?"

The strong male aura on the man's body was accompanied by a gentle voice, which made Zixi even a slight dizziness in an instant.

She didn't expect that she didn't hate it?

The indifferent and cold face lifted up a slight ripple, but soon disappeared, becoming Gu Bo calm again.

I saw the purple-haired girl gently shook her head and signaled that she was okay, her eyes slowly dropped.

"You were affected by the mental impact of that sword light, and both Consciousness Sea and Xiu Yuan were injured. Although you took some pills to stabilize the injury, it was not completely healed. At present, your spirit and physical body fit together well. I have some blemishes, so I don’t feel like I can do anything about it. But don’t worry, as long as I recuperate for a period of time, I can take a pill that strengthens the body and nourishes the mind."

The young girl's caring words brought the girl back again. When she was injured, she was lying in the underground room of the ice cellar like a dead dog. Lord Changsheng left a few pills indifferently and left.

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