Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1166: A villain?

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Shi decisively waved his hand to the Du Xufeng disciple beside him.

"If the order continues, all the disciples who crossed the Xufeng Peak did not receive the order from the senior brother, and are strictly forbidden to approach the top of the mountain. At the same time, they must not leak the change tonight! If the senior brother really gains some good luck, we will rise in the future. It will be more promising..."

"Understood, Brother Second, we know how to measure it."

Several young disciples nodded one after another, their expressions full of solemnity.

The movement on the top of Duxu Peak quickly alarmed the entire ancient peak.

In the Gufeng Book Tower near the mountainside, the third brother of Duxu Peak, Ye Hao, held a primitive bronze ancient book in his arms, and looked out at the mountain top through the window.

In his pupils, bunches of bright rays of light are unpredictable, tearing through the sky, bringing people a horrible crisis of heterogeneous hysteria.

If you look closely, you can find that at this time, the third senior brother's muscles are tight, and his whole body is trembling, as if seeing a very terrible scene. He murmured even more in his mouth.

"An ancient book records that ten thousand years ago, when Du Xufeng broke from it, there was a beam of light that tore through the sky and the entire void. Now this light has actually appeared again...Could it be that I crossed the Xufeng a second time Is the catastrophe coming again?".

His face was a little pale, he held the ancient bronze book tightly in his arms, and his lips moved slightly.

"Big brother, big brother, what you brought us to cross the Xufeng... is it an opportunity for prosperity or a catastrophe of destruction? That tyrannical and unimaginable light of extinction appeared again after ten thousand years, only I'm afraid it will be a big omen..."

In the murmured voice, the eyes in Ye Hao's pupils gradually dimmed, becoming full of worry and anxiety.

Unknowingly, the ancient bronze book in his arms was broken by him!

The entrance to the prison of Duxu Peak.

Feng Qiang stretched his waist while pushing open the heavy cell door and walked out.

Holding a heavy bag in his palm, a dreamlike light can be seen faintly emanating through the gap of the bag, revealing that the bag is full of precious and beautiful spiritual jade.

"Hehe, I finally squeezed out the spirit jade of the last prestigious Senior Brother Gu Feng. After working for so many days, I can finally call it a day."

Feng Qiang stretched out his whole body with excitement, but he was taken aback when he saw the nearby Duxufeng disciples.

Because everyone looked at the direction of the mountain top in a panic, everyone's eyes were full of anxiety and worry.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Is it possible that you have seen ghosts, one by one the desolate virtue..."

Before Feng Qiang's words fell, at the top of the mountain, a bright beam of light suddenly poured down from the horizon, traversing the entire void.

That beam of light was still more than thirty miles away from here, but the terrifying pressure contained in it made his body tremble suddenly, and his eyes were suddenly full of horror.

"Let me go, what the **** is this? It's so quiet!"

The disciples nearby shook their heads.

"I don't know, there are always a lot of weirdness on the summit of Duxu Peak. No one can tell what is inside. Many people say that there is full of uncertainty."

"Maybe it's really haunted... Maybe it's a ghost!"

Several young disciples glanced at each other, and everyone's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anxiety.

The scene that happened suddenly caught everyone by surprise. After all, the vision of heaven and earth does not happen at any time. Once it appears, no good or bad will be known!

"Haunted? What a fart!"

Seeing everyone panicked, Feng Qiang sneered disdainfully and said loudly.

"There is a big brother sitting on the top of the peak, even if there is really something like evil spirits and evil spirits, I am afraid that it will be hard to suffer and will be directly suppressed by the big brother!"

"But a legend has been circulating on Duxu Peak."

Next to Feng Qiang, a white and fat little fat man looked at the top of the mountain with horror.

"When the night turns into daylight, it is the day when Duxu Peak is destroyed!!"

"Haha, legend? Legend has it that there are many beautiful women waiting for someone to comfort and take care of you on Crossing Xufeng. After I came, why didn't I see any of them."

Feng Qiang curled his lips in disdain.

"It's just a legend, you can actually believe it, because you still claim to be an elite disciple of the magic way! Besides, even if there is something unknown on the top of the mountain, a big brother can also reverse the situation, and all the unknown will become a sign."

Feng Qiangqiang waved his hand.

"Isn't there a brighter light? As for you one by one, let Lao Tzu hurry back to sleep! Even if the sky falls, there is a tall person against it. What are you worrying about here!"


Hearing Feng Qiang's words, everyone was stunned, but nodded helplessly.

Feng Qiang's remarks are justified. If there is something ominous at the top of the peak that even the big brother can't solve it, then they must have not looked at it enough.

The thought of everyone here settled down and returned to the cave where they lived.


The violent roar was accompanied by a powerful, sharp, terrifying pressure that seemed to tear everything through the void again and again, and the strong fluctuations made the entire world tremble slightly.

The Purple Seal, located in the cave mansion on the top of the mountain, is the closest to the top of the mountain, so it has the clearest sensitivity to such fluctuations.

She was half leaning on the bed, looking at the direction of the top of the mountain in a daze, and subconsciously touching the part of her cheek, suddenly an unprecedented feeling appeared in her heart.

That is a kind of worry, or fear!

She was worried that Chu Chen would be hurt...

What's wrong with me, should I worry about him?

I actually worry about a third person besides myself and the master?

The girl felt her heart was upset again!

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind, and Zi Xi's heart was suddenly shocked. My heart is messed up again?

What's wrong with me?

A trace of confusion appeared in the girl's soulless eyes ~www.ltnovel.com~.

Such emotions are wrong!

I shouldn't have, the girl clenched her pale fist hard. [~] Fast update

How could I do this?

The girl leaning on the bedside, let out a long sigh, she wanted to calm herself down.

The scenes of getting along with Chu Chen kept passing through her mind.

He shook his head heavily, as if to shake off all the thoughts that had suddenly emerged in his mind, Zixi pressed her lips hard, and the trace of confusion on her calm face became even more conspicuous.

Teacher, I'm upset, I want to cut the demons!



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