Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1174: Super vortex

"Haha... the strength barrier of the Lingxi realm is nothing more than nothing to you and me."

Chu Chen laughed softly, waved his hand at the purple-haired girl, jumped first, and then turned into a gray light and rushed into the maelstrom.

The eyes of Zixi behind him flickered, clothes fluttered, and immediately jumped towards the whirlpool.

Entering the power circle of the maelstrom, Chu Chen's complexion suddenly changed slightly.

At that moment, he clearly felt a strange force sweeping over like a tide.

This secret power seems to have a natural suppressive effect on the soul power, making his heart feel a little sinking, and the spiritual sense suddenly weakened.

However, the flow of his natural soul power was blocked under the faint light gray film.

Chu Chen looked up and saw that the light gray light film formed a huge dome, and the bright white light emitted from the dome, and the surrounding area was bright.

And not far in front of the two of them, a magnificent black hall stood above the ground.

The hall did not know what it was made of. The whole body was pitch black without a trace of light. Bloody charms were scattered around the hall, emitting a mysterious aura.

At this time, many people appeared around the hall, and all the black-robed figures gathered at the entrance of the hall, and their eyes were full of longing.

In front of the main hall, there are two rows of black armored guards. These people are full of a strong breath of death. There is no expression on their faces, their eyes are glowing red, and they look like they are lifting a killing machine. Generally, one can feel chills from the heart.

In front of the black armored guards, two girls in black were standing at the forefront of the main hall gate, receiving the group of demon monks.

The faces of the girls in black were very pretty and pure, with a dark red blood on their white foreheads.

It's just that the look on their faces is extremely indifferent, with a strong impatient look.

"Squeeze! If you squeeze any more, get out. Our Black Blood Auction House does not welcome rude people!"

"Be honest, just line up one by one in a line, what does it look like a swarm of swarms!"

"I have said it many times. You are not allowed to come in without an admission ticket. What are you doing here? Leave now!!!"


Facing this group of demonic heroes and strong men whose cultivation is at least the super power level of the Lingxi realm, these two girls in black not only have no sense of awe, but are at every turn. It's hitting and shouting. Nine Sun Emperor:

Moreover, their cross-examination is extremely strict, but they do not hesitate to directly scold anyone who is not qualified to enter the auction house.

Several people seemed to be unable to enter the auction house for some reason, and they all gathered at the door and looked at each other with sad faces.

The rules of the Black Blood Auction House are extremely strict, and anyone with incomplete procedures or insufficient qualifications simply cannot enter.

You must know that they have already gone through a lot of hardships to come to this black blood auction house.

If you can't get in after you come to the door, it's really wasting so much energy.



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