Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1178: Mysterious Jade

After Chu Chen entered the VIP area, he found that many people had already arrived on the VIP seats.

I have to say that those who are eligible to enter the VIP seats of this black blood auction house are true elites of the evil spirit.

These people just sat there, as if a savage dragon was entrenched, and they could explode with shocking power with just a little movement.

Even some people are always surrounded by layers of faint gray evil spirits. Chu Chen uses spiritual sense to feel them. In those evil spirits, phantoms of beasts, evil spirits, evil spirits, ancient beasts, and fierce birds are looming. Floating and sinking.

It seems that a person is a small world, and this illusion is a unique sign of the super power in the Shadow River Realm!

After looking around for a while, Chu Chen sat down on the spacious bronze chair. What surprised him was that Zhao Xuexin actually sat down beside him after looking around. She smiled, her **** wavy upright. A layer of attractive light waves.

The purple seal next to him glanced at this scene and sat down on the other side of Chu Chen with a calm expression.

"Brother Chu is the first time to come to our Black Blood Auction House."

Zhao Xuexin smiled slightly, her eyes seemed to be full of water, with a hint of tenderness.

Her voice was very soft, and it was soft in her ears, which made her heart itchy, and her thoughts became confused.

And Chu Chen had been prepared long ago and had already fully urged his tyrannical and unimaginable soul power.

The vigorous soul power seemed to cover the body with a thick shield, dissolving the strange and charming secret power that Zhao Xuexin exudes.

Without the blessing of that charming and secret power, Zhao Xuexin's voice at this time was just the voice of an ordinary woman in Chu Chen's ears, and there was no longer that kind of breathtaking power.

When other evil masters saw the Black Blood Auction House, the well-known mysterious enchantress actually accompanied a young man in person, and everyone's eyes would show unexpected colors when they fell here.

These demon masters are not like Chu Chen, who came here for the first time.

The four major enchantments of the Black Blood Auction House have extremely high identities. They are not eligible to be contacted by anyone. The distinguished guests who are eligible to be accompanied by them during the day are generally the sovereign, patriarch, A peerless hero at the leader level! !

But now this mysterious and amazing enchantress actually accompanies a young stinky boy in person...

Who is this guy?

A young stinky kid can actually allow the mysterious enchantress to condescend and accompany her personally.

It can only be that his background is definitely not small, he is not a terrifying family, or a closed disciple of the top secret hidden sect.

Beside this humble young man, besides the stunning beauty like the mysterious enchantress, there is also a woman with purple hair who is indifferent but extremely beautiful!

At a young age, the beauty is boundless!

With such a weak breath, it is so unfair to be able to accompany beauty in the Spirit Spring Realm.

The hostility in those gazes in the void skyrocketed instantly, looking at everyone on Chu Chen's side, their eyes were red.

The purple-haired woman is so beautiful, her temperament is extremely ethereal, indifferent, with an inexplicable charm of immortality.

At first glance, this Buddha is like a fairy falling in the mortal world, not eating the fireworks in the world, and without the filthy air of a secular woman.

Her figure is like a super stunner, especially the slender pair, which makes people breathe quickly.

The combination of the fairy and the demon girl, but the eyes are so hollow, this is a kind of ultimate temptation.

In the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of many evil dao powerhouses, Chu Chen approached the mysterious enchantress slightly and whispered a few words in her ear.

Then everyone saw that he had taken something out of the storage ring and handed it to the mysterious enchantress. Then the beautiful woman smiled, nodded gently, and left there.

What is this kid doing?

Such a thought had just emerged in the minds of many powerful magicians, and a clear chime came from the void leisurely.

Everyone was shocked: this bell ringing represents the official start of this black blood auction! !

Looking towards the middle of the auction hall, I saw that a girl in black appeared in the middle of the hall.

The black-clothed girl's appearance is not so stunning, much worse than the maids in other auction houses, but the girl's eyes are particularly attractive.

It was a pair of extremely deep black eyes. Looking from a distance, the glittering pupils were filled with black gem-like light, full of endless mystery, and one could not help but want to indulge in them.

Moreover, those eyes were a little bigger than ordinary people, and they looked very energetic.

When the pair of black eyes looked over, everyone felt a sudden movement in their hearts, as if all the secrets in their bodies had been seen through by those pair of eyes.

Under such a pair of crystal clear eyes, it seemed that there was no way to hide anything, and everything would be clearly understood by her.

This woman is not simple, absolutely not simple!

I skipped such a thought in my mind, and all the demon masters felt a horror in their hearts.

I saw the black-clothed girl faintly smiled, and those eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts scanned the entire auction hall, and then fell onto a black jade tray in his hand.

There was a jade plaque about the size of a palm in the tray. It seemed that it had gone through a very long period of time. The jade material had no luster, and I was annoyed by a faint gray.

It's just that there seems to be some kind of strange secret power inside that jade card, and you can faintly feel the breath of extremely long years.

"This jade medal is the key needed to open an ancient magical cave ~ www.ltnovel.com~ The voice of the woman in black is very flat, and she doesn't mobilize the atmosphere like other auction house hosts. The tone sounds It's like telling a trivial matter. [First issue

So seeing the girl's plain appearance, everyone's reaction was also very plain.

To tell the truth, for all of you present here, the term "Ancient Cave Mansion" does not have much attraction.

After all, those present here are strong among the monks, and almost everyone has explored a lot of ancient ruins.

And because this vast Western Wilderness preserves the best special atmosphere of the ancient times, there are more ancient relics here than the Eastern Plains.

And the most important thing is that the quality of the relic caves is uneven, and most of the caves actually have nothing good inside.

Looking at it this way, the attractiveness of this jade medal was greatly reduced, and many people even began to wonder how such a low-level auction item was presented as the first lot?


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