Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1185: Brother Feng, I'll save you

The Blue Devil Saint, who had captured the charm of the horse demon before, was very interested in this puppet bat. She seemed to be very willing to pay the price for the lot she was really interested in. Zhu lip lightly said.

"Forty-two thousand spiritual jade."

"Forty-five thousand spiritual jade."

The son of the devil, Feng Tianyou's eyes narrowed, he unexpectedly joined the battle.

The value of this puppet bat is obvious, and Feng Tianyou is also very excited. This ground bat that can detect terrain can be used not only in Xiaoxianjie, but also in many dangerous places.

In addition, Chu Chen had already taken action, and his sniper plan was activated again.

Chu Chen felt the hostility in Feng Tianyou's eyes, and knew that the son of a demon who had been cheated by him before, this time he would take the opportunity to retaliate against him.

"Five thousand spirit jade."

Chu Chen smiled faintly at Feng Tianyou and quoted his price.

All the demons on the auction floor were taken aback. They did not expect the price of this puppet bat to soar so fast!

Although they all knew that it was a good thing, it would only cost 30,000 Lingyu to death. Unexpectedly, it reached 50,000 in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the confrontation between Feng Tianyou and Chu Chen, the Blue Devil Saintess and the others consciously died down and stopped bidding and withdrew from the competition.

The battlefield was consciously handed over to these two opponents.

"Now my bid is fifty thousand, Brother Feng, it's yours."

Chu Chen made a please gesture to Feng Tianyou, and a sneer passed from the corner of his mouth, as if he was inviting you to enter the urn.

Feng Tianyou was shocked, is this kid trying to cheat me again?

Feng Tianyou had already used up half of the spirit jade, and he spent another 60,000 yuan to compete with Chu Chen for the puppet bat at a higher price. Then he completely lost his competitiveness.

If there is any important lot, you may want to miss it.

The most frightening thing is that the kid may continue to shame himself. After raising the price, the kid will leave, and he will be miserable.

"Brother Feng, if you don't make any bids, I will accept the puppet bat with 50,000 Lingyu."

Under Chu Chen's urging, Feng Tianyou's expression suddenly became unnatural.

"Five Thousand Two~www.ltnovel.com~ In full view, Feng Tianyou can only bite the bullet and make another price.

"Five thousand five."

Without any hesitation, Chu Chen blurted out.

Everyone's eyes moved to Feng Tianyou again. For him, the spirit jade in his hand hit this puppet bat, and it was obviously silver-like liquid shining brightly.

"We bought this jade altar from a random repairer. It is said that he obtained it from a secret place. We don't know exactly what the liquid inside is. Now the starting price is 10 spirits. jade."

"Huh, will your black blood auction house come to this trick? Just get some things from that unknown ghost place that don't even know the function and put them out for auction. Is it that we are all being taken advantage of?"

Sitting at the forefront, the cold-faced young man named Xuanling Mo Shao was extremely dissatisfied.

But the eyes of the little hamster blinked quickly.


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