Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1209: Finally divided the spoils

The aura is immersed, and the precious light flashes.

A whole ship of magic weapons gleamed in the void with a faint light.

Among these artifacts, the lowest-level treasures are all spirit artifact-level treasures, and a considerable part of the magic weapons are shining with the unique aura of treasures, and their brilliance is dazzling.

The baby of a whole ship, if this scene is seen by other monks, I am afraid that they will directly rush up to **** it, even if it loses their lives.

Because the treasures here are so tempting, just taking out one piece at random is enough to make many people red their eyes.

At this moment, even Chu Chen's eyes became slightly glowing.

In any case, although Duan Xiong secretly put a bit of pain in it, if you can pick a few good treasures in it, it is worth taking a risk this time to act as a bait.

"Heh... Since we can only choose five treasures each. Then I should at least check the magical artifacts first, and study these storage rings. Otherwise, I just picked a piece of rubbish, wouldn't I just cry? Where to go."

"That won't work."

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Duan Fei's expression sank fiercely, and he gave a cold snort.

"Which one you are interested in, just take it away, and you are not allowed to go back. You also know that among all the treasures, only the treasures left by the people in the Linghe realm are the best. If one by one magic treasure and storage container let you Slowly check and pick out the best things. Wouldn't I be in vain? Let's rely on my own eyesight!"

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

But the complexion of the purple seal next to it has always been flat.

Even in the face of the treasure of the entire ship, the purple-haired girl still could not see any mood swings. When she saw her glance, she said directly: "I'll pick it first."

Without waiting for Chu Chen's answer, Zixi had already stretched out a snow-white crystal palm, and quickly took out several treasures from the cabin: "I want this jade bracelet, this ring, and this belt."


Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, but didn't expect Zi Xi to determine what she wanted so quickly.

When Duan Xiu next to him saw this scene, his eyelids jumped fiercely, and his eyes were full of surprise for the first time when he looked at Zi Xi.

The three things selected by Zixi were a blue-black jade bracelet, an inky black ring, and a belt woven with purple gold thread.

A person like Chu Chen may not know what these three magical artifacts are, but as long as a person in the magic way comes to see, they will jump up in surprise.

The blue ink jade bracelet, black cloud ring, and purple gold belt are the most famous treasures in the magic world.

The green ink jade bracelet can protect the soul of the person sober and prevent the invasion of the demons.

The black cloud ring can purify the spiritual impurity in the monk's body, so that the monk's spiritual power is always purified.

The purple belt has a strong strengthening effect on physical protection.

Any one of these three treasures was taken out, it was worthy of the Shadow River realm monks to take their lives to snatch.

The most important thing is that when these three treasures are used together, the protective effect between each other will be greatly increased. This is an extremely precious set of protective equipment! !

Among the treasures of this entire ship, these three treasures can almost be said to be the top treasures...

How can this girl choose such a good baby at a glance?

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to see through the details of these treasures based on her cultivation.

After all, these three treasures are semi-legendary artifacts that exceed the level of treasures~www.ltnovel.com~ There is a strong spiritual power restriction inside. In addition to becoming the owner of these treasures, refining those restrictions, otherwise ordinary monks. Can't see through that layer of the ban inside the Austria%% no pop-up window? @++

I saw her glance at the treasures stacked in the cabin, and quickly stretched out her fingers, and from the bottom of several stacked long swords, she found a crystal clear crystal earring: "The last treasure, I want this. ."

"Oh, yes, this earring is an extremely rare instantaneous pendant. If you practice Void Dao by yourself, it can increase the number of space shuttles within a short range. It is a good treasure for life saving, assassination, and escape."

With a slight sigh, Duan Xiong glanced at Zi Xi again in surprise.

"Little girl, your eyesight is quite strong. The five treasures you selected are really good things."

"Senior praised."

Zi Xi nodded indifferently, her face calm.

And Duan Xiu seemed to see that the girl in front of him was relatively cold in nature, so he didn't care, and turned his eyes to Chu Chen: "Next, you pick it."

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