Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1236: Death without evidence

With ample supply of spiritual power, this time the void movement technique used by Zixi went smoothly, leaving the area where the giant blood peak was.


When the figures of Chu Chen and Zi Xi disappeared from the void, several old men with pure faces and imposing aura all fell on the cliff behind the giant blood peak like meteors.

Seeing the smoke and dust billowing on the entire Giant Blood Peak, the flames soaring into the sky, a scene of apocalyptic decadence, every old man's eyes jumped with intense anger.

"Check, check it out for me! Who on earth dared to come and wreak havoc on Juxuefeng, please check me out at all costs!!"

In front of many elders, a middle-aged man with blood-red hair, tall, and full of vigorous domineering waved his palm and snorted heavily.

In the next few days, the entire seventy-two ancient peaks of the Demon Mingzong became chaotic due to the branding event of the giant blood peak.

After all, in less than half an hour, the Giant Blood Peak was invaded, and more than half of the mountain protection formation was destroyed!

Guo Kaiyu, the senior brother who successfully cultivated the incarnation of the blood demon, was killed in one fell swoop, and the many disciples in the peak were countless deaths and injuries... Everything was hot, and a fat disciple of Juxuefeng couldn't help but stand in a hurry. The rear said loudly, "Furthermore, you Duxufeng have always had grudges against my Giant Blood Peak, isn't it who you are?"

"Bold, what status are you, dare to slander our big brother!! Someone who you said sees who it is, let him stand up and speak!"

Before Chu Chen had spoken, Feng Qiang who was behind him already yelled heavily, and pointed at the disciple of Juxuefeng aggressively.

"The rules of the Demon Emperor Sect, each peak master is the leader of the first peak, and is also a symbol of the sect pillar. Now it is the elder of the sect who is asking questions, and my senior brother answered truthfully. What do you mean by a cat or dog? Is the elder’s ability? Don’t you know that this breaks the rules?"

Feng Qiang snapped the big hat, and suddenly the fat disciple of Juxuefeng was stunned, completely speechless.

Even Elder Mingxue frowned and glanced at him, a trace of unpleasantness flashed in his eyes.

In fact, these words are not wrong at all. The rules in the Demon Underworld Sect, those elders, peak masters, vice-sect masters, and suzerain-level figures generally do not stay at each peak.

The person with the highest status on the peaks during the day is the big brother. This is the leader of the dignified peak and the facade of the Demon Sect.

Zongmen elder interrogates Master Yifeng~www.ltnovel.com~ How can we allow a young disciple to talk too much, is this not believing in the elder’s ability, or is he arrogant? [Starting

The reason why Feng Qiang had such confidence to speak was because he had ventilated with Chu Chen in advance.

When Zixi entered the Giant Blood Peak, she didn't show her true face at all, and her entire body was surrounded by a thick purple light.

Later, although several people saw Zixi’s face during the battle, they were beheaded because they were too close. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that no one knows who actually entered the Giant Blood Peak. There is no evidence of true death!

"Needless to say, I have my own judgment, Chu Chen, what were you doing when the Golden Wing Roc left the Duxu Peak?"

Elder Mingxue frowned, and then asked Chu Chen another question.

"I am cultivating, and I am cultivating a kind of exercise recently, so I spent most of my time in retreat. On that day, Jinpeng's brand broke free and the movement was so loud that I had to leave the customs, and then you came directly."

Chu Chen's expression was indifferent, and his voice was steady and he couldn't hear any emotions.

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