Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1246: Du Xufeng's trump card

"Kill all the people who crossed the Xufeng Peak, and the peak owner will not find it. It only returns once in a hundred years.


The corner of Luo Lingxue's mouth was slightly tilted, "But as far as I know, there is a second senior named Zhao Shi on Duxu Peak, who has been on the peak and has not left. He has experienced the awakening of Lingfeng several times, presumably that one The peak owner also has a deep impression of him..."

"Then leave Zhao Shi's life, the rest of the disciples will all be killed and replaced by our people. When the peak master returns to see Zhao Shi, he won't be suspicious."

Feng Tianyou waved his hand and made the final conclusion with an unquestionable expression.

"good idea."

Luo Lingxue smiled and nodded, expressing agreement.

The other disciples also nodded one after another and did not raise any objections.

Seeing that this plan to destroy and cross the virtual peak had been completely settled, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

However, there was a cold voice in the void, which made everyone's souls chill.

"Do you really think this plan is good?"


Everyone looked in the direction that the voice came from in the void, and saw that in the depths of the ruined hall, on a wall that had collapsed in half, there was no idea when there was a handsome young man.

The boy looked about 13 or 14 years old, wearing a simple and well-made black silk robe.

The most important thing is that he has a very cute face of a madam, and when people see it, the three words "little kid" can't help but appear in his mind.

This is...Master Nether Peak, son of Nether!

Everyone's pupils shrank violently in an instant. Among the entire Demon Underworld Sect, the Nether Child is the most mysterious and terrifying existence.

It is said that in terms of pure cultivation, his combat power even surpassed Feng Tianyou, the son of the devil, but this person has always been withdrawn in character and has always been alone.

And because the Netherworld Peak cultivation technique is the cause of dealing with death, so the son of Netherworld exudes a strong breath of death from all over his body, this breath even feels quite uncomfortable for the people in the magic way.

In the legend, wherever the Nether Child appears, something unknown will inevitably happen... This has almost become a mysterious law.

Therefore, seeing the figure of the son of Nether appearing in the distance, at this moment, the expressions of the ten Heavenly Senior Brother Gufeng and Feng Tianyou all changed, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle.

"Why Brother Han has come to Juxuefeng and turned around."

Seeing Feng Tianyou's eyebrows wrinkled deeply, Guo Kaiyu, who knew the grievances of the Heavenly Demon Nether, quickly stepped forward and paid a respect to the son of Nether.

"If there is a problem with our plan, do Brother Han have any good suggestions?"

"In the past, crossing the imaginary peaks and surpassing all the peaks was the highest in the peak. Although it has gone through many changes, it has now been completely defeated, but its inherent heritage cannot be ignored."

Han Dian, the son of Netherworld, sighed quietly, and glanced in the direction of Duxu Peak, his expression was full of sorrow, "Do you know, when Duxu Peak was the most brilliant, what was it relying on?"

"The most brilliant backing?"

Guo Kaiyu was stunned for a while, turned around and looked at the people behind him, but he was shocked when he saw the expressions of the many big brothers.

Only Feng Tianyou's pupils shrank violently, his eyes blazing brightly: "Are you trying to say...the perfect array of gods and demons?"

"The Ten Absolute Array of Gods and Demons? What is that??

Guo Kaiyu was confused, and the glorious years of crossing the Xufeng Peak were very far away, even far beyond the turbulent period of the Middle Ages. According to legend, it was a matter of the ancient times.

After such a long time, many things have been lost in the long river of time. There are very few people who know these things, and it has become a secret.

"The Ten Demon Array of Gods and Demons is the main mountain protector formation on the Crossing Xuan Peak. It concentrates the power of the Gods and Demon and condenses the rules of the ten rules. It is one of the most powerful Primal God Array in the ancient times!"

Han Dian's voice also became a little erratic.

"In the ancient times, this formation was as famous as Zhou Tianxing's battle formation, and it was claimed to be able to seal ten sides. It was the strongest formation in the'seal' formation!"

The corner of Han Dian's mouth was hooked, and he said a truth that shocked everyone.

"So what? The Ten Demon Formation of Crossing Xufeng had already collapsed at the end of the ancient times, how could it still exist after such a long time?"

Feng Tianyou snorted heavily, feeling that Han Dian was just playing mystery.

"The Gods and Demons Shijue Formation has indeed been destroyed, but how do you know if there is any incomplete part of the Divine Formation under this Duxu Peak?" Han Dian glanced at him lightly.

"Don't even think about it, at the end of ancient times, why did the adult Golden Winged Roc hover over Duxu Peak and leave an immortal mark? The main purpose of that Golden Peng is to explore the secrets of the Divine and Devil's Ten Absolute Formation. , It’s just that it hasn’t mastered the method, so it didn’t find it."

"If you say that, isn't it..."

Feng Tianyou was shocked, and his gaze at Han Dian suddenly passed a touch of horror.

"That's right, the remnant formations of the Gods and Demons' Ten Absolute Formation still exist."

Han Dian nodded solemnly, "Even though endless years have passed, the formation has been ruined, and I am afraid that even one percent of its power cannot be exerted. But the **** formation is the **** formation, even if it is just If a fragmented formation is urged to move, I dare not say anything else. It is easy to kill a few Tianhe and even Shenhe great realms against the sky."

As soon as Han Dian's voice fell, the entire space was suddenly dead silent.

When these words were just heard, the first thought that passed through the minds of many seniors was "impossible!"

However, when you think about it carefully, as the son of Han Dian Nether, it seems that there is no need to use such words to scare them.

However, if what he said is true, then the plan to besiege Duxufeng will have to be considered again and again.

After all, the **** array inherited from the ancient times~www.ltnovel.com~ no one knows what kind of power it has.

In the unlikely event that one of them overturned the boat in the gutter, everyone would have lost their lives by fetching the bamboo basket. Nine Sun Emperor:

"Hmph, that gods and demons have gone through the three epochs of ancient times, middle ancient times, and recent ancient times. I am afraid that no matter how powerful they are, they will die in the long river of history. I don't believe it will exist?"

The expression on Feng Qiang's face was firm, but his tone was hesitant.

"Du Xufeng has been ruined for so long, and there have been several times when someone hits at the door of his house, and almost even the Taoist tradition is destroyed, and I haven't seen the ten absolute powers?"

Feng Qiang said to himself, as if he was constantly affirming himself.

But everyone was stunned by the words of the Nether Son, and a broken God formation was not something they could fight against.

"Calm down, don't be led by the nose!"

Feng Tianyou, the son of the devil, snorted again, his tone full of disdain.

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